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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Hate Rants vs. Discussion


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I see this "What I Hate" section of Brian's forums strictly as a platform from which to rant. Maybe some bitching and moaning, but mostly one-sided ranting. I don't see Brian's awesome original rant on the dumbing down of the shooting sports as an invitation to engage him in discussion about one or more points he made. The man was just ranting.

I don't see What I Hate as a forum in which we engage in discussion, share opinions, trade ideas, and respectfully critique each other. I will do so in the other various forum sections, mainly relating to shooting guns.

There may be other places on the internet in which you can engage in healthy and worthwhile discussions of current events, politics, and the like. But I'm not interested in participating in such discussion in this forum because it will inevitably lead to flame wars and hard feelings. I just don't need another left-liberal or neo-conservative telling me to love it or leave it for the nth time.

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I agree. The intent of the Hate forum is just a place to rant. You can offer a solution if inclined, but it's not necessary. Nevertheless, if someone is inclined to reply to a rant - that's their rant. And because of the intent of the Hate forum, that shouldn't be a problem. It's not necessary to even read replies to your own rant. I'd like to keep this forum to just saying what you feel and then be done with it. If this forum turns into the idiocy of a few other forums I've visited, I'll dump it. Keep it clean, okeedokee.


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  • 1 year later...

I brought this out from the dead because I thought all the posters (new and old)  should be reminded of the intent of this forum.  

I deleted the 'Smoking,,,' topic this morning because several individuals had expressed that it bothered them for some reason or another.  I don't think the rant was the problem,  it was the discussion that followed.  

My opinion is HEALTHY discussion is ok,  listening to different sides in a respectful exchange can lead to insightful analysis.  I think we all know what can happen if it goes bad.

Take the time to read what BE intended this forum to be,  like usual he explains it like no one else could.

This brings up the issue of the flame wars.  I for one enjoy them as they are a great way to blow off steam and poke fun at each other at the end of the week.    I've always seen them as light hearted and humorous but some have went bad also.  IF,  the flame wars continue everyone needs to be on the same page as far as content.  


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Ron,  that certainly was an option, but because it seemed to be such a bothersome topic for some I decided to delete all together.  

My interpretation of the intent of this forum is that posters get to rant without answering to anyone the reasons.  I also think that if it happens that a particular subject is so distasteful for some ( as was obviously the case ) that they are offended by the presence then we should honor that also.    

I don't believe the rant that started this would have bothered some had the discourse not ensued.  By omitting in entirety I hope to make a negative issue go away.

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The Friday Flame Wars are a unique feature here--they're fun and even enlightening. I don't think, however, that we should discard our professional robes too completely at the door and throw punches that lack respect or dignity. If we indeed have "the most civil forum on the Internet" then we need to STAY that way at all costs, EVEN WHILE SPOOFING OURSELVES--which is the ultimate professional act when done right.
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BTW my initial Friday Flame War was definitely intended to be a place to act juvenille, shoot virtual spitballs, and generally blow off steam in a good natured but rude manner.  This differs from the main Hate Forum in that it is supposed to be interactive and fun wheras the main Hate Forum is generally less of both and should be.


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so how are we to know what topics are off limits or not?  As the starter of the infamous thread in question (actual name withheld to protect the guilty and so not to incite anyone) I admit I was a bit erk'd to find out my rant got nixed.  However, if it is for the better of the forum, so be it.  I have faith in my Moderator and his judgement here.  

So with that said, lets all play nice, okay?  If you have something you need to get off of your chest, please do so.  And if you don't like the content of what you read, don't read it.  Lets leave the firefighting to the moderators.  I have been guilty of this in the past too.

Anyone gotta light?

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Often great advice appears from a rant. For example, I now know how to remove those annoying taped-on seals from new CD cases without working myself into a fit. But, can anyone tell me why DVD cases have not one, but three extremely annoying taped-on security labels? Ahhhhhh! I hate those things.


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Quote: from benos on 6:01 pm on Feb. 5, 2003

Often great advice appears from a rant. For example, I now know how to remove those annoying taped-on seals from new CD cases without working myself into a fit. But, can anyone tell me why DVD cases have not one, but three extremely annoying taped-on security labels? Ahhhhhh! I hate those things.



perhaps they're intended to inspire you to think about (and eventually commit to paper or cyber-space) another of those delightful to read rants?

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I actually discovered how to open those in a fit of rage one night.

Nothing was going right the entire day and I was trying to open a DVD and it wasn't going to well. By this time I had managed to bend the case all to hell (which was the last straw). Instead of being cool and taking my time, I just dug my fingers inside the front label and ripped apart as hard as I could. The DVD opened by ripping each security sticker in half, which was easily removed from then on. Something good did come from that day afterall.:)

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There is a simple reason that DVD's have more involved in opening them. They are worth more than CD's so there is more incentive to go overboard in security packaging to prevent in-store theft and return fraud. Wonderful societal comment here if you dig deep enough.


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You know, back to what you were saying about essentially the "Spirit 'o the Forum", all you have to do to feel like you're gonna go blow your pizza is visit the USPSA members guestbook.  I think the same 4 as*holes have been bickering on that damn thing for the last year!  Jeezuss!!

What CHILDISH CRAP!!!!  Great!  I went and gave myself a tummy ache.....

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The dvds have extra stickers because they are made with antitheft sensor tags hidden under the disc or inside the actual case.

The theives know this, and so they attempt to open the case, and steal just the disc (leaving the case behind if they just want the movie, typical woth adult movies) or remove the tag and take the whole thing (if they intend to boost the stolen goods for cash)

If you guys missed my post about the CD dogbone, here's how the pros do it:

1. Run a car key or knife down the gap between the front cover and the spine. (on the left front of the disc)

2. Pop the bottom left tab off the front of the jewel case and lift it up, fold it over the top, then use it to pull the dogbone off. It will easily come off, then pop the front tabs back on.

DVDs...our engineers are still working on that one.

BTW, If you read "men are from Mars, women are from venus" you learn that women respond to venting by just listening, men are inclined and disposed to offer a solution. Ironically, women only complain to vent and do not usually want the problem solved, while men will not confide their problems unless they are seeking advice.

That explains why (since we are primarily a  male crowd) we are inclined to respond to rants...we assume our fellow apes are asking for advice, otherwise they'd silently study the problem until resolving it on their own

Dr. Anderson

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