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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Thanks man. The thirst will return it just takes some time. Many of us need a break now and again.
  2. I'm sick more in the head than the stomach. Seriously, just can't get up mentally to shoot lately. I still visit the boards but haven't been pulling the trigger. Just don't feel like it. If it's not fun any more maybe it is time to do something else with my spare time. Wish I could put my finger on why I'm not motivated, but so far can't. Sounds like your issues are more temporary. Hope that you feel good soon. Rick
  3. Clay1


    Not my listing but: http://cgi.ebay.com/Competition-Electronic...1QQcmdZViewItem Used one to RO at a two day match and they were nice units. Personally use a Pact Mk IV since a pocket pro + a chrony is more than $200. Rick
  4. I am a production shooter and am not in favor of a minimum pull weight for production guns. The constantly wanting to change the rules by some to manipulate them to their own benefit somehow, I find disturbing. I agree with Amidon that there needs to be stability in the rules. The current rule number 6 for USPSA Production reads as follows: 6/ Minimum trigger pull / No I think it has served us well and there is NO reason to change at this point or any other. I don't think that we have to follow the Europeans or any other area of the world and that the US rules are just fine the way they are. If we keep following the other countries we are all going to be shooting politically correct airsoft guns at turtle targets soon enough. Rick
  5. Neal, right from the introduction section of the rulebook: "One of the unique facets of this sport is that it is geared toward the new or average shooter, yet is fun, challenging and rewarding for the experienced shooter. The founders developed the sport so that practical gear and practical guns may be used competitively. An interested person can spend a minimal amount on equipment and still be competitive." The game was never meant to be IPSC. This is not a cut but many times I have heard people that are cross over shooters talk about master class IDPA shooters having the skill set of an A/B IPSC shooter. Again, IDPA is geared toward the average shooter. Go shoot, go have fun and compete against yourself. Rick
  6. I think that USPSA has it right in that you can only be ONE class below your highest rated classification. So if you are a Master class shooter in SSP and you start revolver the lowest that you can be classified would be Expert. There are some differences between the platforms and this takes into account that fact. Your splits are different with different equipment, but you should never see a Master class ESP shooter who is competing as a Marksman in another class. Rick
  7. No m/gm here. I am also trying to work on ports and like your idea of dryfiring them. Haven't done much of that. From the start position I like to engage the target that has the least amount of movement before I can engage it. Get to the shooting seems appropriate. I am still at the point that I have to focus on how far from the port I engage the target. I use to crawl up on the port or almost put my gun through the port. These days I work on staying back from the port so the flow is left to right more than it is in a hole and then back out. I'm short so many times I can take the lower ports with a simple squat. If I have to go lower than that I take the really low stuff last as well. It's that getting back up quickly that kills you. If I could shoot left to right with a squat, I might take it that way. If entering the right hand port from the left the first target available would be the right most target and that is where I would most likely take it. I wish my neighbors would let me dry fire outside with my gun and ports set up, but I am sure that the men in Blue would be here really, really fast that way. I like how you think and thanks for posting the question, I will be listening closely. Rick
  8. My company just offered me a fairly substaintial buy out if I go away. Over two years worth of salary. I haven't thought of getting another job since I am happy where I am but the cash has me thinking of what my options might be. I don't have to leave, they are just encouraging a work force reduction. It might be time to start another phase in the life cycle.
  9. I agree if he hasn't taken a shot before retrieving and stowing the empty mag. The way I read it, if he does a reload and drops a mag at (for lack of a better term) Box A and picks it up before moving to box B there is no penalty. The rule only talks about leaving ammunition behind. Leaving the ammo behind is the penalty. I'm always interested in learning more and would be interested if you can point me to something else in the rulebook that addresses your position. Thanks, Rick
  10. Mark, why do you get a procedural if you retrieve the empty mag but don't rack the slide? This is cut and paste from page 38 of the current rulebook: "4. Ammunition Carrier Notes: 1. A three (3) second procedural penalty will be assessed any time a loaded ammunition feeding device (magazine, speedloader or full moon clip) is dislodged and falls out of the carrier during a course of fire. Dropping a loaded ammunition feeding device during a reload is not a procedural as long as the competitor does not leave ammunition behind." Rick
  11. Where is the time advantage clause in the rule book? One thing that I have noticed about IDPA vs. USPSA rules is too many times people do what they think is right vs. a more consistant approach from club to club. USPSA has a much better training program for ROs than IDPAs SO training. I feel more confident going from Wisconsin to Florida and seeing the same rules applied the same way at those different locations than I do at IDPA clubs within 10 miles of each other (not a real example but a figure of speech). I would just like to see the SO training program develop a written training program and more consistant application of the real rules from club to club instead of what someone's individual concept of how the GAME should be played. Rick
  12. From the current rule book: "Classification can also be affected by a shooter’s performance in sanctioned matches. This is based on the number of people in a shooter’s division and classification and the classification above him within that same division. There are two ways a shooter can be reclassified at a sanctioned match: 1. If total participation in a specific classification within a division is 10 – 19 shooters, the winner of this class will automatically be promoted up to the next higher classification. If 20 – 29 shooters compete in this division/classification, both 1st and 2nd place competitors will be promoted, etc. 2. If the winner of a division and classification has a better score than 10-19 people in his classification AND the classification above his within the same division, the shooter will be promoted to the shooter’s next higher classification. If the 2nd place competitor of a division and classification has a better score than 20 – 29 shooters in his classification AND the classification above within the same division, the 2nd place competitor will be promoted, etc." Note that the new rule book takes not only the people from your classification but also uses those from classifications above yours. This new twist in the rule book should get shooters to move up in class faster. Rick
  13. Bruce, this I-Shot pouch might fit your needs: http://ishot-inc.com/store/product_info.ph...&products_id=50 Rick
  14. There are always going to be some sandbaggers, but most people just shoot against themselves in the first place. I would rather shoot in a higher class and loose than win a lower class. That's just me though. I prefer the USPSA way of classification, but the IDPA method was by design made to get a classification easily. Just go shoot and have fun. Rick
  15. Dale, I wish that I could give you a solid answer, I can't. My perception is that is was made to have everyone doing a RWR to a similar standard and they didn't want people trying to Game the reload. Yes, I know it is a game and that is exactly how this boy shoots it with my G34. I don't shoot it with a G26 subcompact. That's my guess and that is all it is a guess. Maybe someone else will fill us both in. I prefer this concept instead of someone trying to tell me that it is more realistic or how you would do it on the street. Rick
  16. There was a nice "Front Sight" article from the Chrono Man about chrony variations and what caused them. Things like temperature, height above or below sea level, atmospheric pressure / barometer reading etc. You just don't want to cut it too close. If you develop a load in the winter it probably will shoot much different in Aug when the temps are close to 100 F. Try to chrony your loads in similar weather to what you will be competing in. Some powders are much more susceptible to variation by temps. One of the reasons that I chose Vihta Vuori N320 and living in Wisconsin. Outside I can compete in temps from the 20s to over 100. Good luck with your load development. Rick
  17. Since your original post Brian I think Whirlpool just bought out Maytag.
  18. Aki, cut and paste from the rule book: "Proper Magazine Retention: A place for a partially loaded magazine to be stowed before firing the first shot after a reload. These places include: pants pocket; vest pocket; jacket pocket; waistband; magazine pouch. The use of specially designed pockets, shirt pockets, upper vest pockets, hands or teeth is NOT permitted" Suchs #1, on page 41 of the current rulebook, cut and pasted: "NOTE: Should the CoF call for a Reload with Retention and the magazine is empty while a round remains in the chamber, the empty magazine must be retained." #2 Absolutely no leeway when it comes to muzzle control. #3 cut and paste (C&P) from the rule book: "2. Two full speedloaders/moon clips may be worn directly in front of the holster and they must be positioned as close to the holster as possible. One additional may be worn behind the centerline on either the right or left side for a total of three speedloaders/full moon clips on the belt. " #4 See above where I answer Aki's question. That is in the definition part of the rulebook and not under the reload section - see page 77. #5 Vickers = shoot as many times as you want. Limited Vickers means you can only shoot X number of rounds as described in the walk through. #6. I electronically searched the rulebook. The term "good faith" is not used in the current rule book. See the answer to number 4. #7 In the best case senario both the score keeper and the SO will have gone through the SO class and be certified. Typically the Scorekeeper watches for foot faults and counts number of rounds in a limited vickers COF. The SO is glued to the trigger finger and gun. #8 I know very well what the rule book says, but let them shoot with whatever they brought at a club level match with the understanding that they are just shooting for fun for the day and are not shooting for score. They can't compete at a State level match. #9 511 Vests have this type of insert material and is very popular for IDPA. Hope that this helps, Rick
  19. Did anyone else notice that he steps back to lauch on the 5th stage? I've been trying to analyse movement for months now. I'm come to the conclusion that there is no "one true way". Not the answer that I wanted. I much prefered black and white answers on how to do things, but much like life in general the rules vary with the situation and individual. Nice stages to watch, enjoyed the video, thanks for posting it. Rick
  20. Bought a Nikon Monarch red dot (6606) from Ebay tonight. The best price that I found on this unit was $222 and I bought it brand new from Ebay for $120. It has a fixed 6 moa dot, but on a turkey gun for a 30 yard shot it should be OK. I could also mount it on my Ruger Redhawk. Looking forward to getting it in a couple of days and will do a quick review. I was looking at a Hakko or ATN and think that the optics and durability will be better on this unit. Rick
  21. Bought the Hitachi NR83A2 off of Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMEWN%3AIT&rd=1 Bought the Porter cable 363VSK from Home Depot: http://www.homedepot.com/prel80/HDUS/EN_US...cator/index.jsp The other nailer and rotary hammer drill will come a little later. On the drill this Hitachi seemed to kick rear in this report: http://www.toolsofthetrade.net/articles/sh...rticle&partID=1 Thanks again for the links guys, Rick Thanks for all of the help again, guys -
  22. Alray, my gun won't function a single round at 1.160. Consider yourself lucky. On the media blowing out easily it depends on the media. The corn corb stuff that I am using, I tried to blow it out at 120 psi and it wouldn't come out. I was thinking of using some of the newer micro type media that also doesn't get caught in the primer pockets. Rick
  23. So if the same people with equal skill run better with a pistol than a sub gun (I'm not contesting that observation), why doesn't every department turn in their MP5s for a pistol. Better yet, why not the boys kicking doors in various countries changing out pirmary weapons? There is more to the picture than first meets the eye. I'm not a subgun shooter - can't afford a $30,000 to $40,000 MP5 with accessories, but there are probably some other tangibles that are not conducive to making this change.
  24. I'm afraid to even try. I will show my wife the video and see what happens. She might smack me. Worked on the first try, I showed my wife. EERW, my wife wants to thank you since after I showed her that, she told me that is exactly how she wants all of the laundry done. Thanks - I think???
  25. I just received this in my email and it makes me happy for Kansas and sad that I live in Wisconsin. I thought that I would share: "Today the House of the Kansas legislature overrode Governor Sebelius' veto of the Personal and Family Protection act shall-issue concealed carry bill by a vote of 91 to 33. This follows a veto override vote in the Kansas state Senate yesterday in which members voted 31 to 10 to override the governor's veto. Kansas is now the 38th shall-issue state, and the 47th state to have some provision for carrying weapons for self defense. The lone states that completely prohibit concealed carry are now Nebraska, Illinois...and Wisconsin. As I mentioned in my last email, though, things are looking very good for Nebraska, as the votes are there to pass and the governor is anxious to sign the bill. Passage could come some time this year. What's the difference between Kansas and Nebraska and Wisconsin? Two words: Jim Doyle. Or, to be more precise, Jim Doyle and the anti-gunners in the legislature whose strings he pulls. We are not going to get concealed carry in Wisconsin as long as Jim Doyle is governor. His power over the leadership in his party is simply too great. If he is re-elected this fall, we're going to see a repeat of the flip-flops by members of his party on veto override votes. And there's no way that Governor Doyle will not veto concealed carry. When it comes to gun control, Jim Doyle is a True Believer. Governor Doyle is also a money machine. He's raking in contributions from road builders, energy companies, indian casinos, and other special interests that stand to make millions in profits from his policies. To counter Doyle's fund-raising, we must raise funds to help defeat him. Asking for contributions is difficult. But it's necessary if we're to become a Free State when it comes to self defense. So, please consider a contribution of however much you can afford to give to our political action committee, the WCCM. Every dollar of your contribution will go to pro-gun candidates for governor, attorney general, senate and assembly. You can contribute via PayPal by going to our site at http://www.wisconsinconcealedcarry.org. Or you can send a check by mail to: WCCM, 3263 S. 45th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53219. Haven't you had enough of Jim Doyle and his anti-gun cronies? If so, what are you prepared to do about it? Thanks, Dick Baker Treasurer, WCCA, WCCM"
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