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Getting a speeding ticket

Merlin Orr

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In my early 20's, my date and I were heading to some eating establishment she had been told of. As we entered an intersection , she informed me that I needed to turn right. After slamming on the brakes and skidding 3/4 of the way through the intersection I managed to get turned. Unfortunately I did not see the officer parked in the Stop-N-Go's parking lot across the intersection. When he caught up to me further down the road, he walked up to the driver's window and asked "Young Man, What in the H*!! do you think you were doing back there?"

Not being know for my ability to think before speaking as a youth, I calmly replied "I'm sorry officer, she was giving me directions." The officer looked at my date, told her that she needed to tell me where to turn a little earlier, told me to have a nice day, and walked off.

The beating from the girlfriend .... Painful.

Not getting a ticket ...... Wonderful.

The look on her face ..... Priceless!

Needless to say, as a free single man I had my first date with my wife (now) the next weekend!

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In my early 20's, my date and I were heading to some eating establishment she had been told of. As we entered an intersection , she informed me that I needed to turn right. After slamming on the brakes and skidding 3/4 of the way through the intersection I managed to get turned. Unfortunately I did not see the officer parked in the Stop-N-Go's parking lot across the intersection. When he caught up to me further down the road, he walked up to the driver's window and asked "Young Man, What in the H*!! do you think you were doing back there?"

Not being know for my ability to think before speaking as a youth, I calmly replied "I'm sorry officer, she was giving me directions." The officer looked at my date, told her that she needed to tell me where to turn a little earlier, told me to have a nice day, and walked off.

The beating from the girlfriend .... Painful.

Not getting a ticket ...... Wonderful.

The look on her face ..... Priceless!

Needless to say, as a free single man I had my first date with my wife (now) the next weekend!


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In 1974 I lived in Tribune, Kansas and worked in Scott City, Kansas 44 miles away. My average driving time at 5am was around 25-30 minutes depending on weather and the stop light in Leoti, Kansas. Normally I could time the stop light from when I could first see whether it was green or red as I entered town at just under the sound barrier then I would slow down to about 55-60 mph and sail through the 4 way intersection with a green light.

One morning just as I go through the intersection I notice the town marshall sitting at the curb with the engine running. UH OH! Yup, sure enough he whips onto the road behind me and flashes his headlights, not the red & blinkies, just flashes his headlights. So not wanting to piss him off anymore than necessary I immediately pull over and roll down the window. The marshall walks up and asks me "Are ya Leo?"

For the life of me all I could think of was, "No, I'm a Pisces."

He gave me the weirdest look for a couple of seconds then said "No, are ya Leo Kleymann?"

"No, I'm Nolan Smyth"

"Well, I'm looking for Leo and his wife's havin' a baby and he's supposed to be headed this way in a El Camino like yers."

The marshall never said a word about me going through the intersection at 60+


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My first car, when I was in high school, was a bright red Trans Am.

AKA: "the ticket magnet".

I eventually ended up selling the thing, because my insurance agent said if I got one more "exhibition of power" ticket, he was going to cut me off.

So... I sold it. The day of the deal was a Sunday, so the buyer and I agreed to meet Monday morning at his bank, where we would exchange keys for cashiers check.

That Sunday evening, I decided to take the TA out for "one last run". My favorite place was along "back bay road", a relatively deserted road along the shoreline of the Back Bay, in Newport Beach (CA). Nice flat road, lots of turns, but lots of visibility so you could see if anything was coming.

I went *ripping* along that road, gleefully ignoring the 35mph postings, and was slowing down thru 90 when I came up the rise at the end of the unpopulated section where it started to dump out onto regular surface streets...

...and as soon as I hit the top of the rise, saw one of Newport Beach's Finest, sitting at the side of the road.


Have no idea what I was thinking, but I *knew* I was going to get a ticket, so... I pulled in behind him and shut it off.

He gets out of his car with a stern look on his face, asks me the usual ("what's the hurry?") I told him I had just sold the car and was taking it out for a "last run". Asked me if I knew how fast I was going, I said yes.

He says "well, my radar had you at 85 when you tripped it, and this is a 35 mph zone, so this is not just speeding, this is exhibition of speed, and possibly reckless.

...then he takes a deep breath, this grin washes across his face, and he says "but you know what? I'm only going to write you for 5mph over, because I never even had to start my car. Have a nice evening."


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While attending school as an exchange student in Colorado I vividly remeber my first ecounter with the law.

I was driving out of Denver with a really heavy right foot as I suddenly saw the blinking lights in the mirror... puha 19 years old, in a foreign coutry and Dirty Harry was the picture I had of US law enforcement. Scared stiff i don't remember what he asked but as I handed over my drivers license he said my name with a almost swedish dialect? I was releived and pussled when he asked if I was Swedish. I said yes, he then explained that his grand parents immigrated from Sweden and that he was for the first time in his life going to visit Sweden in a couple of weeks.. Since it's a small world it turned out that his GPs came from the same town as I did...

We ended up standing by the road for about 30min discussing what he should and shouldn't see and do on his trip to Sweden. He finally got called on the radio and had to return to business.. I got my licens back with a friendly warning, and departed with a completely different picture of us law enforcement. I got lucky.

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Many years ago when I lived in socal and raced in the SCCA, I knew many racers from Germany that just had to go to Mexico or San Diego. On their way down I-5 at mostly reasonable speeds (85-120) would get pulled over by the CHP and when the officer would ask for their ticket they would start talking German and hand the officer their international drivers license. Not one ever got a ticket.

Moral of story: Learn German, Get international driver license, Get out of tickets.


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A friend of mine tells this story.

He was in W. VA taking a driving course at the Storm Mountain facility. One evening, after.... dinner, he and three other students engage in a little 'practice' on their way back to campus. 'Practice' consisted of executing 180 degre emergency turns on what they thought was a fairly deserted bit of 4 lane. Seconds after completing a successful pair of turns the blue lights come on and they pull over.

The State Trooper approaches the vehicle and says, " At least one of you fine gentlemen better have a badge...."

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A friend who is a big class3 gun fan was on his way home from our match.He was on his BMW bike with the plastic storage compartments on the side.He was going about 10 mph over the limit when he got pulled over.The cop was giving him the slow down speech then asked him what he had in the compartments.Chuck looked at him and smiled and said 'An HK MP5 subgun ,a Glock 17 and a S&W 945".The cop told him to slow down and take his gun collection home. :D

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A friend who is a big class3 gun fan was on his way home from our match.He was on his BMW bike with the plastic storage compartments on the side.He was going about 10 mph over the limit when he got pulled over.The cop was giving him the slow down speech then asked him what he had in the compartments.Chuck looked at him and smiled and said 'An HK MP5 subgun ,a Glock 17 and a S&W 945".The cop told him to slow down and take his gun collection home. :D

ET - What state was your buddy in when this occured? I can think of a few that I KNOW he was Not in or he would still be in the clink! :D;)

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A friend who is a big class3 gun fan was on his way home from our match.He was on his BMW bike with the plastic storage compartments on the side.He was going about 10 mph over the limit when he got pulled over.The cop was giving him the slow down speech then asked him what he had in the compartments.Chuck looked at him and smiled and said 'An HK MP5 subgun ,a Glock 17 and a S&W 945".The cop told him to slow down and take his gun collection home. :D

ET - What state was your buddy in when this occured? I can think of a few that I KNOW he was Not in or he would still be in the clink! :D;)

Amazingly enough, a few clubs in Massachusetts have a very active full auto contingent.

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We live in Tennessee.As far as I know as long as you have a copy of your papers with you it is legal to transport them .I'm sure his was not loaded.He is also a corrections supervisor at the juvenile jail and he said that particular cop was one that he had not met before or he would have just gotten a wave of the hand and kept on riding.

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A friend of mine, a stock agent by trade and a typical salesman told me of his lucky break.

Brad was caught speeding, 100 in a 70, and pulled over.

He had left his drivers licence at home, his Warrant of Fitness had expired and so had his Registration.

He noticed the Officer had an accent, and putting his best foot forward engaged him in Brads second language, Spanish.

He hit the jackpot, the guy was a Spanish migrant and after a lengthy chat on the roadside let him go with just a warning, announcing in his best English that 'today is your lucky day my friend'!

With tales like that and Ecuador looming, Spanish is a language I should learn.


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Guy I knew was pulled over by the highway patrol:

DPS: "Sir , do you know why I pulled you over ?"

Bud:"Yeah - but if you don't call my boss and tell him I was speeding - I won't call yours and tell him you don't have a gun in that holster."

DPS: "Have a nice day."

another buddy worked as a LEO for the NPS.

Foreign tourists - especially the French - would always do the "no english" bit when pulled over for a violation.

One visitor feigned "I no understand" bit and my friend reached around the back of the Sam Brown belt - whipped out the cuffs and said " You understand JAIL?"

Suddenly they know english ..

My story :

Circa mid 1980's-

stopped in a m/c shop on my first street bike ('82 Kawasaki 550GPZ) and they had a used GPZ 1100 on the floor.

The sales man says " Take it out for a spin."

ok - I saddle this rocket and cruise up a residential side street - that's been having it's share of speeders - and now has a Phx PD cop on the corner with a radar gun aimed at me and a BIG GRIN on his face - I parked in front of him , got my ticket (I swear it didn't feel like 50mph) went back to the shop and bought that monster.


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I got caught in a radar trap about 6 weeks ago. Motorcycle Cop sitting in a strip center driveway - saw him as I went by. 50 mph + in a 30 zone. He was stowing the radar gun and jumping on his scooter as I went by. I whipped over into the next driveway - a church - and looked over my shoulder, made eye contact, and pulled into a parking spot - got out with wallet in hand. He pulled in behind me, dismounted and asked "know why I stopped you?" - Yes officer, I was speeding. He reply's "You need to slow down" Yes officer. He says " Have a nice day" mounts up and rides off. WHEW! Respect and not trying to BS a cop is usually the best thing you can do. He did not even ask for my license or insurance card.

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Inspired by gangster movies I always wanted to yell out, "you'll never take me alive copper", wheels screaching as I take off down the highway.

...but I drive a diesel Nissan Navara!


Phil, I would advise you NOT to give in to that impulse! :D:D:D

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About 13 years ago I was driving Barbie home late one night in my RX7 (Yes Ken & Barbie in a silver sports car for real), doing about 90 in a 60 zone for the better part of 10km, 90 being the cut off point for a three point offence instead of a 2 point offence, I calculated that I could afford 2 points off my licence. As I pull up to the first stop light in 10km I think to myself bugger it I'm not getting booked at all. At that moment the single head light that had been tailing me a km back for the whole trip pulled up beside me. It was an old police sargeant on a bike, with the characteristic red lumpy nose of a long term alcaholic.

He pulled up to my window and literally frothing at the mouth proceeds to lecture me.

"It's a 60km hour zone! *deep breath* 24 hours a day! *deep breath* 365 days a year! *deep breath* And don't tell me you weren't doing at least 80! *deep breath *If I wasn't on my way home *deep breath* I'd Book Ya!"

At which point he put his bike up on the back wheel and took off through the red light without checking traffic.

I sat through two changes of the lights with a stunned look on my face.

Note the power of positive thinking. I didn't get booked. :)


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