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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by armydad

  1. Welcome! This forum's knowledge base is awesome and you will get great advice. I haven't broken into 3-gun yet, but it's in my future.
  2. Welcome! If you're in southern cal, we have quite a few ranges that hold competitions. In the Inland Empire, the best is Norco, but West End, Palm Springs and Prado do a fine job and it's a little cheaper. Competing is great fun and you will learn a lot to help improve your skills. gmanrod has the bug big time! I love it.
  3. I have the Mark 6 1-6x20mm with Illum. CMR-5 reticle. I've only sighted it in and shot a few targets with it and it seems pretty awesome. I plan to shoot Norco's Phantom rifle match next month for my first rifle competition. I don't think they shoot past 75 yards, but have some very small targets I'm told. I'll let you know how it shakes out.
  4. Take a look at POF - Patriot Ordnance Factory. They are well worth the money and you won't be disappointed.
  5. WGJ3 basically nails it. Trigger pull is also an important factor. For defense/duty, trigger pull needs to be intentional. Folks with too light of a trigger pull may find themselves dropping hammer under stress when they may not have meant to.
  6. Best of luck reaching your goals. You'll find this forum contains a wealth of information to help you reach them.
  7. Welcome to the forum - Your logic sounds reasonable to me. Any reason i can find to buy another gun and go shooting works for me.
  8. This forum has so much talent, I'm sure you will learn all kinds of good stuff. I have. Welcome to the forum!
  9. Welcome Bill; Bummer on the student loan part, but 'right on' on the shooting part. This a great forum with probably more knowledge and experience than any other. I completely understand about squeezing the most out of what you have. Best of luck to you.
  10. Bummer on the gun restrictions. It's a load of you know what, but my country seems to be headed that directions - certainly my home state of CA is, and it blows. I wish you the best, welcome to the forum, and fight on!
  11. Bill Drills and El Presidente are good drills. Also practice your moving reloads. And any chance you get to practice on steel is real beneficial -it's very unforgiving. Good luck, enjoy, and it's a marathon and not a sprint! I don't have any experience with the shotgun, but it seems the most significant part a lightening fast reload.
  12. I hear Pala has a great 3-gun with LDF. I've seen some of them at Norco. I'll have to shoot a 3-gun there one day. I shot there at the Police/Fire games. Nice range.
  13. My buddy has a Glock 35 and a 9mm barrel for an easy conversion. It's a fairly inexpensive option and super reliable, while offering great flexibility. I definitely agree that people new to shooting should begin by shooting anything they can get their hands on before buying a gun. My experience has been that most people in this sport are happy to let other people shoot their guns. And mgardner nailed it with the top 3 guns and all would do well for most shooters. I've graduated from a Glock 34 to a Glock 35 and recently purchased an STI Executive. I'm totally hooked on the 1911 platform. My learning curve in this sport has been expensive, mostly because I get impatient, but then again, you can never have too many guns!
  14. Hello everyone. Like Dearhunter9790, I've been following the forum for a while, but never introduced myself or posted much. It's a great forum with great information, and I plan to be more active in it. I've been competing a little over a year now and am still figuring things out. It's great fun and ultimately I would like to get into 3-gun, but still need to acquire a shotgun. I bought a CTR-02 and mounted it with a Leupold Mark 6 1-6 with illuminated reticle. I shoot at Norco most weekends and once a month they have a rifle competition with similar stages. My first match will be in September.
  15. Welcome and thanks for your service. I have one son stationed in Germany who just got back from a Kandahar deployment. My other son is in Kuwait. Crazy times but I'm glad you're safe and going home soon.
  16. I was looking forward to buying this REM, despite the ugly green, because it sounded so promising. You folks have caused me to reconsider. Thanks for the detailed analysis.
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