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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. Go get 'em GM Iprod! Damn blood suckers deserve to be.... oh, life's too short, just have to be careful out there these days.
  2. Nice video link. I liked it too. I felt a little uncomfortable looking at the muzzle of that pistol, but I am sure that the camera wasn't manned while filming, but it still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
  3. Tried to get them to ship me ammo and it was a no go. They won't do it. There is a store locator on their sight though and you might be lucky enough to have one close to you.
  4. What I thought was interesting was that no tungstun guide rods are allowed in the new SS provisional div but they are allowed in Production as long as you don't go over the 2 oz rule. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that is the case. Rick
  5. I thought it was a great article and gave me some new found respect for Mr. Wilson. The guy has really been there and done that. I also think it is a good olive branch for USPSA to extend toward IDPA and Bill Wilson. There has been some very bad blood there and this might go a long way toward a better relationship between the two. I always find it interesting that one shooting faction doesn't like another group of shooters. It's human nature, I know, but the real truth is that we as USPSA shooters have one hell of a lot more in common with the IDPA crowd than we do with the anti-gun people.
  6. I believe that John's post is a response to the latest front sight article. Personally I loved the article and laughed out loud on more than one occation. I think that his point was to make stages about the shooting and not about the props. Love the tailiban IPSC comment sent me laughing for a good 5 minutes. I'm not very politically correct. I shoot guns, better yet I shoot a weapon. In a recent NRA class to become a pistol instructor they told us that we can no longer us the "W" word. The course that I learned how to teach is called basic pistol. I told them a pistol was a handgun where the cartridge goes into the barrel and calling a revolver a pistol is wrong. I was told to forget about the actual facts and just keep it simple even if it is technically wrong. I think the "W" word is appropriate for the type of handguns that we shoot. I call the type of shooting that I do "combat" style shooting - what the hell is practical shooting another politically correct standard. I shoot head shoots. Two to the body and one to the head might sound crude to some, but that's what we do. I hate turtle targets. If you live in one of the countries where they are lucky to shoot any handgun games well you do what you have to do to play, but I live in America and I really don't like the political police. I really could identify with BIPSC. Now after saying all of that John and hearing how involved you are in the club and the shooting that article wasn't addressed toward you in any negative way as I read it. It was there as a reminder of the principals of the game we play.
  7. I'm not as good of a shooter as you guys and if I can shoot one A and then do a reload and shoot another A at 7 yards my best times between shot one and two are about 1.2 seconds. If you are doing your reloads in .8 and can smooth that up with some small technique changes you should be at .7 or .6 for a reload. I don't think that I will ever get that good. Would love to get my reloads sub 1.0 one of these days but that's still a long way away.
  8. I noticed that you don't look the reload in. I wish I could play these in slow motion so I could study them better. One more comment on the side view, next time put the camera on the mag pouch side so you can see what happens with your weak hand better. Damn fast is all that I have to say.
  9. I've heard this a couple of different ways. One there is a ruling out by NROI (National Range Officer Institute) that any factory part from one model from a particular manufacturer can be put on any other model from the same manufacturer. So if it is a Glock +2 basepad they could presumably be used in the Production division. Your G35, depending on how it is set up can be shot in Production, Limited 10 or limited. There is another school of thought that speaks to added weight to the mags not being legal in production. There is some gray area here. Check out the rules at this link: http://www.uspsa.org/
  10. Recent discussion with an A class Limited shooter and a Master class Open shooter shed some interesting light on this subject for me. They both moved with the leading foot and not the cross over. I asked why. One of them looked at me and said "it's a proven fact from baseball and stealing bases" Honestly, I shoot guns and am not a big baseball fan (almost unAmerican - I know - please forgive me) but he said the guy that leads in stolen bases always moves his leading foot. So if going to the right he moves his right foot first. I do think that different people will have different techniques that work for them. Lanny Bassham in his book said something like: "If you are doing things different from the normal winners and winning you are called innovative; if you are doing something different than the normal winners and loosing well they call you something else." Probably a terrible paraphrase but I think I conveyed the point still. I would love to hear what you guys came up with when you put a timer to it. I will be running some of these drills with my slow technique and see what actually works better for me, but sometimes even though a technique might be superior you still might get a shorter time with a familiar technique because you don't have to think about it. It takes some time and repetitions to make a new technique your own. The learning curve might give you a false indicator of which way is faster until you actually work on different ways of doing it for a while so that is why I am interested in what you discovered. Hopefully so that I don't have to waste time working on a system that won't give me the biggest bang for the buck. Rick
  11. It is nice that you must portray a positive enough image that they come to you to seek council. Must be one of the good guys. It's also nice that we aren't all gun wackos in the publics eye. Rick
  12. On a positive note, look at the front cover of the latest Front Sight publication. Looks like a hell of a olive branch to me. Looks like someone trying to take a positive step towards different shooting sports getting along. On the hate thread - I also hate much of the negative feelings that are floating around and that anytime something comes up someone wants to change 15 different rules to their advantage. I know it's not the rules or even which game I play, it has to do with my skill level as a shooter - that's what I need to work on. Rick
  13. Congrats on the good classifier score. Keep shooting those 60% plus scores and welcome to B class. Sounds like you had a good run. I understood your post to say that you wanted to move up in class but had questions as to how to do it so that all of your scores counted. That sandbagger word brings a lot of emotion to the table. Have fun shooting and enjoy yourself.
  14. Two belts to choose from and only two One is from Wilderness Tactical and is the CSM model: http://thewilderness.com/ The other is the CR Speed two belt system: http://www.ghostholster.com/cr_home.htm I have both. If you want to shoot IDPA and USPSA the Wilderness is the way to go since you can't use an inner and out belt system in IDPA. If you are just going to shoot USPSA the CR Speed seems to be the most popular choice. Some try and wear just one part of the two belt system for IDPA, but I don't think that is the best choice. Like I said, I have both. The other thing that you might want to consider is a set of aftermarket sights. The popular choices are the Dawson Precision Adjustables or the Heinie rear and Dawson FO front: http://www.gunracing.com/Qstore/Qstore.cgi...007A1B0000001B1 One of the newer options in the Sevigney fixed sights that will probably be a nice choice in a fixed sight too. Matt at the above link should have these too when they are available. Have fun with the new G35, Rick
  15. Austin, thanks for stopping in and putting your voice to the discussion. The board is a great place to discuss various aspects of the shooting sports. Sorry that your introduction to the BE board had to be a little on the rough side. While not in favor of changing the power factor, (honestly not in favor of changing any of the rules in USPSA or IDPA - would rather just get to the shooting and working on my technique), you can see that your thoughts did start a discussion on not only the principles of IDPA but also on the rules. Again, welcome to the board and thanks for offering an interesting article to the Tactical Journal. Rick
  16. Make sure to post pictures when you do your magic to the gun Julien. Bon chance, mon amie. (That's about all I remember from 4 years of French in college - besides that was over 20 years ago).
  17. I get that the guns feel good in the hand and that the bore to hand relationship is very good (read low bore axis). I have read that the triggers are heavier than the glock triggers. Those of you that carry a Glock like Nick, what do you think of the new M&P trigger compared to your Glock. John, I recently shot a G35 loaded to minor with a 165 zero. It was extremely soft. You have to remember that I shoot the 147 Zero JHP at a 130 PF as my standard load as it was as soft as those. Surprised the snot out of me. Sweet shooting 40 minor. Still cost more to load 40 minor than shoot 9mm though, but the hole is bigger and for a gamer like me might very well be worth the extra cost. Rick
  18. Bo, just wanted to congratulate you on your good performance at the shoot. Very cool man! You'll be in B class very, very soon. Rick
  19. Congrats on the nice new gun Julien. Some tuned mags and you are all ready for the new season. Good shooting to you. Rick
  20. Reloads look pretty nice. Draw is nice too. Someone has been dry firing havent' they
  21. Clay1

    Ken's Corner

    I thought that would make you smile. In all reality they should be paying someone to put something worth while in that publication. It is nicely done as far as the paper used and the color printing etc. I was reading through it again tonight at work and really liked how they use a larger font. I liked it because my old eyes can see it. IDPA likes it because less words fill up some of that paper in the magazine because they don't have much to actually say. Now having said the above, please remember that I did send them money to renew my membership and I am a card carrying IDPA member. Truth is that I shoot 10 USPSA matches to one IDPA match, but hey they still get money from me so I can have an opinion on this. Also bluntly I feel that the current issues is better than the last 6 months all put together, that's not saying much but it is a move in the right direction.
  22. Over 10,000 rounds of aluminum Blazers last year with absolutely zero problems out of my G34. Extremely clean, cleaner than V V, N320 that I now shoot. Shot more accurately than my best Zero 147 gr, JHP load over N320. Tell me again why I am reloading this year? Rick
  23. Enjoy family and friends on your day. Today is a grand day to be selfish - do what YOU want today.
  24. Raul, what does it cost? Thanks, I know Mr. Vanek has been working on this project for a while and am interested in finding out more about it. I look forward to your field report. Please include pull weight and method to obtain it. Rick
  25. You are a better shooter than I so take this comment with that in mind. In Brian's book, I believe that he quotes Bruce Lee as saying something to the effect of "conscious thought is detremental to physical action". That is probably a hack job on the quote, but something to that effect. Instead of thinking about doing, you did. I only hope to be there one day. Rick
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