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Fredericksburg or York. Both have the experience, space and know-how to pull it off.

Topton has done a good job, but it's time the match moved to a different location.

I have never shot at East Huntington, so I kinda ignored them when voting...

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I voted for Fredericksburg, though east huntington would be an equal choice.

Both of these ranges have the staff, ability, and quality facility to conduct such a match.

The main reason I voted Fredericksburg is that E. Huntington allready puts on the Tri State which is truly a great match.

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Arnie & I spoke to George at the Area 3 match. He is having the same problem in Area 8 as Arnie is having here in Area 3. As of this year's Area 3 match, no one has come forward from either area to hold the matches for next year. This has been an ongoing problem in Area 3 and is now a problem in Area 8. This poll will not help if the ranges do not step up to the plate to host their Area's match. :(

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Having 2 matches go into one sucks. They did it in NY a couple years ago. Good match Really bad idea. I didn't speak with one person that thought it was a good idea.

In Area 8 it isn't that noone wants to do it, it is that everybody pretty much has a big match already. Dave Miller has been running a big match at Topton for the last 4-5 years straight. The MASC for 1-2 and the last 3 Area matches. We are blessed and cursed. We have a bunch of great clubs and big matches to shoot. Problem is that the clubs don't get to take a year off. The MD club would be a good choice or even Erie. This way we don't lose a big match and Dave finally gets a break. We kind of get screwed because NJ can't host a big match with there screwed up laws on mag capacity.

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"The MD club would be a good choice or even Erie. This way we don't lose a big match and Dave finally gets a break. "

I agree. I voted for MD/Thurmont. The club is an under-appreciated, premier facility that may be relatively new to the action shooting sports (USPSA/IDPA & Cowboy) but that has taken to them like a duck to water. It is actually a long established trap club with what seems to be approx. 1/2 to 2/3rd of a mile of trap houses in addition to the bays. It runs next to a river & is a beautiful piece of land. There are camper hook-ups and maybe the club could arrange to lease some of those for a weekend. This place deserves a look.

I practiced there this weekend & they now have approx 8 bays and are always adding more. There is a large full-facility club house. Its easy to get to being just at the 70/270 split. As time goes by, the USPSA club there (Maryland Practical Shooters Association) just seems to get better & better. Seems to me it has everything needed for an excellent large match.

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Bill (Schwab),

Not that you can change your vote now, but I'd like the chance to prove that we put on a great show.

Consider yourself to have an open invitation to the Sept. match (fourth Sunday of the month, Sept. 26th, 2004) at East Huntingdon, where we will likely have our usual 90-100 guns run through our monthly match. I'll even pay your match fee and buy you lunch.

And if two or more Bill Schwab's show up, I'm gonna have to ask for some ID :)


Monty Brewster...maybe I can buy your vote!

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Fredericksburg made a presentation to host the Area 8 this year but was told that the dates selected were not good, George then went to Dave and Topton to host the Area 8. So it is not a question of if clubs are willing but if the dates meet the desire of the AD.


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It's time for the Area 8 to move to another location. Topton is nice, but let some of the other locales have a chance. Erie (East Huntington) is just too far for the vast majority of people who would go. Fredricksburg is an easy 3hr drive from the Philadelphia area.

The problem that I've seen is NIH. The Area 8 used to be a match where almost every club in the Area designed/setup/ran a stage. Now, it is run by the people local to that range, with very little outside help. I think its time again for every club to be involved in running the match.

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Erie (East Huntington) is just too far for the vast majority of people who would go.

Erie -> Eagle's Nest, Gem City

Alverton -> East Huntingdon

Alverton is about 15 miles south of Interstate 76 at New Stanton. About 5 hours from Philly.

The problem that I've seen is NIH.  The Area 8 used to be a match where almost every club in the Area designed/setup/ran a stage.

East Huntingdon sent 2 (I think) representatives to the Area 8 for RO'ing this year. I believe they setup their own stages and helped with some other setup as well.

Some East Huntingdon "regulars" attended the Area 8 match.

They all drove about 5 hours to Topton.

I know of 6 people who got on planes to attend the Area 5 match, and they travelled about 5 hours to get to Polo. Two more of them jumped in an F150 and drove 10 hours (each way) to go there (I enjoy driving, especially in the "flat" states).

If it's a quality big match and people want to go, they'll travel.

On a side note, David, I offer the same Sept 26th club match arrangement to you as I have to Bill Schwab. Come out and see what we do every month.


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People traveling to shoot a match is different than working the match for the duration. That's great that some people from East Huntingdon worked the A8. The problem that I've seen at the last few A8s at Topton is that it is mostly the same people who are working it - who are almost all relatively local to that club. That leads to burnout really quick.

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Justin, you can buy me lunch and pay my fee!

Part of the allure of the game is different locations to shoot at. IIRC, EH had an Area match 3 or 4 years ago, and there is no reason it cannot hold another when they feel the time is right.

For every person on one side of the state that can't attend because it's too far for them to drive, another person in the opposite direction gets a chance since it's "closer". Just who makes up the vast majority anyway and is it the same year to year?

Erie is not a bad drive, folks from NY get there easy enough, as do folks from Ohio, Western PA, MD, WV, Indiana....

As for the dates, well, can't the AD work his schedule around the dates of the club as opposed to the opposite? Not to be a heretic, but what does the availablity of the AD have to do for the match? Just asking as I really don't know the role he would serve at an Area match....

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Sorry my idea sucks. Just thought I would throw it out there. Seems to be better than not having an A8 match.

Flex- Your idea doesn't suck. I think it all depends on the match & who's running it. It's far better than not having an area match. Being from Area 3, I know what it's like to not have an Area match.

I think it's worked out OK for Area 2 / Rio Salado Desert Classic. They've consistently drawn 350-400 shooters since 2000. I've been to it twice & am going again this year. They've been running the Classic for so long, they pretty much know how to run a match. That's one of the advantages of combining with a "known" match.

Contrary to Chriss' experience, all of the people I've spoken with think combining A2 & RSDC was a good idea. I'm sure there are people that don't, but I haven't encountered them.

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What you may not realize is that 4 of the 5 ranges on this poll are hosting tournement level matches this year.

Topton - A8

Fredericksburg - Summer Blast

York - MASC

EH - Tri-State

This is a good point. I have no problem with the Area 8 being held elsewhere then Topton, but all of the other tournement leval matches that are put on by the clubs mentioned are great and I would hate to loose one of these matches.

Lets say, for example, East Huntington was to put on the area 8 next year. Well, it would suck to lose the Tri-state match, but if the Tri-state match were then moved, for example, to say Erie, then that would be cool. Then we wouldn't lose a match.


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Well as far as the idea that this range or that range is to far I say BS. I'm as far north in Area 8 as you can go. Va or EH are both 5 hours for me. York is 180 mile. Haven't missed an A8 or Tri state match since I started in 2000. Can't have every match in your back yard.

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A minor correction on the Summer Blast. Larry Houck Runs this match for the FOP. Fredericksburg is not the host. That is just where he holds the match. Now alot of the RO's are local. If the matches are planned properly there should be no reason that a club could be a host or site for 2 major matches a year. It is all in the logistics and planning.

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If the matches are planned properly there should be no reason that a club could be a host or site for 2 major matches a year. It is all in the logistics and planning.

I will have to disagree with you there.

East Huntingdon probably has as big, and as dedicated a pool of help as anyone, and there ain't no way we could (or would want to) hold 2 major matches in one year.

Running monthly matches (85 - 100+ guns/month) is plenty of work in itself, but we still hold the Tri-State (Tournament Level match) every year. That's pushing everyone to their limits. A second big match in a year would only lead to staff burnout - loss of help - and the potential end of a still-growing program.

All the planning in the world won't change that.

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Lets say, for example, East Huntington was to put on the area 8 next year. Well, it would suck to lose the Tri-state match, but if the Tri-state match were then moved, for example, to say Erie, then that would be cool. Then we wouldn't lose a match.


The Tri-State and Summer Blast are basically one site matches now hosted by local clubs. If Fredricksburg or EH would "step up" as Denise puts it, then we would lose a tournement level match in A8 next year.

Fred Volosky tried to put on a Western PA sectional this year at EH, it would have been in addition to the Tri-State, but only about half of the clubs in the section committed to helping out with the match. So the idea died for this year. Hopefully we will have a sectional again in the near future.

And as Ron put it, one club hosting and running two tournement level matches in the same year, burns out and chases away the volunteer help. EH hosted the Limited Nationals and A8 in 2000 and lost a lot of good people over it.

Just my thoughts,


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I guess alot of people that do not shoot regularly at E. Huntington also don't realize the size of the monthly matches.

The guys at E. Huntington bust their rumps all the time with the matches they have. I have no clue how they do it every month but am thankful that they do. I would not want to see the quality go down to try to do more.

Maybe A8 at E. Huntington Move Tristate to Thurmont. Move VA MD sectional into VA at a club that does not host a major.

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