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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Por que no? Ltd, L-10, Production...what won't it do? IMO, only "must-haves" are replacement sights and TruGrip, sold by EricW. Well, and, for Limited you'll want magazine extensions....Add/subtract the rest as budget and taste dictate. There are a zillion threads here about the G35 as a Limited gun.
  2. 1) Grass, Brass, or Action, Class -- NO ONE rides for free 2) He was DAMNED if he was going to pay to rent another golf cart at the Nationals....
  3. That's great and accurate advice, IMO. I'd only add that while a liberal-arts 4-year degree might not, in itself, get a good job, a Bachelors degree -- *any* BA/BS -- can be of paramount importance when dealing with the dreaded Human Resources Department. Lack of a degree may completely rule you out, depending on how the job description is written, or will almost certainly have you starting at a much lower salary level. Exceptions can be made, but it's not a battle the hiring manager is going to want to fight.
  4. I can't imagine what a PITA it would be to insert cases manually into station 2. You'd mostly just be removing/adding the bell again, to the case mouth, and I can't imagine, unless these cases have already been reloaded many, many times, you'd have an issue. But that's just a guess based on reloading .40 myself, several times, in a Glock shooting major PF. Or here's another thought -- use the case feeder, but just remove the resizing/depriming die from station 1 ?
  5. That seems pretty accurate. I'm afraid "brain wandering around" might be a nice euphemism for some combination of flinching/blinking/jerking the trigger/or otherwise failing to see the sight lift. I found a range that has a plate rack. It's a bit expensive to shoot there, but I shot some steel for a few practice sessions, and pretty much have a healthy respect for the damn targets, and am not terribly happy with my times or efficiency. Worse, studying the timer shows how brutal making up a miss really is, so now I REALLY know I need to go 1-for-1 on steel. As you, Brian, and Dale suggest, it's very possible to miss despite having a crisp sight picture, initially. In fact, I discovered sometimes I could shoot the rack clean without a great sight picture, provided I kept the gun on the plate, and had good trigger control. But it's awful easy to miss that first plate....
  6. A friend of mine went to Columbus, OH, years ago...When he returned, he told me, "Steve! It's like everyone up there has selective amnesia -- it's when something is SO painful, they simply block it out...." Turns out, he was trying to get people to talk about the time Woody Hayes jumped up and punched a Clemson player, but no one much wanted to talk about it.... <grin>
  7. Hmmm. The Warren-Sevigny Competition sights don't come with any tool. Kind of a PITA, as the hex head screw it just a l-i-t-t-l-e bit bigger than the standard 3/16". A few months ago, I replaced the Dawson fiber-optic front with a Sevigny (plain, black). Pissed me off, too, that they use different-sized screws. Digging around, I discovered one of the hex-head sockets in a Craftsman socket-drive set worked *perfectly*, and was just slight enough in diameter to fit through the hole....Don't remember what size it was, but can look later, if you'd like.
  8. I don't know...I vacuumed up one of my brass locator buttons, sent Dillon an email, and they were more than happy to replace it. But it was easy enough to cut open the bag, and find the sucker, and I never emailed them back and specified which caliber it was for. Hmm....Perhaps I should call 'em up, and say, "Hi, Dillon? My primer tubes are in OK shape, but pretty much every other part of my 1050 is broken beyond repair." <grin>
  9. That's a good point. I don't load anything longer than 1.140", intentionally, for my G35. I dial it into 1.135" and if it's a little over/under, no problem. Having a longer OAL than 1.140 bit me badly, when I changed a bullet profile (Zero JHP -> TCMJ, or whatever it's called).
  10. Yup, that would be me. Winter of 2005, I bought a 1911 -- had always wanted one, and had an excuse when a friend's dad gave him a pistol, and we learned about a nearby public range. I'd shot from time to time in my teens, 20's and 30's, but just very casually, and can't say I even really knew what IPSC was, beyond some vague recollection of a sport involving the ubiquitous cardboard target. As far as any individuals, nope -- zero names were familiar back then; not Brian, not Rob, no one. In reading about 1911's, and wanting to reload, there was a reference to this site on..I think www.1911forum.com, and -- ah ha! I wish I'd known about all this (practical shooting) a while ago, but..so it goes. Probably didn't have the $ or time back the, either.
  11. Ebay? About $10.00 plus whatever for shipping...I've also bought some parts from the classified section of "www.glocktalk.com," and been very pleased.
  12. I feel a bit glum when I read this thread, and others like it, because I *don't* have an Open gun, and I, too, would like to be a better Limited shooter... If you don't otherwise care much about shooting a dot-gun, it seems like a pretty big detour, no? From reading the various posts, it makes sense to me that a year or so shooting Open can really improve Ltd performance. But then I've read the same thing about Production -- ie, shoot Production for a while, and notice how it improves your overall skill, etc.
  13. OK -- decided to try this soaking business, with my G35, since it's time for new TruGrip, anyway. Brought water just to the point of boiling, and poured it into this red plastic bucket with a strong-ass solution of Simple Green®. Put the small parts in a strainer, to prevent the disposal from eating them, by accident. Let them soak a couple hours, then I put everything on a cutting board covered with newspaper, and shoved that in the oven for 20 minutes at 135 degrees F -- on the 'convection' setting. Martha Stewart would be proud. I will say this: there ain't NO grease/oil on anything, after this treatment. There were, however a couple areas of hardened powder residue here and there, that I still needed the Q-tip, or pointy-stick-and-paper-towel treatment on. I also found some tiny pieces of black plastic floating in the water I never did identify. Will I do it again? Probably not. Well, maybe just on the Glock frame to remove the grunge. But the pistol is certainly clean, now. Just not sure I'd do this with a metal gun.
  14. Check out: www.ncsection.org Has a listing of results, clubs, matches, etc.
  15. Wouldn't have thought that, given the above names ... That's *excellent*.
  16. Hmm.... Just last week, in fact, I joined IDPA. Although USPSA/IPSC is my passion, there are some major matches in my area I'd like to shoot, like the Carolina Cup, and it's also a chance for some additional trigger time. That said, since I shoot semi-often in a local "IDPA-like" match, with some pretty hard-core IDPA shooters, I am sensitive to a very slight undercurrent of friction, sometimes. I think it stems from the following: 1) a genuine incomprehension, on the part of the IPSC shooter, that anyone shooting IDPA wouldn't *also* want to shoot an IPSC match. 2) and -- on the part of some IDPA shooters -- a sensitivity towards having *their* shooting recreation demeaned in some way. It's like listening to your wife complain about one of her relatives. You, too, can agree, but beyond a certain level of enthuthiasm...beware. They're still her family.
  17. I'm not trying to be pedantic, but then...why have the explicit instruction to "kneel" in the last String, if it's that obvious? I could still shoot around it, even if I were standing. Even kneeling I'm tall enough -- and I'll bet most people are, too -- that I'm still shooting over the height of the barrel, while I shoot around it, if that makes sense. Just curious. I guess, really, you could go prone if you wanted on this String (not that I'd see why).
  18. 'zactly, IMO. There's a world of conceptual difference beween the end-user replacing the stock sights with XYZ brand, and sending off the slide to be milled, if not a whole lot of practical difference.
  19. I have a question about Stage 3, String 2. I recently shot the IDPA classifier out of curiosity....(Sure enough, the last stage did get me, and pushed me from a Master pace --> Expert). Anyway, I was told you had to run up to the barrel, then kneel and shoot around it. It does not say anything about kneeling. In String 3, however, the rule book expressly states the shooter must kneel, so I'm surprised it's not spelled out in String 2. Thx
  20. IMO, and I mean *zero* disrespect, I'm would suggest not having vocation/occupation-based award policies, if I made the rules. Things like age and sex can't be changed (presuming no trips to a Thailand clinic!!), and it makes sense to recognize seniors, etc. But recognizing a specific profession gets trickier, as KurtM points out. In any event, I doubt this will ever happen in a sporting event geared around the use of firearms, and it bothers me not one whit, and I'm pleased that anyone who works hard and serves his or her country and community get a special recognition....
  21. Call what, like *what* is? Who didn't think a thread titled "Tiger Woods" is about Tiger Woods? I would hope "they" (whoever "they" are) would call him Eldrick, but the nickname "Tiger" (which has nothing to do with golf, but rather one of his Dad's Army buddies in Vietnam) has become his name. WTF do you care about it, anyway? Do you not like his signature on a lease agreement, or something? Is he trying to cash a check? I don't know. I'm *hoping* you will say it's because of an incredible talent and work ethic obvious at the earliest of ages. Before he was THREE he was shooting under 50 for 9 holes. Or, possibly, for establishing the greatest amateur golf record ever, as a teen, and college student? His charitable foundation(s)? His absolute dominance of PGA Tour events? Fund-raising work? Why do YOU think it is?
  22. Interesting -- the answers are a bit different than I expected! Everyone seems to either completely ignore the scores, or use them only in a very objective manner.... I can see the wisdom in that, but are there not situations in which you might change the way you shoot based on your competitors, assuming you're trying to win your class/division, high-overall, or whatever, depending on skill level? Or, use the feedback from your standings for a positive effect on your psyche? From my *very* limited personal experience, I can think of two examples, in which looking at interim scores helped and hurt. First "big" match -- was very excited, and had been practicing, dry-firing like a demon, etc., only to throw a bunch of mikes on the first and second stages. I felt crushed and sick with myself...with nothing to lose, I wandered over to the leaderboard and saw while my stage performance had been wretched, it surprisingly wasn't *that* wretched, and others had been struggling, too. I cheered up a bit, relaxed, and ended with a great match. Second example - same deal, a shaky start. Walked over, while waiting for another squad to finish, and saw my scores would be terrible, already, with many more squads to go. Got so pissed, I forced *everything* from that point on, which resulted in many C hits, and the inevitable true "crash-and-burn" stage. Probably better to have not looked.
  23. I'm curious how and when y'all look at the scores (assuming a "major" type match, in which score-sheets are reasonably current). If you're starting on a Sunday, for example, with two days of prior shooters already finished, do you look at their scores prior to starting? In the middle of the match? Or only when you've finished. I'm still feeling my way around this issue...One thing I've noticed that if I look at a particular time for a stage, it can "stick" in one's mind, and become limiting. IOW, if I'm shooting well, and look at the board, and think "Ok, the best B (or whatever) shooter shot it in 23 seconds...all I have to do is stay close to that," I never seem to break 23 seconds, even if I might be able to otherwise.
  24. Jack -- that's actually one of the reasons I don't use 'em; cost and availablity being the others. I load primers manually, and with the Winchester trays, I'm able to stack an empty tray on the full one, flip it, and then flip it again on a book, or something, where all the primers are perfectly aligned and spaced -- makes extremely short work of filling the tube(s).
  25. If you scroll down in this forum, a few weeks ago I was interested in something else, and typed up the Area Match attendance figures, broken down by division, for the last 6 years (2001->present). The growth of the Production Division is simply amazing. Why mess with it? If it simply can't be left alone, why not change something benign, like ban milling of the slide, as others have suggested.... Edited -- here's a quick chart showing 2001-2005 division breakdowns for 5 Area Matches:
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