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Everything posted by want2race

  1. Exactly why I sent my application. I may not the best at any one platform, but I have experience with all of them. Spare mini gun (M132) barrel + Brownells wood handled 'cotton applicator' (Qtip) + compressed air hose = Gunsmith blow gun Can I hit a grapefruit at 1000 yards with a Tomahawk? Maybe not.
  2. Burris fast fire, their marketing info shows a Baretta slide ride specifically. I just test fired a copy of the SGS frame mounted comp (re: the movie "The Professional). I know this guy, who bought this thing, and he wants to do some stuff. One of which is mass producing a very similar comp to the SGS. No need to change barrel, comp mounts to frame. I tried to talk him out of it, but it was no use. Maybe that's a good thing. Anyway, the 3D model is out for quotes.
  3. Hell yeah, find a way...move to TN. We'll be neighbors. Plenty of competition out here. No Kalifornia gun laws either. I don't have the free time or the money to shoot as much as I want to. I shoot less than 5k (rounds) per year and 98% of that is at matches. Definitely get to a club, no better practice than matches. You will learn your weak areas very fast. Don't forget strong hand/weak hand accuracy. Maybe, if you start to slide backwards, spend that day at home dry firing. Video your dry fire sessions too. Don't worry about fast, concentrate and visualize perfection. Speed comes with experience. S
  4. I left the points I wanted to elaborate on in the quote. Sorry if it came across the wrong way. I was just sharing some points about practicing that T.J. had mentioned in the past. "Going back to a stance and set up that was working"....EXACTLY. I wasn't trying to offer advice on how to shoot, quite the opposite. It sounded like you were "hunting" for this or that to help improve. It's important to try different things, that's how we grow. But it's equally important to pick and choose only what works for you and drop the rest. Same with tuning on the gun. You won't know what works, until you've tried it all. I did, and still do, the same thing. But, if you are still sorting out your technique, changing the gun each time may hurt your progress. I was stubborn when I started. I wanted to do it my way. In the end it doesn't matter your technique. Only that the sights are where you want them when you pull the trigger. Except for working at longer ranges, I tried not include too much "Hey do this, instead of that." That was included based on my own boredom with indoor ranges. "Letting go" of preconcieved ideas will help you find "your" style. My comment about ammo amount was not sarcastic. I really wish I had your ammo supply to practice with. I don't, therefore I dry fire when I can. Are you already shooting USPSA matches? Or are you practicing before you go?
  5. Shooting fast sounds great. Shooting accurate looks better. Shooting drills to work specific weaknesses, Best. Todd Jarrett once said he wasted about a million rounds (yes, he said MILLION) in practice because he wasn't practicing what he should have been practicing. Blasting rounds is fun, but if you're not working specific drills, or weakness, your just blasting for fun. In fact, you could be reinforcing bad habbits. If you miss in practice, you are telling your brain that missing is OK. You'll do it during a match. Unless you are trying to break a 'speed wall', call every shot. Only shoot as fast the front sight tells you can shoot. You need to turn off your brain. Don't worry about "correct stance, grip, recoil control" etc. Just pull the trigger when the sight is where you want it. You're body will figure out what it needs to do in order to keep the sight where you want it. If you TRY to nail the reload, you run a higher risk of blowing it. Just let it happen. Let go. If you're restricted to stand and shoot, indoor range you can practice long range drills. Put the target as far back as it will go. Now you can practice speed drills, speed dictated by front sight only. I only wish I had the kind ammo to practice with that you are burning up. For a .45, 14lbs is as light as I will go. 12 is flatter, but only marginally. The hit is harder with the 12. I prefer the feel of the 14. Good slide speed, pretty flat. 4.2g Clays under 200g SWC.
  6. I'd like to see a course of fire that includes, parachuting out of an aircraft at 1000 feet AGL then engage targets on the ground while under canopy.
  7. I purchased an additional week of vacation so I have 5 weeks to play with. Not sure how they'll feel about me taking all of it in one shot, but I'll cross that bridge should it land in front of me.
  8. It's written, pics chosen, video links attached. Sending it tomorrow.
  9. Might take me a week or two to get back into shape, but I'm game.
  10. I'm thinking Ultimate Fighter, but with shooting challenges instead of fights. Winner of the UC show also got 6 figures. I think most of the top shooters already have their own show. Shooting USA or Impossible shots. Both of which I find very entertaining. PRO-am is on tonight, speaking of which.
  11. One thing I was having a problem with was primer ram alignment. After everything I did, it was adding a chamfer to the bottom side of the shell plate that resolved it. My .40 plate must have been older because when I added a .45 conversion I noticed the underside of the .45 was already chamfered.
  12. One friend, who has a 650, came over one day and asked where the rest of the press was. I take my SDB traveling too. Works great.
  13. I use the square ram portion as a guide as to how far the primer is seated. The square ram will just about be level with the teflon ram guides (at the corners). Do you have another primer slide? It's possible that the telfon 'guide' on the primer slide is worn. If you have a large primer conversion, try swapping the teflon (white) guide from one to the other. Have any crimped brass made into your brass mix?
  14. If it was my decision to make, I'd say sure. I didn't think the barrel could protrude from the slide (more than whatever is considered normal). The same could be said about commander slides using 5" barrels. One step further, an officer slide is even lighter. Would a factory Officer slide using a 6" barrel be legal?
  15. I may have misquoted, or misrepresented, his response to me. My appologies to John if I did. I specifically asked if I could add one inch to a 5inch barrel. He said no, not in a factory 5" gun. I can not add 1" to a 5" barrel for use in a 5" gun. He did not say that I couldn't use a factory 6" barrel in a 5" gun, because that was not specifically what I asked. I took it to mean (my interpretation) that I could not have a barrel extend past the slide 1". A 5" gun must have a 5" barrel, a 6" gun must have a 6" barrel. That was MY impression, not his.
  16. Not according to Armidon. I emailed him last week, he specifically told me that I could NOT use a 6" barrel in a 5" slide.
  17. That would be one tall sight. I agree though that Limited should not have the restrictions that it currently has. No comps, optics, and a 140mm mag.
  18. First place I usually go is our Vendor Tent on this forum. If you can't find it there, you'll have to have it made.
  19. Hey, I've got a pretty valid excuse this time. This match was about as disconnected as I've ever shot. I can barely tell you who was on my squad. Having my 4y/o son there for his first match was a pretty big distraction.
  20. I had a "father son" tag team of holy rollers stop by once. I had the two car garage door open, working at my bench, reloading ammo in the back of the garage. I heard them coming and I just KNEW they were church peddlers. I go to church, MY church, have been for years. That info did not phase them. These two were well versed in technique. The eye contact, hand motions, lingo etc...they didn't just offer their book to me they put into my hand during conversation. Reloading came up, obviously. The conversation ended with references to .....crusades.....holy war....can't load enough.... "Praise the lord and pass the ammunition" etc... I just acted like I hadn't taken my crazy pill that day. I'm always the nice guy who at least listens to what they have to offer. They just REALLY PISSED ME OFF by entering my garage without asking. Yes the door was open, but still no excuse for entering my home without permission. I look at my garage door (the big door) like my front door. Just because it's open doesn't mean you can come in. Other peddlers know enough to stop at the entrance, even when open.
  21. Strictly gaming: Shorter slide and barrel will transition faster. Shorter slide cycles faster since it weighs less. The target distance in IDPA makes the shorter sight radius a moot point. Those are hypotheticals of course. For me, I built a carry gun that I happen to shoot IDPA with.
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