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Barking Dogs


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As much as I love a good dog, I just absolutely hate stupid ass people who let their dogs bark non-stop. We can't work in the yard during the day, or worse yet, enjoy the hot tub in the evening, without the neighbors dog constantly barking.

I finally walked over their house tonight and tried to talk to them but they were not answering or maybe really not home. I wedged a note in the front door that kindly informed them to quiet their dogs or I was going to call the police.

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Actually, the local police are fairly good about coming out if you call them. And they will cite the owners. And of course it spirals out of control from there if the dogs are not licensed etc. I hate to do that if I have not at least made an effort to fix it otherwise.

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You're a nice guy then. Only thing that would be holding me back is that it's not the dog's fault, and you can't leave out antifreeze for the owners to drink. Ear plugs help. A sound machine or similar app for your phone works great if you're just trying to sleep.

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We have dogs that bark (they're dachshunds - they were bred to bark!), but we go to great pains to hush them when they get at it. Our neighbors, on the other hand.... They work late shifts, leave their dogs outside in the middle of the night - and they go at it. We tried talking to them a couple of times - the woman suggested I poison her dogs surprise.gif Finally, a call to the cops (who left a warning), and a rather tense discussion with them when they decided to get upset about the cops coming over to visit convinced them that they were being rude, and they changed their behavior w/ the dogs.

A good friend impressed upon me that, even though you may want to do the "right" thing by trying to give them a chance, that can really blow up in your face in a lot of ways. The best way to protect yourself, and still get them to stop being a**holes is to call the cops and let the cops deal with it with them. If they neighbor decides to do something ... rash ... after that, you have a police report on file, and a paper trail of exactly what went down to fall back on...

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I hate seeing people that own dogs that really shouldn't. Sucks when the owners are crappy about barking, as if they don't know! I had a similar situation, little dog next door, made friends with him one day while the owner was out. I brought a handful of treats, a few minutes and he was even sitting for me. Owner just neglected him..... Few months later he was killed by a car when the owner neglected to use a leash. Lousy way to stop the barking.

Stupid guy...

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Well finally had enough and had to call in the police. It started out not too promising as according to where I live if the owners are not home there is nothing the cops can do. But just as he was about to leave another neighbor came walking down the street and told him the same thing, that the dog barks 24/7. Then as luck would have it the owners pulled into the driveway. cheers.gif Cops gave them as good of a warning as you can get. "There is an ordinance against barking dogs and two people have complained tonight. This incident is now logged. If we come back out you will be cited". I guess that's fair enough.

As usual something funny usually happens even in cases like this. The cop is asking me about things and he mentions to me that if he only knew the guys name he could write him a warning. I said that's easy he has kind of a famous name for Ohio. He asks what is it and I tell him, "Woody Hayes". He looks at me and says, "never heard of him".surprise.gif Ughh... I'm getting old I guess.

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I feel your pain. I work at home and I have to listen to my neighbor's yapping dog from 8am when he leaves until around 4:30 pm when he returns. In the evenings I have to listen to another neighbor's pitbulls bark at everything that passes until around 11 pm. I used to like dogs, but no more.

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