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boo radley

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Everything posted by boo radley

  1. Thx all. I shot my first IPSC match this Saturday and it was so fun it ought to be illegal. One of the things that really helped, much as I hate saying it, was seeing a couple previous shooters in the squad miss repeatedly in the very first stage, which was a field of steel targets. And while my heart was still pounding at the line, there was some comfort in knowing I wouldn't shoot *that* badly, at least, and I didn't. After that I relaxed, and really had fun. Some targets, for example some steel plates on one stage, were very tight, and after missing, I did have to suck it up, take some time, and get a 'real' sight picture; on other targets sometimes I "saw what I needed to see" to quote a previous suggestion. I ended up exactly in the middle of my division (L10), and learned a great, great deal. The folks in the squad were extremely friendly, and I received plenty of advice. It was also fascinating to watch two GM shooters work the course, in the next squad over. Oh, I did order "The Book", as well as a Dillon press from this sight. And joined USPSA. Unfortunately my d*mn Kimber is broken -- at least it waited until I cleaned it after the match(!). Thumb-safety broke right where it enters the frame, but a replacement is in the mail, and I look forward to practicing with a purpose. The truly appreciate the advice here -- this is quite a resource!
  2. Wow -- I appreciate the advice. I just got off the phone with Johnny? Joni? and ordered the SDB in .45acp from Brian, as well as a copy of his book. Since I need some stuff from Midway, I'll probably pick up that primer flip tray from them (thx Nemo), and look for a used micrometer or calipers, and concentrate my immediate efforts on setting up a sturdy bench in my office -- best when my wife isn't around, since she's still a little sour about holes in the living room hardwood floors from a home cabling project. Back and forth on the 550 vs SDB. I really do see the wisdom of the former, but I also don't see ever loading rifle ammo in volume, or moving from .45acp. Maybe I'll pick up a single-stage press if I get seduced by...dunno, shooting metallic silhouette, or something, for for now, I just want to crank out some ammo, and stop the bleeding. Besides -- based what I've seen on eBay, I can let the machine rust, lose some parts, sell is "as-is, no returns", and ask for more than I paid(!).
  3. While I'm still debating the 550B vs. Sq.Deal issue, I am convinced that I can no longer afford to shoot .45acp w/out reloading, so one way or the other, I'm placing an order with Brian, today. A couple questions (I did 'search'): Thinking ahead, I ordered a case gauge for .45acp from Midway, when I bought some magazines....Do I still need calipers immediately? Would I be able to adjust either the 550B or the SD to the right specs using the gauge? What if I don't get a primer flip tray? Is this just a matter of flipping them the right side up, and using tweezers (or my fingers?) on the desktop? Are the extra primer tubes recommended to save time? Or do they become damaged? My bench is a used surplus office table I bought at a warehouse. The top is particle board covered with some kind of wood-grain formica. Would this work, if I bought a strong mount? If I covered it with 5/8" plywood, would I then not *need* a strong mount? In terms of cleaning -- how much mess can I expect with a progressive reloading operation? I plan on setting this up in my upstairs office (which is carpeted), and have assured my wife that it won't be a bit dangerous or messy. I'd better get some facts. Shop vac work ok? Do I need something on the carpet?
  4. Thx y'all. I am not, in fact, calling my shots -- I am vaguely conscious of bringing the pistol up and kinda/somewhat/I think getting an intial picture, and beyond that, I can't tell you what happens. On target that require multiple shots, somewhere in my brain I'm concious that I've squeezed the trigger the required number of times, but I can't remember any of it. I've got to learn how to *see*, you're right. In two days I'm shooting my first IPSC match, so I'm hoping I can see a little bit better, by then. I hope, too, my 10-round mags for the Kimber will arrive by then. Though my issues aren't equipment related, it's nice not even stacking that particular concern on the shelf along with everything else.
  5. Aaaggh. Until recently, I was a little bit smug, and confident with my skills with a pistol. Then again, I had never participated in any sort of practical pistol exercise; instead just stood at the line on public ranges, and plugged away at 7, 15 and 25 yards. But I felt I knew how to obtain a good sight picture, and could shoot reasonably tight groups. After participating in a couple IDPA-style matches, I'm badly shaken -- I'm not hitting s**t. I can blame some of my poor performance on the "newness" of this: I feel anxious at the line, and overwhelmed by what's really simple math concerning magazine changes. And I rush. But last time, I made a concious effort to really look at the front sight, and still the hits were poor(ish). I'm not dead last, but at these distances, I should be dead center!! So maybe, under pressure, my sight picture isn't what I think it is. I've been trying to center the front sight, but it's all something of a blur, and I can't swear I've ever seen the front centered between the blades of the rear sight, a la an NRA diagram. Do y'all see that kind of perfect sight picture? Or, from practice and experience do you *know* when you have good alignment, without really seeing it. Thx
  6. Ron -- Yes! I understand that approach, completely. Seriously, thx again, y'all. I'm very happy with this Kimber in fact. It's a series II, with the dreaded external extractor, which has done nothing less than work flawlessly for 1k rounds (granted, this is with different makes of commericial ammo). I can see the advantages of a fiber-optic front sight. I've put some dayglo orange paint on the sight, but if the light is slightly dim, or backlighted, it still appears dark. Not a big deal, and I'm loathe to surrender the pistol to a shop, at the moment, since I want to shoot. And don't have a back-up. But -- reading this thread, and forum in general, I can appreciate the wisdom of focusing on reloading, and some other accessories, first.
  7. Thx, all. I am ashamed to admit I did not know about 10-round mags for the 1911, and had figured if I shot, say, Limited-10, I'd have only 8+1 vs. other people not shooting 1911's.... (Although I can safely say, a couple rounds more or less in the mag. isn't a concern at this point). I might as well completely expose my ignorance -- at what point, if ever, is having a spare a consideration? I've just finished putting about 1k rounds through the Kimber. I realize this is nothing, but I also read/hear mention of mysterious things like "shock buffs" and replacement springs, etc., so there's got to be *some* wear and tear and maintenance concerns? At any rate -- I do think a reloading press is the next move (and only move in the near future), regardless. This site has been tremendously helpful in that regard, and I'm leaning heavily towards the Dillon Square Deal in .45acp. I'm aware of the drawbacks, but really don't see myself loading more than 1 or 2 (at most) pistol cartridges, and if I ever start loading for rifle, I'd probably use a cheap simple handpress.
  8. I am new to this sport, and have recently started shooting in local, club or range, loosely-scored "Action Pistol" and "IDPA" events, using a stock 1911 Kimber. In my area, are some more formal sanctioned IPSC and IDPA matches, and I'd like to compete. I also have a vague craving for another pistol; no real reason except I do, and I wouldn't mind giving the Kimber a rest, or having a back-up. I don't yet reload, but will soon -- this is getting expensive! But someone recently suggested that 1911's were somewhat limiting for IPSC, and I should look into something like the Glock35, for a second pistol. I'm curious -- does that in fact make sense? It seems to me that both IDPA and IPSC have (and will continue to have) divisions embracing single-stack 1911's, but then again, I don't know much, and could be very wrong. I don't understand the classifications as well as I'd like, though I'm sure I will with experience. Anyway, if I *were* going to get a second pistol in the < $1k range, would you recommend getting a 2nd 1911 in .45acp and sticking with it? Or moving to something with hi-caps, in .40s&w? Thx!
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