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Everything posted by alma

  1. says it has to meet the requirements of the division, and says it can't give you a competitive advantage. RM has final say but there should be no problem with this.
  2. I vote we extend this discussion to include bad advise from YouTube videos.
  3. Me too. Stock Glock 19 out of a leather pancake holster and two fobus double mag pouches.
  4. alma

    P-01 for IDPA BUG?

    eerw would know better but it looks like CZC has two alternative rear sights for the standard CZ 75 cut. Unfortunately most of the competition options use a Shadow style cut or an LPA. http://czcustom.com/CZ-Competition-Rear-Sight-1-1.aspx http://czcustom.com/CZ-Tactical-Rear-Sight.aspx I don't know what your plans are but you should definitely invest in the CZC Comp hammer for all of your CZ guns. Also, Cajun Gun Works (CGW) has some outstanding trigger parts that dramatically change the feel and performance of the B style (firing pin plunger) guns. I almost prefer the feel of the Compact L's trigger right now; to me it has a very crisp feel and I don't feel like a Compact Shadow would give me any better performance.
  5. alma

    P-01 for IDPA BUG?

    What type of SP-01 did you order? It sounds like you want sights on your SP-01 like this: The CZC SP-01 Shadow Target Custom has an LPA cut so the Dawson's LPA FOs fit without modification. The Compact L has replaced my trusty Glock 19 as my EDC and there is no looking back. If I was trying to get exactly the same trigger then I would try to get a Shadow Compact but a FP block isn't a bad idea to have on an EDC and the trigger is still wonderful. On my SP-01 I have the CZC Short Reset mod so I on my Compact L I got the CGW SRS and disco since it works in B style guns. My SP-01's trigger's double is just under 6lb and the single is just over 2lb. My Compact L is at 7lb and 3lb. Other mods to the Compact L included some VZ grips, a new mainspring plug, stainless mag break, and old 85 style trigger.
  6. The video says that they are available immediately. I like the idea of a CF with a flat bottom. To whom do I give my money?
  7. alma

    P-01 for IDPA BUG?

    I have a 75 Compact L from CZC. It had a great trigger job from CZC already but I enhanced it with with some CGW internal parts. Compact L is nice since it's a manual safety instead of decocker. There is a Shadow model in that length now as well.
  8. Just start with quad loading. It isn't that hard to puck up and you will likely end up there eventually. I figured I could load with two on a quad carrier to start with but I ended up just doing quads from day one. If you have the right carriers it makes it easy. I found strong hand reloading much easier than weak hand too.
  9. I have a ton of respect for LEs who come out to compete, especially when you are running a similar platform to what you use for duty. It is extremely admirable and makes me feel a little bit safer. One of my old shooting buddies ran his SRT 1911 with full power ammo at all of the matches and he put a premium on accuracy. He didn't always win but if crap hit the fan I known who I would want to see pull up. Kudos!
  10. CGW parts really close much of the gap between the Shadow and B model CZs. I would still want a Shadow but it would certainly work very well and serve as a great backup later on. You might even post to the classifieds here that you WTB a Shadow. Maybe someone has a gun on hand that they would part with sooner.
  11. Dawson gives you a formula for calculating how much more or less front sight you need to get your correct point of impact. https://www.dawsonprecision.com/CategoryProductList.jsp?cat=SIGHTS+FRONT Great sights too
  12. Except I feel like it effectively makes it 4 Gun except one of your guns has to do double duty.
  13. Night sights and just to be different let me say to add a Center of Mass (COM) Kydex IWB or a CompTac MTAC. Great carry gun.
  14. You could likely have a lot of fun with the CZ 75. Check out Cajon Gun Works. They make some outstanding modifications for B-style CZs that will dramatically improve the double and single stage triggers. Because of the emphasis on accuracy and need to reload frequently I feel that Production is the best division to improve overall shooting skills. The CZ also gives you that option to run cocked and locked if you choose to shoot limited minor.
  15. Will the terms "fit and finish" be working their way back into this thread now?
  16. My wife of 20 years nearly divorced me when I bought my 2nd one. Second wife?
  17. Closing sounds like a good idea. Some people still need to learn how to play well with others. No one is forcing an SV on anyone else but the strength in testimonials of those who have owned/shot the rest but now run SV is enough to convince me to put one on my wish list. Please go find something constructive to do since you are unlikely to convince the SV owners that their money was not well spent. Are there SV horror stories out there that have yet to be uncovered?
  18. Thank you for that reference. IMHO opinion this is how courses should be designed so it's nice to see the rules clearly backing that up.
  19. That is my trust Browning Gold which also has the auto load feature. I usually strong hand load with quads but wanted a quick way to load "just one more" when my chamber was empty. I reversed the direction on a traditional shell caddie so that I am grabbing one shell at a time with my thumb on the primer. Then I am loading a single it into the tube weak hand using the same motion that I would use to weak-hand dual load. The autoload takes care of chambering the round. It seems to work pretty well and gives me four quick "just-one-more" rounds in the same location event that I really screw up my last shot.
  20. Now let's make you sprint backwards with a loaded gun just to see if you can avoid getting DQed. I guess my point is that sometimes the added risk is unnecessary and I don't think the explicit purpose of a hypothetical stage design should be to test whether a shooter can do something arbitrary without DQing.
  21. How does the CM mag well look inside?
  22. I prefer stages where it's a challenge to shoot, not a challenge to be safe.
  23. Slight thread drift but do you quad load strong or weak handed? Also, with an auto load feature what do you use for your "match saver?" I strong had quad load but figure a weak hand throwing a single into the mag tube would be faster than shouldering the gun to strong hand reload. Since I can't do a standard weak hand shell carrier reload to save my life I have a MM shell carrier that I have reversed the shells on. I grab one at a time with my weak hand, turn the gun while maintaining my strong hand grip, and load the single using the same motion that I would use to drop deuces. With the auto-load function this seems to be faster for me than using a shot gun mounted shell holder. Here is what I am talking about auto-load only one round option. It's not blinding fast but it gives me an option other than my typical quad load.
  24. I can't stand the stock sights. They are the first things to go. Beyond that it depends on what you want to do with it. I consider a 3.5 lb connector and some polishing is a must for competition. Glocks are really easy to work on and the availability of parts makes them perfect project guns.
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