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Stupid pet owners


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Had a lady become quite upset with me at the vets office, heres the scenario.

Yes that's my dog heeled, sitting at my side, on a short leash.

I guess that must be your dog yanking you all over the office, kind of hard to walk with your 15' retractable retractable leash all wrapped around your legs. Yes he sure is just a "bundle" of energy, oh I know how it is when they get to go in the car they just get so excited.

Yes I did just tighten my grip up on my lab, see I know he will stay put unless you don't stop allowing your ill mannered POS to get in his face.

I guess you still aren't seeing the signs are you?

Notice the hair starting to stand up on my dog's neck? Yea it's happening everytime you allow your mutt to charge up to him.

Your really shocked? OK I'll say it again.

Get your damn dog away from mine.

I now just leave him in the truck until it's his turn, then just take him right into the exam room.

I don't need a vet bill for sticthes or some other nasty disease your mutt is carrying.


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I have NO problem verbalizing the majority of your rant to those folks who let their mutts antagonize my dog or myself. I get downright vicious if it happens around my grandkids, 2 & 4 years old. My lab is very well behaved and I won't put up with other dogs getting in his face at the wrong times. Usually the owners get pissed, grab their pet and storm off. Works for me!


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Same thing when you walk them. Many times I had to make mine sit down because some ignorant dog (the owner, too) can't keep their pet under control, with their mutt standing up on two legs to try and get to mine. Ignorant dogs and ignorant kids - drive me nuts.

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you could exchange the word dog for kid in the original post and have the same rant.

we have people let there dogs run loose on the battlefield trails, my last horse was none too fond of dogs, kinda interesting seeing how much air they can catch.

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I've quit going for walks with my dogs when I visit my mom. I can easily walk all 4 of my dogs on leash at the same time. We do it regularly. When I visit her, she has her dog on the 15 foot flexi lead, and it is just as you explained. He's either 15 feet behind us, 15 feet ahead of us, or wrapping the leash around all of our legs. She knows how annoying it is to all of us, but refuses to lock the button on his leash.

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I have seen this quite a bit, and to generalize it seems like the smaller a dog is the worse their behavior. I really think it's most small dog owners fault I hate most small dogs! My Border Collie agreed with this I think...We were scolded several time in a class for him nipping at a stupid Pom Pom that was in his face. No nothing was said to the other owner. :angry2:

Thought about letting the lesh "slip" a couple times :devil:

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Actual conversation from a vet visit:

Me (w/ 90# Pit/Lab mix): Ma'am, would you please put a leash on you dog? Everyone else seems to have their pet on a leash. Thanks.

Idiot Owner (w/ 10# Turd/Fur mix): Leash? Ha/ha, my dog is so well behaved he doesn't need to be on a leash. Look how he scampers all around the waiting room. He just wants to play.

Me: Please leash your dog so that I'm not picking your dog out of my dogs shit tomorrow. Thanks.

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I have two messages to the aforementioned folks.

1. A 50' length of what appears to be retractable fishing line does not constitute a leash.

2. My dog does not yip, does not bark, does not growl, does not act like an idiot. He will however only ignore your barking rat until he gets into his personal space at which point he will attempt to disembowel him. He doesn't really care about your excuses.

Act accordingly.

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