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Everything posted by matteekay

  1. Screw that, I'm going Revo Open Optics Carbine. With a grenade launcher.
  2. A few snips... I had to deal with than one last night, and it wasn't even a new shooter. I'm all for the change, but also curious what happens with HHF. I'm really curious if they will address the on/off state of the light in the revised rules. I completely get your concern (hell, if I could have, I would have duct-taped a light to my N-Frame by the end of Friday during the 2020 MHS), but I would prefer the option to use the light and risk it becoming a must-have if it's going to be an either/or judgement. That might stem from shooting too many indoor matches with less-than-stellar lighting... including my own.
  3. It'd be a little much to smash all the divisions in one shot. These definitely look like first steps towards a consolidation, though.
  4. That was my thought - starting seated and unloaded from a metal chair could get dicey. (I say that as someone who's hooked a folding chair on a moonclip post and shot the whole stage that way)
  5. I don't think it's a massive game-changer... which is why I'm fine with it. To me, the advantage are: Lots of folks have carry guns that are setup for CO + flashlight, so now they can run them as-is Holster compatibility; I have a few guns that I run in a modified Omnivore I'm assuming this means the light can be on while shooting (waiting on the rule release to confirm). This could be useful for those of us that shoot indoor matches The changes seem generally well-received so far because the change isn't massive. I think the holster/mag pouch changes are actually a bigger deal.
  6. There is no definition of "pouch" in the rulebook. They would have to add that requirement.
  7. The rule now reads: "Each magazine must be contained individually within the magazine pouch. Magazines may not be retained through magnetic means." There is no guidance other than that, so I'd think a standalone magnet is fine as long as it's by itself on the belt and not attached to another pouch.
  8. Yeah, it's like a total 180, lol. It makes sense, though - a light with batteries doesn't add much weight, so it's hard to use it as a de-facto frame weight. Gonna go order a bunch of X-300 knockoffs.
  9. And after I milled my Single Stack guns, lol... No real complaints from me on these. It feels like we're moving toward merging Production and Limited somewhere down the line. It's nice that I don't have to ruin lights anymore at least, though my half-pound light housing full of lead shot is nice for recoil in Limited.
  10. I like BBI. Their coat is a little thinner than some others but it's never given me issues. SNS is also only listing what they have and shipping within 48 hours. Good dude(s).
  11. I wasn't angry until I saw that they're still taking in orders. How deep of a backlog do you need?
  12. Now entering Month 7 of waiting on Gallant to ship a case of 147's.
  13. The berms are laid out north/south. I'll let Pat answer for sure, but my guess is the reserved squads are overflow that we can open if needed.
  14. Are there recoil busses of any sort machined into the slide? It looks like the Venom is free-floating on the sides where the busses would go. It does look like the back of the optic has some support so that's good!
  15. Not that bad yet. I think I can make it through this season with what I have. Thanks, though - I'll keep you in mind.
  16. Howdy BEnosverse. I'm a revolver shooter 80% of the time but I like to mix in semi-autos in the off-season. I've been mostly shooting the 1911 platform because I like the ergo's but have a tendency to jerk the single-action triggers since I'm used to rolling revo triggers. I'd seen LDA guns in the past but never gave them much thought - like everyone else, I pretty much poo-poo'd a DA 1911 as a wacky idea. The more I think about it, though, the more I'm thinking it might make sense to my wheelgun-trained brain. Does anyone own one? What do you think about it? Ever competed with it? Thanks!
  17. If other Para-pattern mags work in your gun (or Armscor/MecGar), there's no reason to think that these wouldn't. I've heard mixed results with trying to cross the Para/STI streams, though - sometimes the combination works (usually with modifications), sometimes it doesn't.
  18. Warren and I have discussed making a Rhino into a 10mm if things get desperate enough... Right now, 10mm brass is about as hard to get as primers, though.
  19. Bring me ammo and I gun and I'll happily use it. Hell, I might have to buy a 625 if small primers don't turn up soon.
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