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Everything posted by Clay1

  1. If the proposed rule changes go into effect they won't be in 2008, so take that into account before you spend a lot of money on an equipment change that very well might become illegal within a year. The drop in parts are currently legal, but the full Vanek trigger job that had some external parts that were very slightly modified were ruled illegal. Have to be a damn lawyer to figure this stuff out these days. Rick
  2. I know what you're saying but nothing has been changed yet. Get your opinion heard and perhaps we'll be able to avoid these changes. Your absolutely correct. I'm just frustrated. I remember when Billy Wilson changed some holster and mag pouch rules and my equipment that was a mere 10 days old became illegal. I see so many changes in this rule book that it has to cause problems for many different divisions of shooters. I'm amazed at the apathy of most shooters. I'll have to get my password off of my copy of "front sight" which is at work and chime in after I return to work next week. We have until March to make comments but I think many of the BOD are getting entrenched in their oppinions to solutions to problems that they preceive. It's best to respond early and often. Rick
  3. With the recent rules changes that are up why not make it possible to make major with a .355 bullet. They are changing so many things about the game and rules stability is just a couple of words strung together. I feel a big rant coming on so, I will just let it go at that and say that the first sentence in this post was not a serious statement but a complaint about rule stability in the game. I'm trying to be nice. Rick
  4. I don't shoot CDP or Single stack but isn't single stack Div a single action trigger division so how would the single action trigger restrict you from shooting SSD? I was thinking that it did not fit into the weight restrictions for the div. Rick
  5. The last match that shot was in Feb 06 and the next match that I shot was in Jan 07. I didn't really plan it that way but burnt out and it just wasn't fun anymore. For me, hobby is about a diversion from the everyday stressful part of my life. When hobby no longer meets that need, it is a time for a break. Bluntly for me personally, I don't know if I will ever compete with the same enthusiasm that I did before, but right now I am having fun practicing and pulling the trigger. Saul Kirsch's book: "With Winning in Mind" talks about having some down time too. Weight training or physical conditioning and getting away from the tournaments etc. Good luck to you on whatever you decide. When you are ready to come back there will still be matches and your friends will still be there. Rick
  6. Maybe I missed it in this thread but I think this is a direct result of the conflict that happened over the Vanek trigger and it's subsequent ruling. If this were IDPA this is very similar to Billy Wilson saying that these holsters are OK today but tomorrow they are no longer legal. The biggest problem I have with the changes is that the rules aren't stable. I remember reading with great respect when Voigt promised to focus on stability in the divisions. We've never had a min pull weight and now we want one??? If I had a vote I would vote against the change. I always find it interesting in these discussions that so many people want to change so many rules. The rules are there let's just shoot. Rick
  7. Nice of you to say hi and introduce yourself. Have fun at your first match. It would be really cool to have someone video tape your first match and then compare that film to 3, 6 and 12 months later. You will have lots of laughs and remember how you use to do it vs. how you have changed your technique. Enjoy yourself again at the match and on these forums. Rick
  8. This is on the USPSA website on how to get started and is a good short read: http://www.uspsa.org/dw/gettingstarted.html Have fun. Rick
  9. My wife found Ronin the movie for me at Sam's club over Christmas. I tried to rent it from several places and even asked them to order it for me but no one ever had access to the movie. Now I own a copy. I haven't watched it yet, but have a year's worth of hype built up on this one so I am expecting great things. Rick
  10. Chills, the machine in my daughter's room was so that she could play a couple of games that I bought her and do her homework. It wasn't connected to the internet. The new machine that is connected to the internet is in the living room so that anyone that uses it can be seen by everyone. On the digital photos. I know that I won't look at many of them but a few of them I really wanted to keep. One of the files was a video of my son doing his first draws from the holster. I looked at that within the last couple of weeks and thought how nice it was to have that captured. I have been working on a large building project that has spanned 3 years of my time and I have documented my process - that's all gone. You're right that some of it was just used up space that I would probably never look at again though. I found some USB hard drive enclosures and a free download for retrieval that I will try. If I get some of it back I get it back if I don't the world will continue forward. Rick
  11. Will the system restore feature in windows XP professional do it for me or should I buy a program or take the computer in to a shop? Thanks guys, Rick
  12. The cool news is that I bought a new computer. The bad news is that I told my daughter that she could have my old computer. There wasn't much room on it for memory so she proceeded to delete all of the files on the machine even though I told her not to change anything. My tax returns, photos that I have had for years, all of my I-pod music etc it's all gone. She deleted it all and then emptied the trash folder. So what is the cheapest way to retrieve all of my info? Really am upset right now, but haven't killed the 10 year old kid yet. Her welfare is in your hands. Do I have to ground her for the rest of her life or is my info retrieveable somehow? Thanks for the rescue in advance. Rick
  13. Thanks everyone for the quick read and fast responses. Even though I am embarrassed to admitt it, the real answer is to not let your wife use your camera. She selected a different size picture size. Instead of 2272 X 1704 the originals were starting off as 1600 X 1200 so when they both went to 700 X 525 the more drastic file size change was with the larger file to begin with. Yes, I should look more before I start to type. Sorry for my simple mistake, but thanks for the help guys. Rick
  14. Thanks for the quick help John. Again both photos started as the same size and they are reduced to the same image size but file size is drastically different. I confirmed that both are jpeg. In Adobe photoshop I only saw ONE jpeg to select from when I hit save as. There wer not different levels of jpeg available that I could find. Any ideas where this might be in the program? Where are the jpeg output settings? Thanks, Rick I looked and found that pixel resolution was set to 72 per inch on both images, but the files were drastically different in KB size again.
  15. In the past I would take a picture and go into Adobe photoshop to change the image size which would change the file size. An example would be that the raw file would be 2272 X 1704 and these files would be 1.5 to 1.65 MB. I would click on image in photoshop and then on image size and adjust to 700 X 525. This would take this file size down to less than 50 KB. Now with the camera on the same settings I get another raw picture of 2272 X 1704 but when I change it to 700 X 525 I get a file size of 375 KB. My question is how to get a 700 X 525 for image size but get the file size down to 75 KB or so? Thanks for any help, Rick
  16. Thanks for the ideas guys. I haven't been on the board in a while - not shooting pistols these days. I hit view new posts and there were 80 pages of stuff since my last log on. I used the gun for turkeys as she was. Head position wasn't fantastic but I didn't need it since I took NO shots at turkeys this season. I'll keep your ideas in mind for the fall hunt. Thanks
  17. Will brownells actually ship you gun parts? It's one thing to send a book about firearms or something else but actual parts to a firearm, I always thought was a no no. This is my perception and not necessarily fact. I listen to others and learn. Rick
  18. I didn't think that we could send any gun parts out of the country without getting spanked.
  19. Happy Birthday, hope it went well for you. Rick
  20. I just put a Nikon red dot on my turkey gun and need to raise the height of the comb some. What have some of you used with good success? My father put on one of those kits with spacers one time and the thing kept moving around on him so much that I know that is not what I want to do. It's a camo Mossberg 935, 3 1/2" 12 gauge turkey gun. I like the Nikon scope so far but will know more after I shoot it this weekend. Appreciate the input. Rick
  21. Regular oil is one thing, but try that with big dollar synthetic transmittion fluid for my garden tractor. I saw about $20 of the stuff go on the ground before words started coming out of my mouth that I was surprised by.
  22. My son and I are scheduled to do an oil change on his new to him car within the next week. I'll tell him the stories.
  23. Whether we have a jump test or not in USPSA if you read about Frank Garcia'z Florida Open you will see that one particular stage tested many holsters and many failed and people were DQ'd over loosing their loaded weapons. Lock it and then test it with an unloaded gun and see what kind of results that you get. Rick
  24. I use this site to help come up with a random password instead of me using some kind of pattern for my passwords: http://www.randomizer.org/form.htm I have too many individual passwords and it is a pain and a security risk on where and how to store them since I can't remember them all. I probably should have one single password that I use for all the different forums that I visit and a different one for financial applications and then change that password every 30 days. You don't want a very secure password but it is too hard to remember so you write it on a sticky note and post it next to your computer. I have to keep passwords in my Palm then I lock that file and hopefully remember the password so that I can access the passwords There has to be a better way. Have you seen the fingerprint scanners that you can connect to your computer via an USB port that you just touch and this replaces a password? Cool idea if you have the scanner with you and always just use one machine but accessing accounts from different machines it would be a pain in the rear. Rick
  25. Whatever happened to the concept of rules stability? I won't rant too much but the concept of continually changing the rules I find very frustrating. Let's talk about production guns for a moment. Why are they built with 12 pound triggers? Is it so that they make good competition guns or is it so that the legal department of the gun manufacturer has less headaches? Yes, some very talented people can win with heavier triggers, but if it made no difference at all why would open shooters and most competitors have not only a lighter trigger but a cleaner, crisper trigger if given the option. Because we mere mortals shoot better with a better trigger. If the benchrest boys shot fantastic groups with 5 pound triggers on their long guns they would do it, but they don't. I know that this game isn't 1000 yard shooting with a rifle but open guns have very nice triggers because they are more conducive to better shot placement. I like Production because it is still much less expensive to shoot. It's not just about DA guns, it's about shooting 9mm ammo and being competitive in the division. Gun manufacturers want their guns to win matches but they don't produce them for that purpose, just because some lawyer said build it with a crappy trigger don't make me shoot one. If you think this will solve all of the production issues go read the IPSC village posts and get back to me. Think stability and quit trying to change the rules. Rick
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