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Crowd Interference


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I was the competitor on the first stage of the match yesterday. As I completed a re-load and entered the final shooting position, I hear the RO yell "Stop!" I turn around and look at him and he tells me to keep shooting. I finished the stage without incident, but this probably cost me 3 seconds. When we were done the RO said someone in the crowd yelled something, but he didn't say a word.

I can't find a rule that says I should be offered a re-shoot. Do I have any recourse in this situation?

As a comptitor, this leaves me confused on how to react next time it happens. I feel like it is important that I quit shooting if I hear someone yell "Stop." Even if I haven't had a safety violation, there could be something occuring that would make things unsafe for myself or a fellow competitor. However, I don't want to throw away time because someone in the crowd decided to yell at his buddy. Any suggestions?

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Sorry about that but there is no rule that I can find. I would imagine that a rule like that would be a bad idea because of the people that would claim that they "thought" they heard the RO say something when a stage goes to crap. Best things to do (as a shooter) is to turn down the electronic hearing protection and see if you can get the peanut gallery to can it.

As RO, you can give the crowd a sign to keep it down but there will always be "loud talkers" (especially with near-deaf shooters).



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If the RO heard whatever it was, and he sees it has affected the shooter, then 8.6.4 applies (...or another external influence...).


Oops, I missed that part. What about the case where the RO does not hear (or notice) the sound and the shooter claims interference?

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Oops, I missed that part. What about the case where the RO does not hear (or notice) the sound and the shooter claims interference?

Well, it's a lot like scoring a double - no matter what the shooter claims he shot, the RO can only act on the available evidence. :devil:

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Oops, I missed that part. What about the case where the RO does not hear (or notice) the sound and the shooter claims interference?

Well, it's a lot like scoring a double - no matter what the shooter claims he shot, the RO can only act on the available evidence. :devil:

It's good to be king... :cheers:

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If the RO heard whatever it was, and he sees it has affected the shooter, then 8.6.4 applies (...or another external influence...).


Thanks.  It was a local match, and rain was on the way, so I wasn't too worried about not getting the re-shoot, but I wanted to make sure of the rule in case it came up at a bigger match (or if I was the RO.)

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I don't know about you guys, but I was taught that anyone has the authority to stop a shooter, for safety reasons.

A ten year old kid may spot a hazard that the RO or anyone else has not seen and if he shouts stop , you stop.

It's just common sense really.

If you stopped and then find it was not justified you are entitled to a re shoot due to outside interference.


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Double plug, electronic ears off while shooting. Best way to avoid undue distractions - aside from the RO, someone has to YELL for me to hear it and notice it. The RO will (hopefully) hear the same thing if it's that loud, so... Otherwise... Unfortunately... you're screwed :(

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Im with Pezco. Personally, the squad and gallery should be quiet while shooters are shooting. It is distracting to have a bunch of cackling people behind you when you're shooting. I have my ears turned up so I can hear the RO and the buzzer, not so I can hear about Jimbob's night at the hotel bar.

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I personally try to not talk during the 20 seconds it takes someone to shoot a stage. I guess any conversation i have can wait 30 seconds and be continued while I pasting targets.

Sucks about a loss of time on your stage. I think this may be another topic that MDs should discuss in the shooter meetings before the match. could stop some issues before they start.

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And we forget that we are YELLING our whispered stories to the guy next to us...wearing hearing protection :angry2:

I try to turn mine off while shooting - but frequently forget. My dumb stories can usually wait 20 seconds too - but I frequently forget.

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some people just talk loudly anyway. Once I start shooting I'm focused on shooting. I've been stopped before but they had to YELL IT!

Peanut gallery should read this and have a little respect for others....I'm guilty as well and I'm taking note.

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As an RO, I do not hesitate to ask the peanut gallery to tone it down. They usually comply, but occasionally I get a dirty look ...

For those of you prone to the dirty look, please remember this thread! I do it as a courtsey to the shooter. Better still, help the RO by asking your fellow squad mates to keep it down while the shooter is "making ready" or shooting.

As a RM, if the situation is extreme enough, I have the authority to "invite" the offender(s) to leave the range. This is rather draconian and I have never invoked it, nor have I actually seen it invoked. But the authority is there, if truely needed.

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I usually wear electronic muffs, but they were acting up so I just had foam plugs in. I don't typically hear anything while I'm shooting, which is why I reacted. I was shooting with a good bunch of guys on Saturday, and I'm sure no one did anything intentionally. The RO said something after my run and there weren't any more problems for the rest of the day.

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I don't know about you guys, but I was taught that anyone has the authority to stop a shooter, for safety reasons.

A ten year old kid may spot a hazard that the RO or anyone else has not seen and if he shouts stop , you stop.

It's just common sense really.


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The gallery cutting up doesn't bother me as long as the stfu at AYR. As a shooter it bothers me less than when I'm ROing. As an RO I'm there to help the shooter and someone talking loud annoys me as it might annoy the shooter. I have on occasion, turned to the gallery before AYR and asked them politely to stfu. :o


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