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shooting two eyes opened...


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you need to know your dominate eye. Try scotch tape on your shooting glasses over your non dominate. Shooting with both eyes open allows to to transition much better. It might take some work to develop, just like many other skills :-)

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you need to know your dominate eye. Try scotch tape on your shooting glasses over your non dominate. Shooting with both eyes open allows to to transition much better. It might take some work to develop, just like many other skills :-)

Thanks for the answer! I am definitely right eye dominant. In my garage with dryfire drills and airsoft practice, I really struggle with double target vision. It is not as bad outside at the range. I am going to give the be transition drills a try as my sight picture for the first target is pretty good, it is the transition targets that multiply rapidly in my vision. Kent

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ill try to post a picture of my glasses with the tape on them. you dont need, much, just enough to stop the "double image" of a target. its an easy fix that I honestly dont even see any more when shooting.

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I've gone back and forth between taping and not taping for the last 3 years. I am right handed and right eye dominant, but I still see double front sights without the tape. I finally went back to monovision contacts and tape on my left lens on my shooting glasses.

I use two pair of shooting glasses, Rudy's of course. ;) One with tape while I shoot and one pair I wear when I'm not. Not near as annoying as walking around all day looking through tape.

I find my transistions are much faster shooting with both eyes open.

You just gotta find something that works for you.

I actually use this product now instead of scotch tape:


Edited by Paul Burtchell
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  • 1 month later...

I feel like when i began shooting both eyes open the rest of shooting scene became much more easily seen to me...I feel like it helped with transitions and with eye speed as well...heck i even shoot precision pistol with both eyes open now


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My eye dominance is strong. I have recently tried shooting with both eyes and here are some additional things I have noticed:

Sometimes when I see the sights I look "thru" the sights and also see the target- even for target beyond 10 yds. Never happened with one eye shut. Need to work on this.

I see more of the sights moving- I think I'm calling shots better.

When the lighting is poor or targets are far, I still want to shut an eye.

When my eyes are tired keeping both eyes open doesn't work as good.

Shooting with both eyes open is definitely easier when I use the stronger prescription in my dominant eye, normally my contacts are +3.0 left (dominant) and +3.5 right. With mono vision I'm using a +3.75 in my left eye. Yeah I laugh when people think their eyes are bad when they use a +/- 1.5 or something!

I have issues with both eyes open shooting with my handgun but have no problem with my AR-15s open sights. I still spend time practicing trying to get my eyes used to

the idea but my right eye over dominates the left so bad it makes it hard.

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I have noticed when teaching someone to shoot with both eyes open it is imperative they know where to focus the dominant eye.Surprising many do not. Target focus emphasizes two sight pictures, rear sight focus emphasizes two targets, front sight focus is of course the prefered focus as it gives (usually) an acceptable target and sight picture. For me most times the focus is not on anything in particular (mostly front sight though) but i see it all.

I wonder if the people who seem more natural with a proper two eyed sight picture also can quickly see the hidden image in one of those pictures that just looks like a design and a three-d image pops out at you if you get your focus just right. You are not really focused on anything in particular but it is in crystal clear focus. i see those designs pop out almost instantly and my sight picture jumps out like that as well. My wife takes forever to see those designs.

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Im a natural 2-eye open shooter w/ dominant right eye and right handed. When I taught myself to use my left eye when shooting weak/left handed, I could see 2 sight pics. But when I determined w/c was the correct one to focus on, w/ practice, I was able to do it decisively. Even now, I still have this 2 sight pics when using my weak eye to sight the gun but my brain knows w/c one to focus on so its automatic.

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Why does everyone seem to learn to shoot with one eye closed. I was taught to shoot by my father with the one eye closed method. I guess he learned to shoot with one eye closed and it was reinforced in the navy. When I found out that some people shoot with both eyes open, I tried that method. I learned to shoot with both eyes open in one range outing. Much easier on eye strain I think.

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I have always shot with one eye closed. When I was a kid and learning to shoot a BB gun I did what I saw in the movies. I am currently trying to break that habit using the tape method. Something I noticed was that my reloads were faster, as well as my transitions. Depth perception definitely helps when I am doing a reload.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just introduced to the "both eyes open" today and it is quite a switch. (I feel a bit like a Stra Trek episode, "THERE ARE FOUR SIGHTS!") I think we learn the 1-eye trick from rifles. I've been practicing trying to get aiming and tracking down all night. I think I better figure out which is my dominant eye.

The thing the instructor brought up today was how in competitive shooting having both eyes open helps you "plan" and "move" b, it helps to scan the area with you peripheral vision to plan your moves, start picking up multiple targets etc...

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ill try to post a picture of my glasses with the tape on them. you dont need, much, just enough to stop the "double image" of a target. its an easy fix that I honestly dont even see any more when shooting.

Just saw this post and remembered I took the picture but never posted it. This is what I use to keep both eyes open but eliminate the "double" images.


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