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Front Man

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Everything posted by Front Man

  1. Oh, I don't know... I think we are more like Nascar than most any other pro sport out there. It seems that Daytona is doing just fine and it's the first race of the season. Edited to add: OK, OK, maybe we are more like PGA or Pro Tennis , but I'm having a hard time admitting the comparison is valid. Sorry, Z. I have thought about this and realized the AMA Supercross season will begin (again) the first Saturday night in January and run non-stop until May. That is the end of THAT season. I just always thought it should be in September or October. The weather SHOULD be a lot nicer too. I haven't shot the Nationals since '95 so I really don't have an agenda. FM
  2. A National Championship should be towards the end of the shooting season. Just like most other professional sports. It is too weird to crown a National Champion with half of a season to go. JMHO FM
  3. My personal opinion is that you already own the 2 best powders out there for MY open gun. 3N37 and 3N38 would be in there too. I've burned a lot of 3N37 and it's alright too. But I always come back to N-350. Works with 115's to 125's. Don't know about anything heavier. FM
  4. I like my CMORE; but, if I were building a new Open gun I'd like to try a tube again; especially if I could get an Aimpoint with a 10" dot. I am tired of having to rezero constantly. And dealing with the dot to bore relationship. I never had to constantly rezero a Tasco PDP-3, but when I did use them I had to replace them about once every 2 years. An Aimpoint would improve my confidence too. FM
  5. I checked everything out on a three year old notebook running XP Pro and everything worked perfect. FM
  6. I thought all of the parallels of non fictional characters was VERY interesting. Especially John Voight's character. There were some things that were a little "funny", but I was surprised that it was as good as it was! I wish the season was was shown in two hour increments like last night! HoS
  7. And don't for get to buy the extended mag pads from EGW! FM
  8. The best thing about your purchase is it hasn't been chromed yet! FM
  9. My recollection is that it is the 223 case cut to 38 Super length. You are correct! FM
  10. The best Caspian magazine in my range bag is the big stick Jim built for me. FM
  11. I am working on a referall for the Tucson area while working in Missouri. I have to know how far the properties are from the Pima club range don't I? It might be the corporations band width but it's my notebook! HoS
  12. Daughters are cool too! I'd take either one! FM
  13. I have my name, phone number and corporate logo. I would put on a nice DVC sticker though. How about an Enosverse type sticker? FM
  14. It's the best show if you can't get "The Shield" anyway! (I only get 3 channels.) FM
  15. It's bad enough here we should be able to hunt them like coyotes... Year around. FM
  16. I need a Tucson Realtor for a referral. Buyer needs to buy an inexpesive property. Thanks in advance! FM
  17. Congratulations to a great kid! (He's a kid to me anyway!) FM
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