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Open or Production? Which one for a training class?

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This Saturday I have the opportunity to take a class from Max Michel and Travis Tomasie and I can't make up my mind on what I want to use for the class.

I have been shooting Production for the last year and a half. I'm use to the Stock 2 EAA witness I've been shooting for the last 8 months. After refining the trigger on it (The stock trigger on these are primitive)I would put this gun up against anything out there that's being ran in the production class. With the new mags from EAA this thing just sings. I had a local GM (Yong Lee)take it through a torture test and I couldn't hardly get it back! He liked it so much that he went and ordered two so he could have them ready for next seasons matches. Super accurate and feels like your shooting a 22lr conversion when shooting 9 minor. It's a total blast to shoot and i feel very confident shooting it.

I've Finally completed my last project(Open gun)and really like how it turned out. It's a shorty 9 major open gun that I used in the last four matches. It took me a while to get it just right but now that it's done I want to play with the thing! I bought it used, tor it all apart and redid everything. The thing does take some getting use to. The way to grip it is different from what I'm use to. The dot has been something to adjust to especially strong or week handed. I would like to keep shooting in the open class so I can learn the speed of the game. I've been told that open class is where you really refine your game of movement thus making you a faster shooter in all the other divisions.

So there it is. Which one to use. I need to figure this out in the next couple of days because I need to still make ammo for the training cource and the match that runs the following day! If anyone has any good advise please jump on in and head me in the right direction. Thanks.

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which gun do you want to get better with the most? whatever you learn can most likely be applied to any division with slight modification but im assuming whatever gun you take will be the one they focus on for you.

btw, im super jealous. Ii would LOVE to take a class from those 2...

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I would put this gun up against anything out there that's being ran in the production class.

That'll be tough since there is no such thing ;)

Shoot your Production gun. After four matches you probably aren't seeing enough with the Open gun to really take advantage of it in a class setting. R,

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great class, great opportunity to learn.

I took the class couple of year ago with my production gun, but that is what my main gun is at the time.

Many sessions in the class we broke out into iron sights with TT and dots with Max. So you will get a lot of great information either way.

I'd pick the gun that I would be planning on shooting the most this season and next. So that the lessons learned would be used the immediately and with more repetition.

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Pardon me. I meant division. I'm sure you get my point though. You mentioned that I'm probably not seeing enough? Could you elaberate a bit?

With a dot you are seeing differently than with iron sights. The dot is a target focus, as a result you will see the stage differently while shooting it. However, it will take time shooting with a dot before you become comfortable enough to start noticing you are seeing things you did not see with irons. Kind of hard to explain. It's like seeing the front sight lift and knowing exactly were the shot hit on the target. You did not start out seeing this when you first started shooting irons but eventually it began to happen.

I have taken Max and Travis's course and they teach mostly the basics anyway so it will apply to whatever you take, but will most likely get more out of the course with the gun you are most familiar with.


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I'd go with the irons. It is what you are know and are already comfortable with. As others have said Open is definitely different. The other consideration (and absolutely no slam on your Open gun) but I would be much more comfortable shooting a gun that I have shot enough to know it is reliable rather than one that has just fairly recently been built. Mr. Murphy and his bag of new pistol gremlins particularly like to show up at big matches, special training events, etc.

Enjoy the training!

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This Saturday I have the opportunity to take a class from Max Michel and Travis Tomasie and I can't make up my mind on what I want to use for the class.

I have been shooting Production for the last year and a half. I'm use to the Stock 2 EAA witness I've been shooting for the last 8 months. After refining the trigger on it (The stock trigger on these are primitive)I would put this gun up against anything out there that's being ran in the production class. With the new mags from EAA this thing just sings. I had a local GM (Yong Lee)take it through a torture test and I couldn't hardly get it back! He liked it so much that he went and ordered two so he could have them ready for next seasons matches. Super accurate and feels like your shooting a 22lr conversion when shooting 9 minor. It's a total blast to shoot and i feel very confident shooting it.

I've Finally completed my last project(Open gun)and really like how it turned out. It's a shorty 9 major open gun that I used in the last four matches. It took me a while to get it just right but now that it's done I want to play with the thing! I bought it used, tor it all apart and redid everything. The thing does take some getting use to. The way to grip it is different from what I'm use to. The dot has been something to adjust to especially strong or week handed. I would like to keep shooting in the open class so I can learn the speed of the game. I've been told that open class is where you really refine your game of movement thus making you a faster shooter in all the other divisions.

So there it is. Which one to use. I need to figure this out in the next couple of days because I need to still make ammo for the training cource and the match that runs the following day! If anyone has any good advise please jump on in and head me in the right direction. Thanks.

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Now I know I'm probably going to get a byuss opinion from you guys but it seems open shooters have been the ones with the most experience. I just want to be a better shooter. The reason I started shooting open is because I feel I hit a platoe in my shooting ability. I've watched my friend Aristotle progress after he started shooting open and it's night and day from where he was before.

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I just started shooting Open and feel that it is helping me improve my Limited shooting. If I was taking this class I would use what I feel most comfortable with and what is running most reliably for you. A class is the last place you want to be chasing gun problems. For me I would choose Limited because that is what I shot for the past 2 years and am very familiar with. It sounds like you are really comfortable with your Production gun. Lets see some pictures of your new gun.

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If you're 100% that your Open gun's 100%, use it. I found Open so informative, not only from the shooting standpoint (that bouncing dot tells you so much about your shooting) but also from the standpoint of the rest of the stuff you have to do to do well in USPSA (it's much easier to focus on that when all you're worried about is target-dot-press rather than target-FS-RS-align-press).

Prepare for information overload at the class, but that doesn't mean you can forget the basics. Those basics are easier to remember with an Open gun, IMO.

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One day or two.

One day: shoot what you plan on shooting this year the most and in any major you plan on attending.

Two day: day one pick one, day two shoot what will shoot during the match following the class

But then again I'm different in most things I do.

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My earlier comment about seeing things is just that with an Open gun everything happens so fast. It takes a good bit of time to really, really see what's going on. That's why you'll watch someone who knows what they're doing hammer out an incredibly fast split on a longish target and get to alphas...they were practically driving them in their with their eyes. That takes a while to develop. Until you start getting to that point you're not really going to be learning Open gun techniques, just general match techniques...and for that a Production rig is easier, cheaper and less hassle. R,

Edited by G-ManBart
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While sitting at my reloading bench last night I finally made my choice. I believe G-manBart has sent me in the right direction. I haven't enough experience with the open gun to where I feel confortable and fluent with it. It doesn't feel like an extention of me when I run it unlike my production gun. I'm sure in time i'll be there but for now I'll run the production gun for the class and for the Northwest section championship series match on the following day. My goal for the year is to win the Northwest Challenge in my class in production division. I started to shoot open because i wanted to gain speed. I put serious thought into this and I believe now that learning proper technic and execution will lead to being a faster shooter. Thanks to all that has contributed to my decision and a special thanks to G-man.

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While sitting at my reloading bench last night I finally made my choice. I believe G-manBart has sent me in the right direction. I haven't enough experience with the open gun to where I feel confortable and fluent with it. It doesn't feel like an extention of me when I run it unlike my production gun. I'm sure in time i'll be there but for now I'll run the production gun for the class and for the Northwest section championship series match on the following day. My goal for the year is to win the Northwest Challenge in my class in production division. I started to shoot open because i wanted to gain speed. I put serious thought into this and I believe now that learning proper technic and execution will lead to being a faster shooter. Thanks to all that has contributed to my decision and a special thanks to G-man.

Hey, don't thank anybody until you decide whether it worked or not...lol. The good thing is that the important stuff you learn in the class will almost certainly help/carry over to other guns :cheers:

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