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Best Star Wars Episode


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"Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship. " - Yoda

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Overall, none of them.

Episode 1: Crap. Complete whine and cheese party.

Episode 2: Marginally better. Lots more fighting. No BS chemical stuff to explain the "Force". Kid still whiney. Ugh!

Episode 3: I'm only guessing, here, but my pediction is more $$$$$ for George Lucas.

Episode 4: Didn't like it when I first saw it, but in retrospect a much better movie than the three "prequels." Good characters.

Episode 5: Now we're talking. Lots of explosions.

Episode 6: Flippin' Ewoks. Cute = $$$$ = Customers puking

When Episode 3 comes out there will be 10 additional nail marks outside the theater where Wakal had to drag me kicking and screaming to go see it. He gets kind of embarrassed. You'd think he would either give up or at least charge admission to watch me going into the theater. :lol:

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In my opinion, it is "A new Hope". That aside, I rewatched "Return of the Jedi" recently and I noticed something. If you pay attention to the movie you will notice that NOT A SINGLE MAJOR CHARACTER AFFECTS THE OUTCOME. Not a one. They all have very dramatic lines and striking poses, but the winning combination was a bunch of Eowks and hairy ape taking control over the power station, and the marginalized pirate/smuggler driving a borrowed ship with the help of the nameless many in the rebel fleet. All the main characters could have died half way through the movie and the result might have been the same. Hell, Wedge had more to do with it then Luke or Leia or Han.

Just something I noticed.

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Lucas is ensconsed in a fantasy world populated by yes-men that cater to his enormous ego. The new movies (I-III) suck so much arse it's a crying shame, literally.

The first films were done by a cadre of hungry brilliant artists that created some of the most amazing and lasting worlds ever to make it on screen. Couple that with the talents of someone like Irvin Kirshner (who doesn't even like sci-fi - which works for the film the same the way Charlie Watts doesn't like rock and roll) and you get Empire Strikes Back. The new 'films' are micro-managed by Lucas and it becomes obvious that the guy may write a good story, but he should leave the creature design to the artists...and everything else for that matter.

- Gabe

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I chose Episode 4, just 'cause I tend to like originals.

However, Episode 3: Revenge of the Syth (Spelling) looks REALLY good. A friend is an oober Star Wars geek and he's shown me all the animated features that bridge the story between Episodes 2 & 3 as well as alot of shots from the upcoming movie including sets, cast footage a series of studio promo movies, etc.

Expect Episode 3 to be really close to the book and expect it to be VERY dark (remember all the Jedi die in this one except Yoda and Obi-Wan). It ties all the connections to Amedala, Anniken, The Emperor, Darth Vader......

Lucas rules! (Of course I'm biased as hell, 'cause of his Alma Mater :wub: ).



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Patrick ... for some reason, Carrie Fisher just doesn't do it for me. I got a little excited when she tried to wax John Belushi with all of those weapons in "The Blue Brothers," but I wasn't that impressed by her in the Star Wars stuff. (insert standard male disclaimer ... "... but don't get me wrong; I'd still do 'er.")

300lbG ... thanks for the link!

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What Liota said. At the first sign of those f****** ewoks, I just didn't care anymore. When Jar Jar Binks showed up, all I could do is loathe the entire Star Wars enterprise.

And...I think 99% of computer generated animation is distractingly crappy. It's only reason for existence is that it is cheap.

[/Why I think all post-Blade Runner SciFi blows chunks mode]

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And...I think 99% of computer generated animation is distractingly crappy. It's only reason for existence is that it is cheap.

Wait 'til you see "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow."

It's a very fresh application of CGI and retro (in a good way) at the same time. I knew it was all CGI before I went to the theater, but the application and execution were so good that I forgot all about it!

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They're all good, but I think I look my best in Episode 5 'coz I was wearing an Armani cape and shoes by Manolo Blahnik.



I think you looked your best in the Empire, too. Didn't you get to kick the whiney one's butt in that one? B)


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I had a real problem with this question. Forums software won't let you read what other people have said within a poll unless you vote yourself, and I did want to read folks' comments. Problem: I don't really like any of these movies. Finally I chose Episode IV just because I enjoyed it so at the time of its initial release. When I first saw Star Wars (these days known as Episode IV: A New Hope) it blew me away. With 20/20 hindsight I realize that had a lot to do with my being 12 years old at the time, and never having seen anything in the theater before but Walt Disney films. Watching Stars Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi on video today, I realize that, despite their status as cultural phenomena, they're simply not particularly good movies. Attack of the Clones and the re-edit of Episode IV were both so horrifically bad they destroyed any lingering affection I possessed for the entire Star Wars franchise. I haven't seen Episode V, and have no intention of seeing #VI.

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Forums software won't let you read what other people have said within a poll unless you vote yourself, and I did want to read folks' comments.

WTF?! I have yet to vote and can read stuff fine (obviously). Maybe it's some sorta conspiracy.


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WTF?! I have yet to vote and can read stuff fine (obviously). Maybe it's some sorta conspiracy.

You can read everyone's comments but you can't see how the actual voting is going unless you submit your vote or click the "null vote" button.

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When I first saw Star Wars (these days known as Episode IV: A New Hope) it blew me away. With 20/20 hindsight I realize that had a lot to do with my being 12 years old at the time, and never having seen anything in the theater before but Walt Disney films.

My very same experience too.

I recall having had night dreams populated of space ships and fighters for some days after: I had never seen something like that before, and it struck me, really.

But, since I'm still a (big) kid both in mind and heart, it still amazes me at the point I identify myself with, would you guess?, Mark's character... :lol:

Anyway, I absolutely love episode IV because it brought in something new and unseen (by me), but find the sequel quite crappy. I have the same feelings about Frank Herbert's "Dune": great first book, but I'd have preferred it remaining the only one, because the (5 books... :wacko: ) sequel is a real agony.

BTW Duane, since I was nearly the same age when I first saw it, your birthdate is quite unveiled now... :P

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When I first saw Star Wars (these days known as Episode IV: A New Hope) it blew me away. With 20/20 hindsight I realize that had a lot to do with my being 12 years old at the time, and never having seen anything in the theater before but Walt Disney films.

My very same experience too.

I recall having had night dreams populated of space ships and fighters for some days after: I had never seen something like that before, and it struck me, really.

Isn't it great? Regardless of all the other things that have happened in the world of Star Wars many of us have this wonderful experience that can't be changed by marketing. If you weren't that approximate age at the time you probably wouldn't get it.

The original Star Wars is a classic in the single stack .45 sense. A lot has happened to it over the years, but the original for its own sake is special to some.

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