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2011 Pro-Am Shooting® Championship

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Thanks to everyone for picking up the slack for me. I've been in Indianapolis and Memphis for Remington the last 2 1/2 weeks (just finished ROing the AAC 3-gun match).

The answers for all of the questions asked so far can be found at www.proamshooting.com, but allow me to clarify. Your Limited Classification for the Pro-Am is your HIGHEST classification of the 7 iron sight divisions listed on the match application (Limited, L10, Prod, SS, ESP, SSP, CDP). For example, if Joe Blow were a B-Limited, B-L10, A-Production, and B SS, they would shoot as an A class Limited shooter at the Pro-Am. On the other side of that, for the unfortunate competitors who may be B or C class shooters across the USPSA board, but are Masters in SSP, ESP, or CDP, they would shoot as an A class Pro-Am Limited shooter. It always defaults to your highest one. If someone is Unclassified in Open, but they have an Iron sight classification, that will be their Open classification.

Since the prize table is awarded by order of finish within your class up to 5th place, it is definitely a good idea to obtain your classification in either USPSA or IDPA before the match.

During my time away from the house, Sunday AM has managed to nearly fill up! There are currently only 3 amateur slots left. HOWEVER, I'm considering merging the two Pro Squads into a 12-13 man group to open up one more Sunday AM amateur squad. We will see...but it's looking promising. To alleviate any slow down due to the larger squad, I'm accepting helpers on Sunday AM & PM to reset steel for the super squad. Most of the time spent in this match is reseting steel, and they usually knock down a LOT of it. I will be putting one or two GUNS in a drawing for the people who are willing to help!

I got permission to post the match in the "Special" USPSA list, but the Universal Shooting Academy isn't an affiliated club, and I'm not listed as a contact for it anyway. As soon as I get some more info from Manny, I'll finish designing the last four stages, and turn them in for Sanctioned USPSA approval.

Thanks for everyone's help with their word of mouth advertising. Remember...www.proamshooting.com is the website. There's a LOT of information there. I've attached the current squad lists. I'll also be updating the website where they're linked: CLICK HERE for a link to the squad lists.

Hope to see you on the range!

Phil Strader


Squad lists.zip

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Allow me to put this fire out now. Actually, many of them picked up their own steel last year. The extra help is to keep things moving. Since they're knocking down (on average) 50% more steel than most of the other competitors, it takes much longer to reset the stages...even with a full squad's worth of help. I learned this lesson the first two years.

Plus the Pro's are a bunch of sissy's!

I will be accepting 6 volunteers to help with both AM and PM. You will get your name in the hat for each match worked. I have 6 Limited slots available and 5 Open.


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Allow me to put this fire out now. Actually, many of them picked up their own steel last year. The extra help is to keep things moving. Since they're knocking down (on average) 50% more steel than most of the other competitors, it takes much longer to reset the stages...even with a full squad's worth of help.


too late, you already threw gas on it. not really the kind of conduct i expected from a newly minted area director (and pro).

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I could be wrong here... but I see this as more an issue of match administration. If you have too many shooters inone squad knocking down enough steel to slow down the match then shouldn't you maybe break up that troublesome group a little. Even out the squads?

IMO you play you pay.

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First off, anybody that knows me know I call BS when I see it, regardless of who or what is going on. If Phil needs a tweak, I will be happy to give him one.... B)

This subject is not one of them......

Having shot the ProAm the last couple of years and running Large matches myself, some comments.....

The reason that the prize table and industry support is as big as it is comes from the TV friendly format, and the fact that Shooting USA is there taping.

They tape the Supers AND the regular guys(like me), and even I made one of the episodes. That having been said, the cameras are there to tape the Super Squad due to the companies paying the bills by sponsoring the match. They only get one take to tape the match, and it has to move at a quick pace. There has generally always been extra help on tough stages as well, but let's face it. Some stages we are lucky to knock down 10-15 targets when the Supers shoot down over 20-30. Just the way it is.

There is a schedule to adhere to, and match staff has to keep the match moving along for ALL competitors, as we shooters shoot on the same days as the Supers. I can just hear the complaints now because the squads backing up due to waiting on the super squad due to setting steel (no help).

There is no way to keep the match moving quickly except to have help where it is needed. If there are not people set up to help move the squads along where it is needed, then all shooters suffer a longer shooting day. In the summer heat in Tulsa, I appreciate the fact that it moves along smoothly and quickly, period. I am sure it will be the same in Floriday this year.

In my experience this has nothing to do with "Fairness" or treating the Super Squad "special", but keeping the match moving for all competitors.....

If we want the industry support and sponsorship and TV exposure then we have to make some adjustments, period. I know that some people will see that as "treating some people better than others", but when I shoot major matches I see the Supers out pasting targets, setting steel themselves, especially at the PRO AM.

Unfortunately I see more A's and Masters not taping or setting steel than GMs.....

Due to the economy and high airfare I won't be able to go to the match in Florida, but for those that go you will have a lot of fun, and I bet if you peek around the berm you will see the Supers setting steel too....



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I have shot all of Phil's Pro-Am matches (sadly, I'll miss out this year)

The Pro Am is the smoothest running most efficient major match I've ever shot.

Phil will be out there sweating like crazy, red in the face, busting his butt like a crazy man to keep

things rolling along...

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OK Guys I'm going to put my two cents worth in. As one of Phils RO's from the begining I going to address the setting steel issue for the PRO's.

Frist off let me say that there is no issue of fairness involved. The pro's pay a larger entry fee and shoot for a cash payback THEY ARE COMPETING WITH EACH OTHER NOT THE REST OF US So having someone set steel for them is completly fair as they are not gaining a advantage over the ones they are competing with.

And since they do knock down more steel than the Am's do having extra help setting the steel makes the match go so much smoother since it is less likely to be bottlenecks!


Now I don't know if the person or persons that are making comments about the way Phil is running the match has ever shot the match. If they have then they were not paying attention to how well the match is run and if they havn't the they should keep their mouths shut and quit making comments about things they know nothing about and really shouldn't make comments about Phil as area dir.

I will step down from my soapbox now and close by saying I hope that many of our past shooters can make it to the match. I really enjoy talking with and meeting everyone and if you have never shot the PRO-AM before I hope you can make it because it truely is one of the best matches in the country not to mention THE FUNNIST MATCH GOING!!!!!!!


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....they should keep their mouths shut and quit making comments about things they know nothing about....

Easy does it.

Differing opinions are welcome here. We might see things differently, but we don't endorse telling people to "keep their mouths shut". Disagreement is fine if done civilly.

Be cool, or be elsewhere.


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Allow me to put this fire out now. Actually, many of them picked up their own steel last year. The extra help is to keep things moving. Since they're knocking down (on average) 50% more steel than most of the other competitors, it takes much longer to reset the stages...even with a full squad's worth of help.


too late, you already threw gas on it. not really the kind of conduct i expected from a newly minted area director (and pro).

Not sure what conduct you mean. I would think keeping a match on schedule and efficient would absolutely be the kind of conduct expected from a Area Director/match director. I apologize if you took anything I said as "unexpected conduct."

I could be wrong here... but I see this as more an issue of match administration. If you have too many shooters inone squad knocking down enough steel to slow down the match then shouldn't you maybe break up that troublesome group a little. Even out the squads?

IMO you play you pay.

Clearly, you're not terribly familiar with the way this match is run. I gladly welcome any and all input from anyone who shoots the match. I've molded this event based on comments and suggestions from the shooters since 2008, and I certainly won't stop now. I will admit that being the first year away from my home range, this year will be my biggest challenge. I encourage and invite you to come out and shoot it, then give me as much advice as you like, whether it be about the match in general or the "troublesome group" you referred to.

On a different note, I've decided to make ONE Pro Limited squad this year, rather than the normal two since several of the "regulars" can't make it. It will probably be a squad of 12, so it shouldn't slow things down hardly at all (if any). HOWEVER, I still only have FOUR (4) Sunday AM Limited slots left! First come, first serve. After these fill up, Saturday AM usually follows suit very quickly.

My email has completely pooped out (I can't send emails...only receive), so I'm attaching the updated squad lists here. Hopefully I'll get it squared away when I get back home Wed.

Lastly, I'm running REALLY short on RO/Staff. I just had 3 people pull out, and I was already pretty short. Just FYI, RO's shoot the match for FREE on Friday, visit the regular prize table, AND have a RO appreciation function on Friday night with ANOTHER random prize drawing. Last year's RO appreciation drawing table was over $4000 for only 24 people with two guns and an upper (among other stuff).

Please let me know if you would be willing to help work the match VIA email: proamshooting@cox.net

Thanks, and I hope to see everyone there!

Phil Strader



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If anyone is going that way, I'd take a ride in to the range Friday and Saturday. I'm ROing and my buddy isn't, no reason to get him out needlessly. We'll be at a campground over on Kissimee lake

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Can i still register and shoot?

I have send registration and check to

2011 Pro-Am Championship

9808 N Stonewick Rd

Owasso, OK 74055

With request to squad with Gerard Gingco and Kevin Allen.



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One more thing that's pretty important.

Since I will be in Florida early to build stages and prepare for the match, there will be a deadline for entries. ANY ENTRIES THAT ARRIVE AFTER JULY 1ST WILL NOT BE RECEIVED SINCE I WON'T BE THERE!

Then has this changed?

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