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Im just curious if the ones who dont past even think of it or just plain think its beneath them. Id like to think the former but from the overall attitude they emit its more likely the latter.

I do like the little boyscout idea though. Can we give them merit badges or something?? Better yet get girl scouts!! :ph34r:

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Thanks BDH !!!!

I am proud to say I and other BE.comer's were on that squad and am just as proud to say that if you waited just a hair after the RO said range is clear Jerry and Kay both were out there and had it done I have heard they were a class act and now I can tell you with my own eyes that this is a true statement.

Squad members on that squad that are BE.comers:


Cliff Walsh

myself - Hopalong

could have been others but I did not know

This was a very good squad as everyone helped not only pasting, setting steel, picking up the shooters mags but all were supportive of the other shooters.

My Squad at Area - 4 was also a very good squad when it came down to working and resetting.... BUT that Sunday morning in the Rain we had some of the shoot throughs that had been reinstated come through. out of the 3-2 of them did their part but one of them just stood under the tent until it was his turn to shoot and did not even bother to say thanks for letting me shoot through Not saying his name but he is a well known sponsored shooter who has lost all respect from several in our squad because of it...

Oh yeah, RENEET tell Jerry Thanks for the kind comment.

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I remember at one Florida Open I overheard a conversation with one of the Super Squad about one of the new up-and-comers that was new on the SS. It went sorta like this:

"How's <name forgotten> doing with y'all?"

"OK. I've been teaching him to tape. He started the match as a C-class taper and he's up to about A-class taping now."

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Im just curious if the ones who dont past even think of it or just plain think its beneath them.

It is beneath me to soil my fingers with either unhygenic case residue or adhesive residue. It is not beneath my range-bag bearer however.

Jeeves! Oh Jeeves! .....

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As for the Super Squad, after working the US3GN, there were two squads that were an absolute pleasure to work with. Both of them were the two Super Squads. There were others, don't get me wrong, but these folks taped, set steel, cleared hulls from the range, etc., etc., etc. so that my CRO, RO and myself could get the entire stage reset, on deck shooter pre-staged and In The Hole shooter pre-loaded. WE WERE THE FASTEST STAGE OF THE MATCH averaging somewhere around 35 minutes per squad.

Shooters in general are good workers. However, the wannabes (and we had a ton of 'em) are the worst. Cracking the whip and yelling works pretty well. But then, like BDH, I'm bigger than most so that might help too. :lol:

As for using Boy Scouts, we did that at a Sectional on one stage (the Stage Designer/CRO was Scout Leader). Ran like a top and pretty cool watching the kids scrambling to reset the stage faster than their friend. But then, that's California. ;)


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While the Egret taping style is formidable, my style of taping is "no style".

At any moment, I can bend like the reed, stand strong like the ox, strike like the viper...

I feel a strong desire coming from the members of Tape Team 30 (squad 30). We shall excel!

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One of the things that really sticks out in my head from the time I trained with BE was how damn fast he could tape a target. I've never met anyone else who taped faster. At the time, he taped faster than I was able to shoot!!! :D

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