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that match killer stage


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Anyone else fall victim to that one stage that pretty much destroys your match? Drives me nuts. Not sure if I loose concentration, get fatigued (5 hours in the sun with little food) or I just suck. Complete melt down stage today, last of the day. HNT, 5 FTN......did I mention 5 FTN!!!!! I think I tried to go way too fast.....I guess that's one of the things club matches are good for, defining your limits and setting the building points.

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Been there, done that...

It happens to me basically every match, and its always that one stage that gets me. Thinking about the days after long matches, I realize that my sugar gets lower and lower towards the end of the day, which could be one of the many causes of mental errors. I Recently screwed two stages at the AZ state match, 1 was right after lunch, and the other was the last stage I shot. Mental errors cost me the division I was in.

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Been there, done that...

It happens to me basically every match, and its always that one stage that gets me. Thinking about the days after long matches, I realize that my sugar gets lower and lower towards the end of the day, which could be one of the many causes of mental errors. I Recently screwed two stages at the AZ state match, 1 was right after lunch, and the other was the last stage I shot. Mental errors cost me the division I was in.

interesting you mention that, i hardly ate all day and it was the last stage. Was feeling a bit drained.

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Yeah, one of my biggest complaints about IDPA, no stage points! I get it, its an accuracy based game but by not having stage points you don't get a good picture of who the best shooter is. For example, top shooter has a type three malfunction, there goes their match. This is not meant to start a debate, I do not care. I don't need your tactical resume brought up or the real purpose behind IDPA debate. I'm only saying that because there are a lot people on this forum that are emotionally attached to IDPA for some reason. I'm just agreeing with the original poster. Have a bad stage and your match is over, bummer.

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I always pack some kind of sports drink and some snacks to get through the day. I screwed a match by not eating anything before hand and as the day went on I could tell it effected me. I had nothing but water in the cooler so I stayed hydrated but I couldn't get my sugar up. Cost me on the last 2 stages so now I make sure to pack more then water just in case.

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I guess it depends on a couple things for me:
+ at what level are you shooting

+ who are you shooting against; yourself or are you truly competing against others

Each stage stands on its own; at least for me.
Don't let 1 stage dictate your attitude or approach for the rest of the match. Kind of a defeatist attitude really. Regroup, refocus, and do the best you possibly can on the rest of the stages.
You have no control over what anyone else does, if you are competing against them - they may flub another stage, or more.
Good shooting. Stay safe.
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Yeah, one of my biggest complaints about IDPA, no stage points! I get it, its an accuracy based game but by not having stage points you don't get a good picture of who the best shooter is. For example, top shooter has a type three malfunction, there goes their match. This is not meant to start a debate, I do not care. I don't need your tactical resume brought up or the real purpose behind IDPA debate. I'm only saying that because there are a lot people on this forum that are emotionally attached to IDPA for some reason. I'm just agreeing with the original poster. Have a bad stage and your match is over, bummer.

Stage points or not, screw up a stage bad enough and you're out of the running.

Time plus (IDPA scoring) is easy to do and simple to follow hence its popularity. You hear the time and points and you know how you did, period, end of story. Stage popints, not so simple.

To the OP: It has happened to anyone who's shot more than a few matches. Good hydration and nutrition during the match is very important, even necessary but its not sufficent. Mental prep and concentration is also needed.

Edited by Rob Tompkins
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Agree on both Rob. Stages points takes a computer program to figure out but it is nice to be able to come back from a bad stage. I've shot IDPA long enough to also know that if you just do your best on every stage the same thing can happen to another guy and you're right back in the running. Especially the nutrition part. You wouldn't think it would effect you like that but it does. I can tell a difference towards the end of the day. I flew to a match one time where the temp was 65 degrees warmer and I was definitely feeling it and showing it. I did ok at the match but not as well as I know I could have.

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In the summer time you almost have to drink a 16oz+ bottle of water EVERY stage to even stay close to maintaining hydration. Even then you're not really keeping up, just falling behind slower.

A 10 stage major match in the summer (or even a 6 stage club match) is as much a test of endurance as it is shooting skill.

Oh yea, als you need sunscreen as well. Once you start feeling the sunburn you going to drop off - it will affect you whole attatude. Once you get to the point you just want it to be done, you're pretty well out of the running.

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gauge each stage and shoot it the best you can..drink a lot of fluids..

also, a real killer for some shooters is trying to hard to shoot a stage fast or faster that is 1 or 2 times the class above them.. your eyes should be your speedometer..

Edited by GmanCdp
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Yeah, one of my biggest complaints about IDPA, no stage points! I get it, its an accuracy based game but by not having stage points you don't get a good picture of who the best shooter is. For example, top shooter has a type three malfunction, there goes their match. This is not meant to start a debate, I do not care. I don't need your tactical resume brought up or the real purpose behind IDPA debate. I'm only saying that because there are a lot people on this forum that are emotionally attached to IDPA for some reason. I'm just agreeing with the original poster. Have a bad stage and your match is over, bummer.

Stage points or not, screw up a stage bad enough and you're out of the running.

Time plus (IDPA scoring) is easy to do and simple to follow hence its popularity. You hear the time and points and you know how you did, period, end of story. Stage popints, not so simple.

To the OP: It has happened to anyone who's shot more than a few matches. Good hydration and nutrition during the match is very important, even necessary but its not sufficent. Mental prep and concentration is also needed.

In my experience, a disaster stage in IDPA can be more costly than a disaster stage in USPSA, especially on short stages (and all idpa stages are pretty short).

I don't really stress about it. It's part of the game, just like not hitting the alpha/downzero is more costly in IDPA.

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An IDPA match (esp a sanctioned match) is like a baseball game. Each stage is like an inning. You can bust the heck out of 8 innings but if you fail in one inning....yep, you can lose the game.

each stage (like each inning) is important. Let down, lose focus, not in the proper physical state....and yep, you could lose. Sometimes, like baseball, you can have a bad stage (or inning) and still win the game....but sometime...NOT.

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In the summer time you almost have to drink a 16oz+ bottle of water EVERY stage to even stay close to maintaining hydration. Even then you're not really keeping up, just falling behind slower.

A 10 stage major match in the summer (or even a 6 stage club match) is as much a test of endurance as it is shooting skill.

Oh yea, als you need sunscreen as well. Once you start feeling the sunburn you going to drop off - it will affect you whole attatude. Once you get to the point you just want it to be done, you're pretty well out of the running.

solid. it's the little things that aren't so little.

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If I have only one at a major match I consider a good day. I still seem to have those stages that I know I can shoot better than I end up doing. Shot a sanctioned match this past weekend and had two careless procedurals and a -10 on a disappearing target. The only comfort I had all day was I knew the guys I was competing against had as bad or worse days than I was. But it never helps you feel good when you look at the scores and see that a few errors might have cost you first place in you class, or if there are enough shooters a match bump.

Especially with the hot weather moving in I start prepping for the match a few days ahead. To stay hydrated you need to start drinking a lot of water at least the day before, a few days early are even better. Drinking water during the match only slows dehydration. Club matches I usually have a Cliff Bar or some trail mix and water. Major matches I will have more snacks and a lot of water and a 32oz. sports drink to help keep the sugar up.

All the nutrition in world does make up for brain farts though. I usually see guys tank it on the simple stages. Those are the ones everyone mashes on the gas and a lot of times with the extra adrenaline and pressure to try and win, the basics just go out the window. I try to shoot my best but still keep it under control on those stages. Full throttle and wide open is good for club matches to push yourself and see what you really can do.

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