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Top Shot Season 2 - Episode 7

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It's been a problem in every show but for some reason it was very noticeable to me last night.....SHOW MORE SHOW.....they edit the show to the point that the same five minutes of footage is replayed so much it's nauseating. Oh and Colby, please quit talking.

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It's been a problem in every show but for some reason it was very noticeable to me last night.....SHOW MORE SHOW.....they edit the show to the point that the same five minutes of footage is replayed so much it's nauseating. Oh and Colby, please quit talking.


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At this point it's just awful. I mean, how much time do you think they spent in the editing room making Taran seem as dull as possible?

And the lies about the challenges are ridiculous. Those were NOT .357 magnum rounds coming out of those Rugers. And the distance was obviously not 30 feet. It looked more like 15 feet.

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It's been a problem in every show but for some reason it was very noticeable to me last night.....SHOW MORE SHOW.....they edit the show to the point that the same five minutes of footage is replayed so much it's nauseating. Oh and Colby, please quit talking.


How long did it take to shoot this thing? Based on the amount of footage we get to see it shouldn't take more than a day. :wacko:

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First they use a $5,000 Razorcat which was hardly used to it's potential, and now the trick shot show has Taran Butler dangling upside down shooting full size bottles at 30 feet. :yawn: Among many other things, the guy can shoot plate racks in 2 seconds from the hip and they have him there hanging upside down. Really????

Edited by alpha-charlie
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It would be nice to include a Texas Star on the Team Challenge and the Polish Plate rack for the elimination challenge. Say one Texas star per Competitior. :ph34r:

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It would be nice to include a Texas Star on the Team Challenge and the Polish Plate rack for the elimination challenge. Say one Texas star per Competitior. :ph34r:

...with hatchets. Now THAT'S trick shooting!

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Jay didn't volunteer to go to elimination because the goal of this competition is to be the last man standing and win the 100 grand. Elimination challenges are the only way to lose until they drop the team format.

Personally I think the only thing the team aspect does for this show is add drama. I'd rather it were an individual competition right from the start.

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I figured you guys would be cheering: there was zero reality show melodrama in the episode last night. They just showed the shooting. We also got to hear Ashley talking to Kyle about some things "the USPSA guys" told him.

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Jay didn't volunteer to go to elimination because the goal of this competition is to be the last man standing and win the 100 grand. Elimination challenges are the only way to lose until they drop the team format.

Personally I think the only thing the team aspect does for this show is add drama. I'd rather it were an individual competition right from the start.

Agree'd on both counts. There are 2 thoughts: man up like Ashley did and admit you screwed the pooch and risk the elimination or don't man up and hope that the previous challenges lets you slie by again. Jay chose the 2nd and is yet again safe for another week.

As for the teams, its the ONLY reason they are there is for drama. The drama is what pulls in millions of viewers each week as opposed to a few thousand shooters wanting to see an hour of blasting.

I brought up a brialliant idea last season and a few others had similar ideas: An all individual contest with a point series scorign system. week one is a sniper match, week 2 is a USPSA, week 3 is a Bianchi, week 4 is a multi-gun, week 5 is archery, etc etc etc etc. No one gets voted out and the winner each week gets 100 points. 2nd place gets 95 points, etc etc. After 12 weeks of various competitions the true "Top Shot" will emerge as the person with the most points overall. while this concept would excite us, it wouldnt for the average person and ratings would fall enough to cause the show to be dropped. Its the drama that keeps the show on the air, whether we like it or not. its why shows like survivor and American idol are so popular.

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Jay didn't volunteer to go to elimination because the goal of this competition is to be the last man standing and win the 100 grand. Elimination challenges are the only way to lose until they drop the team format.

Personally I think the only thing the team aspect does for this show is add drama. I'd rather it were an individual competition right from the start.

Agree'd on both counts. There are 2 thoughts: man up like Ashley did and admit you screwed the pooch and risk the elimination or don't man up and hope that the previous challenges lets you slie by again. Jay chose the 2nd and is yet again safe for another week.

As for the teams, its the ONLY reason they are there is for drama. The drama is what pulls in millions of viewers each week as opposed to a few thousand shooters wanting to see an hour of blasting.

I brought up a brialliant idea last season and a few others had similar ideas: An all individual contest with a point series scorign system. week one is a sniper match, week 2 is a USPSA, week 3 is a Bianchi, week 4 is a multi-gun, week 5 is archery, etc etc etc etc. No one gets voted out and the winner each week gets 100 points. 2nd place gets 95 points, etc etc. After 12 weeks of various competitions the true "Top Shot" will emerge as the person with the most points overall. while this concept would excite us, it wouldnt for the average person and ratings would fall enough to cause the show to be dropped. Its the drama that keeps the show on the air, whether we like it or not. its why shows like survivor and American idol are so popular.

I think it's a great idea. And keep in mind, there is drama in voting people out, but most of the drama comes from the editing room. I mean, has anyone blown up or had a big meltdown because their team was going to vote for them? Nope, but they still made it seem "dramatic." They could do the same for your format above.

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I think it should have been Jay instead of Kyle in the elimination challenge. Ashley manned up and said "I missed. I should go." Why didn't Jay do the same? Does anyone else feel the same?

Yeah I agree with that. I also think Kyle got screwed because they haven't even had anything even close to what he's best at yet. I'll really laugh if next time there's a shotgun challenge! (but I'd bet Kyle wouldn't)

And like COREY said above, total points is definitely more fair for calling someone "top shot". Those voted off never shoot the rest of the challenges so we could never assume their scores. The producers could come up with a different way to make drama, that's what they are about- if they couldn't think of one then they just copied survivor and have no real talent.

Edited by ChristianHE
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Jay didn't volunteer to go to elimination because the goal of this competition is to be the last man standing and win the 100 grand. Elimination challenges are the only way to lose until they drop the team format.

Personally I think the only thing the team aspect does for this show is add drama. I'd rather it were an individual competition right from the start.

Agree'd on both counts. There are 2 thoughts: man up like Ashley did and admit you screwed the pooch and risk the elimination or don't man up and hope that the previous challenges lets you slie by again. Jay chose the 2nd and is yet again safe for another week.

As for the teams, its the ONLY reason they are there is for drama. The drama is what pulls in millions of viewers each week as opposed to a few thousand shooters wanting to see an hour of blasting.

I brought up a brialliant idea last season and a few others had similar ideas: An all individual contest with a point series scorign system. week one is a sniper match, week 2 is a USPSA, week 3 is a Bianchi, week 4 is a multi-gun, week 5 is archery, etc etc etc etc. No one gets voted out and the winner each week gets 100 points. 2nd place gets 95 points, etc etc. After 12 weeks of various competitions the true "Top Shot" will emerge as the person with the most points overall. while this concept would excite us, it wouldnt for the average person and ratings would fall enough to cause the show to be dropped. Its the drama that keeps the show on the air, whether we like it or not. its why shows like survivor and American idol are so popular.

Or you could send home the person in last place each episode, with an occasional, unannounced bye week, kind of like Amazing Race handles eliminations....

At that point a solid stack of third place performances might win the whole thing, assuming different folks split first and second regularly, and it could be interesting, not just for shooters, but for the audience at large....

The elimination challenges seem designed to artificially create drama -- because someone out there doesn't believe that the inherent drama in a competition show is enough...

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It did not seem that Ashley nor Kyle hit the last bottle. At least it did not break, just fell off the table. No harm no foul as Ashly did hit more than Kyle.

Yep, I believe you are right. Pretty sure on Ashley's last shot there's a hole in the board right under the bottle that wasn't there before his last shot. I think Kyle hit the board with his last shot also. As it turned out, it didn't matter, but they didn't have that particular challenge fully debugged, did they?

I watched the show again tonight, and here are the last shots for each competitor.

I don't see any evidence where Ashley hit, but the bottle is fully intact, on it's way to the ground.


On Kyle's last shot, you can see the hole appear in the table. I'm not sure it will show up in this photo, but going frame by frame, you can see the hole appear.



The missed shots cancelled each other out, but imagine if Kyle had broken the last bottle, but got sent home. :angry2:

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