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Everything posted by matteekay

  1. If it was good enough for "Miami Vice", surely it's good enough for IDPA.
  2. That's a really good answer and a common practice for guys buying high-end trap/skeet guns. It probably nets out to less than what you'd lose if you bought the wrong gun, too.
  3. Went on and voted yes except for this one: That's just stupid, and likely to be more dangerous than simply having the shooter holster. I also added that holstering an unsafe gun should be a DQ in IDPA across the board like it is in USPSA; if safety is really your concern, it's bonkers to me that someone who shoves a non-safed 1911 into a holster simply has to take it out and click the safety on to continue. This doesn't help me any but I'm all about expanding options for the sport. I AIWB carry in daily life (even with my revos) but when I shoot revolver in IDPA, the vest is a much faster option when reloading than pulling my shirt out of the way.
  4. Weird guns that are themed together are even better!
  5. You have weird guns. I like you.
  6. It's why I changed platforms. It's a great gun but I'm not willing to subject it to match abuse with no source of parts. Hell, I shoot Chiappas, and even they're better than that.
  7. This guidance originally stemmed from the area coordinators and now IDPA HQ. All of our local MD's (myself included) are happy to follow it. I suspect you'd only run into issues with someone who hasn't kept up with the rules. (I know - in IDPA? Inconceivable!) I do agree that it would be nice to have an updated formal rulebook. Maybe in 2022?
  8. Roger that. I had both caps refinished but the gun still isn't back home so I can probably drill them, have them TiN'd again, and get them back before I need them, lol. MOJO's work always looks awesome.
  9. Yikes. Seriously, S&W? Is it the same issue with the V-Comp? I think they interface similarly; I guess what I took to be erosion could have been projectile strikes.
  10. I didn't realize they were so awful. Other than being kinda stupid, do the end caps affect accuracy?
  11. Might as well give ourselves something to look forward to... I'm planning on shooting the Rocky Mountain Regional and (hopfully) Nationals, both out at Cameo in Grand Junction, CO. I kinda want to go shoot "The Ocho" even though I'm not a CDP or CCP guy simply because... it's The Ocho, lol.
  12. Are these all that poorly fit? I bought a used V-Comp and noticed the "comp" (using the term very loosely) had wear damage on the inner "ring" that's near the muzzle. Or maybe erosion? I was surprised because I know this is a very low-mileage gun.
  13. If it's legal for ESP, it's legal for CO (assuming it makes weight).
  14. SNS is offering 10% off with no minimum and they actually ship orders.
  15. I felt compelled to make a donation if that helps, lol. I've been tracking these for so long that I'll be happy whenever they make it to market. Obviously sooner would better, but I'm just happy there are companies that are continuing to innovate for revolvers.
  16. That's fair. I could have phrased that better, too - I mostly meant "do you guys typically have to dump a lot of rounds on each stage?" Around here (including the big matches), it's usually something like one extra shot at an array if you want to reload on the run instead of taking a standing. Totally get that that may not be the case everywhere. Ah, gotcha. I never realized that was a thing. I guess they argued that you disabled a safety feature? Which seems weird because you literally can't fire a revolver with the cylinder out, lol. I don't think anyone's ever checked that on mine but, even at Nats, it's luck of the draw in terms of who does your gear check. That's not a thing. Did it used to be, though? I only shot one or two matches under the old rulebook. I think that's the heart of the problem. It's really an issue with the reload rules and round-dumping is a side effect. I'd fully support trashing the reload requirements and letting shooters reload wherever, whenever; it's honestly the hardest part of the sport to explain to new shooters. My only request is the loading device count remains the same so I can laugh at someone who reloaded at a poor time and has to go back and find a partially full mag, lol.
  17. Still not a fan of the revolver rule changes from 2016(?), but whatever, I'm set up for it now. I'm really curious if anyone ever runs SSR - all of the (competitive) revo's I saw at Nats were ESR (myself included). Is round dumping that big of an issue for you guys? I try to build stages so it's never required but you have the option to do so; it's typically one round for the ESP/CO/SSP guns. I can't say that I've ever seen excessive round dumping at any of the local matches or Regionals, either.
  18. Welp, now you can live your dreams!
  19. You're probably right. I replaced the Fusion sight with a Heinie that's a perfect fit (and better sight picture, as well).
  20. It's not a hill I'm willing to die on, but it would make my life as an MD easier if people could use their real carry gear. I still think the lowlight thing is easily solvable by saying "you must use a handheld light for this stage"; it doesn't feel any more ridiculous than "you must complete this stage carrying a ten-pound kettlebell to simulate a baby carrier" (source: CO State Championship 2019). Ultimately... whatever. It's a rulebook and it's really easy to get dragged into philosophical or ethical arguments about its intent. I'm going to keep handling it how I have, which is new shooters get a one-time pass (if their holster won't work without the light), and then they either need to replace the holster or shoot in NFC.
  21. I have zero engineering skills so I've got nothing in the way of advice, but good on you for trying something new. Can't wait to see how it develops!
  22. Yeah, to be fair, I was trying to champion the idea back under the old rules. For me, it was less about "this will be huge!" and more like "it's a very minor rulebook change and I know at least a few ICORE shooters who would probably come play." I've given up on it but I do think it's less ridiculous than some of the Single Stack limitations... or the entire Production appendix...
  23. I've barked up this tree a few times to no avail. The prevailing notion amongst shooters (and seemingly the BOD) at the moment is "revolver is lucky it's still a division".
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