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Friday Flame War 11/22


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I hate no good, backward ass, country dumbf**ks, who drive enormous trucks (compensating for something maybe?) and move from tailgate to tailgate down the freeway!!!!  I want a .50 cal mounted on my beat up old van!  


Terrorists of every sort make me want to buy a wood chipper (if you haven't seen "Fargo" do so today)!  I don't care if they are Irish or Iraqi, toss 'em into the chipper!  If you hate the government attack the government!  Blowing up buses and shopping centers is cowardly.


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If every other tool manufacturer can have local repair shops why can't dillon.  Sending a chunk of steel across the country to have it fixed is insane!!!

Is Phoenix some sort of vacation mecca or something?  Not a single seat open today or yesterday.  Lotta good free standby tickets are when theres no stinkin' seats left!!!

Blasters are at the smith,  press is on the way to AZ,  WTF!!!  

Is it really that hard to shoot one stinking match with no mikes?  

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After careful consideration of your technique, and perusal of the forum postings, I have come to a simple conclusion:  You are all a bunch if whiny punks who are the result of intermarraige and recessive genes.

IDPA shooters can't shoot without an SO standing behind them reminding them to get their fat, vest-wearing asses down behind cover.

IPSC shooters can't hit the target without a red-dot sight, grip powder and a GPS.

Bianchi shooters won't shoot a match unless it has been practiced so many times it makes everyone else die of boredom.

Steel shooters are ony interested in looking good, not in shooting real guns.

PIN SHOOTERS ARE GODS!  Stand like a man, deal death and destruction to inanimate objects with powerful firearms, and laugh at the backsplash!  Then eat a dinner that was walking the day before, and had a name!

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For all you folks who don't live in big urban towns and cities, you won't sympathize with this but, I can't stand the beggars and street people who stand in the street who demand a couple of dollars to smear the bug guts all over your car windows while you wait for the red light.  For God's sake, get a Freakin' Job, and stay the hell away from me and my truck.

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After watching 'Escanaba in da moonlight' and having a best buddy that came from up der,  I'd say you walnut fallin' too close to the oak tree,  mom and dad look alike for a reason,  startin' a family is as easy as out runnin' yer sister Michiganer's don't have much room to talk!!!

Pin shooters get off on shootin' at bowling alley props because they're pissed that everyone makes fun of their shoes!!!

Thats Mr whinny punk thank you.

(Edited by 3quartertime at 8:38 am on Nov. 22, 2002)

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Attempted pin shooting w/ disasterous results; I am no longer welcome at any of the local bowling alleys. If I have paid to rent the lane for 1 hour, why can't use it as I see fit? Where does it say I have to use a bowling ball Some people are too sensitive. Sheesh.

So how do you guys manage to shoot bowling pins?

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Guys whose every post is vitriolic severly piss me off!  If you are full of nastieness vent it in the hate forum or the USPSA forum.  Leave  this one civil and attempt to have the emotional maturity to accept that there may be someone who has an opinion that is different from your own and that that opinion just MIGHT be worthwhile.   AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh!!!!!


ps - not directed at anyone who has replied to one of my posts lately or who has written in this thread thus far.

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lynn jones,

I could not agree more.  The new board was starting to get really usefull and suddenly, yank!  It is gone.  Grrrrr.

To make it worse the password is now from some issue of Front Sight that I don't have because I wasn't a member in 1999.  Who came up with that brilliant idea?


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Quote: from Patrick Sweeney on 9:47 am on Nov. 22, 2002

PIN SHOOTERS ARE GODS!  Stand like a man, deal death and destruction to inanimate objects with powerful firearms, and laugh at the backsplash!  Then eat a dinner that was walking the day before, and had a name!

Bowling pins are supposed to be knocked down with bowling balls!  So, Gunsmith extraordinaire, if you wish to impress with godliness, design and build an affordable handgun that fires bowling balls.  Once that occurs, maybe you'll have something to brag about!

Vest Wearing? definetely!  Fatassed? Maybe! But I'm always behind whatever cover IDPA designers provide to disguise my considerable bulk!!!!!

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This is what I get for following directions.  You are right the "old" one that is in the current edition of Front Sight still works.  I was foolishly paying attention to this,

"The members section may be found at http://www.uspsa.org/members. You will be prompted for a username and password. The username is "uspsa" (all lower case). The password may be found on the bottom of Page 1 of the March/April 1999 issue of Front Sight. Future issues of Front Sight will include the password ad the beginning of USPSA Executive Manager Dave Thomas's column."

I will know better next time.



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As a matter of fact I HAVE designed and fabricated a handgun that shoots bowling balls.  I am prohibited from using it by whiny punk match directors because it "damages the props and causes the cattle to miscarraige."

As for my shoes, you'd find making fun of my size 13's much more difficult when they are tap-dancing on various delicate parts of your inbred, pasty white, malformed physiognomy.  (Look that one up if you can!)

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Quote: from Patrick Sweeney on 7:47 am on Nov.22, 2002

Bianchi shooters won't shoot a match unless it has been practiced so many times it makes everyone else die of boredom.

PIN SHOOTERS ARE GODS!  Stand like a man, deal death and destruction to inanimate objects with powerful firearms, and laugh at the backsplash!  Then eat a dinner that was walking the day before, and had a name!

Don't pin shooters shoot the same course over and over again?

The same course at every range?

From only 8 yds?

With antiquated single stacks and Revolvers?

And then theres the shotgun Pin shooters, oh my a shotgun pattern of buckshot...at 8 yds...against a measly little pin.

Hehe...flame on dude!

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Physiognomy is the interpretation of outward appearance, especially the features of the face, to discover a person's predominant temper and character.

Yea thats what I thought it meant.

Sorry didn't mean to make fun of your shoes.  I'm sure with boats that big you've heard all the lines,  but then when your mom makes you wear goofy shoes as a kid it would be a tender spot.   I've heard that you guys do some odd things at deer camp,  tap dancing doesn't suprise me at all.  Does mom get to pick out the tutu also,  sorry probably another tender subject.  

If you could interpret my malformed physiognomy now it would be thumbs in ears,  fingers waving,  tounge sticking out,  sloppy rasberry auraish!!!

Thats Mr. whiny punk match director  thank you.

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Quote: from Pat Harrison on 8:35 am on Nov. 23, 2002

Don't pin shooters shoot the same course over and over again?

With antiquated single stacks and Revolvers?

No! Each pin has it's own individual personality.

REVOLVERS RULE! They go bang every time you pull the trigger and no whining about malfunctions because "my OAL must be wrong" or "I'm trying a new spring". No groveling on the ground looking for cases. One shot, one hit! Not like those wimpy spray and pray double stackers. And if they were good enough for the great ones, Elmer Keith and Ed McGivern, they should be good enough for you motley lot. And how about those IPSC shooters. They try to pretend their shooting a high Power Factor and then run off and fit a compensator to reduce the recoil. And they can't even shoot a match without a walk-through first.

AaaHH. That felt good!

(Edited by George D at 9:41 am on Nov. 23, 2002)

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I hate turning in my resignation and then talked into staying.

I hate calling the company I accepted with to tell them I'm not coming.

I hate thinking for a week that I'm finally really getting out of Kalibanfornia only to decide to stay.

I hate not shooting anymore.

I hate being behind in reading THE forum.

I hate the IPSC list.

I hate Kalibanfornia.

I hate not being the only "super woman" on the forum anymore.

I hate that Vince is faster on replies.

And I really really really hate the fact that 3/4 is actually really a decent person.  

(Edited by Shooter Grrl at 7:40 pm on Nov. 22, 2002)

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