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Everything posted by carinab

  1. Well, I took everyone's advice and I just got back from a back massage. I do feel less stressed most certainly but the amazing thing is that she hit some pressure points that cleared up my sinuses and chest congestion. Within minutes I could actually breath - full, deep breaths without going into spasmotic coughing. What a difference it makes to get oxygen to the brain...especially for a blond, it does help! So the only thing I hate now (besides credit card fraud) is that I was whiny enough to make this post to start with!
  2. Anyone got a web link or other resource for the commerce laws? I know what discover says their policy is but I'd like to know what the laws are. When I google I get way too much to sort through (although I'm probably entering my search criteria badly).
  3. carinab

    Farting in bed

    As long as I live I don't think I will understand what is so funny about fart jokes.... it must be a guy thing?
  4. Okay, now I get to rant further about credit card theft and how it gets handled. It turns out my husband didn't get his card back from a resteraunt he went to. My husband called the resteraunt to find out if they still had it and no they didn't. It turns out the server that didn't return the card went home sick after the lunch rush too. Turns out the bogus charge was made very shortly there after. Coincidence? Hmmm I wonder. When I talked to the credit card company, I was told their "investigation" will take at least until next Wednesday before they will "credit" back the amount. They also told me not to contact the grocery store as I would be interferring with their investigation. When I said I would make a police report, they advised me to tell the police not to bother calling them until next Wednesday. At any rate, I called the police department to make a report so the card company can't stick us with the amount. They took the information but when I volunteered the information about the server, they were not interested and I was stopped mid sentence. Apparently because the grocery store won't claim it's theft until they get charged back for the money, nothing is going to happen. I'm not Columbo but every grocery store I go into has those "eye in the sky" cameras above the cashiers. I would presume that those cameras actually record video tape. I would also bet that those tapes get recycled at least weekly and probably more often. It is no small wonder that credit card theft is a multi-billion dollar problem when you have to measure response time with a calendar!
  5. In case you were wondering today is actually Monday (a day I hate) posing as Friday. All kinds of things have gotten screwed up today and the worst part is that I am to blame for some of them. I ate not one but two of my shoes, sticking my feet in my mouth, and inadvertently hurt some feelings in the process. I'm not certain I could apologize enough to fix it. I am behind at work with projects piling up because I still can't get a programming fix done (out damned bugs!). And, I accidentally wrote over my back up file because I am in a medicine induced haze and can't focus. On top of that I forgot to punch in on Wednesday and was told about it today. Any moment I expect my boss to tell me, "hiring you was like losing two good people." I don't seem to be able to manage my stress response (relax? what's that?) so I am continually run down and am sick of being sick. I picked up a cold on the plane back from SHOT show that seemed to be getting better but then NSV (non specific virus) set in so I have been stewing in my own juices for the last three days with a fever and barely sleeping. Today I awoke with literally no voice. My toddler can't understand why I can't talk without wincing and just won't quit asking questions. I got my times mixed up and cost myself $70.00 for a missed appointment that I have to make up tomorrow and pay another $70.00 for. And before I sat down at the computer, I got off the phone with Discover who told me someone used our credit card to buy a couple hundred dollars worth of groceries. I'm on the edge of my seat to see what happens next. I'm sure it could be far worse but at the moment it pretty much sucks being me.
  6. ....which must explain why they have high scores....
  7. While akvavit is good (jubileum being my favorite), it's not commonly found at a local watering hole (unless you're in scandanvia). So the drink I currently order is a dirty martini. Sharon Zaffiro introduced me to them at the nationals in Bend. Besides, it's fun to tell the wait staff that you want it dirty! Hey now! Not like that! I mean it in that "spaghetti western - in a dirty glass" style, as in tough! Geeesh!
  8. Snapsordningen - Shot Drink Order: 1. Helan - Whole 2. Halvan - Half 3. Tersen - Third 4. Quarten - Fourth 5. Quinten - Fifth 6. Sexten - Sixth 7. Septen - Seventh 8. Rivan - a scratch 9. Räfflan - a shallow groove (as in ploughed) 10. Rännan - a trench 11. Smuttan - a sip 12. Smuttans unge - the sip's child 13. Lilla Mannase - a small encouragement 14. Lilla Mannasses bror - small encouragements brother 15. Femton droppar - fifteen drops 16. Kreaturens återuppståndelse - The animal comes out 17 Ett evigt liv - Eternal life För ingenting är så klart som sprit som vodka och akvavit. Och ingenting är så gott och lent som vinbärs och riktigt rent. Vi ska fylla våra tarmar och lyfta våra armar ta mycket brännvin och bli så full så vi alla ramlar omkull. You got to appreciate a culture that has defined a name for each shot drank. My DNA is engineered for drinking. My ancestors trudged through snow to get Aquavit.
  9. I just spoke to one of the Tulsa shooters who felt that it would be okay with the family for me to post this information to help ease the worry. Steve's passing was not related to any type of shooting accident. It is tragic and sad that he left life at such a young age. There is at least small solace in that fact he was doing what he loved when it happened. This should be a reminder to us all to be live life fully and pursue what we love.
  10. Wow, this really bites! I took a couple of classes from him and thought he was a very good instructor, great shooter, and a very entertaining guy. My sympathies to James and the rest of his family.
  11. carinab

    another Texas joke

    It's true! You can't swing a dead cat here without hitting a church. Come to think of it, you're just as likely to hit a liquor store or topless club too...Hmmmm....There's probably a direct relationship between the amount of sin and the number of churches.
  12. We were fifteen steps outside of the Mirage when the caffeine started to take effect....
  13. No other literature majors out there? Sometimes I feel lonely! I keep trying to come up with a two book merger using Hunter S. Thompson (Fear and Loathing)...but it needs refinement. How about a few ideas from the peanut gallery? So far I was thinking something that rhymed with Fear...such as Beer or Cheer or Queer....Your turn!
  14. Check out the Ameriquest Taser Scare ad - iFilm Superbowl ads
  15. Moby Dick and Jane A primer on sea/see life. See Moby Dick. See Moby Dick swim. See Jane. See Jane swim. Recently adapted by Bartleby the scrivner to the big screen as "Whale Rider" and nomicated for an Academy Award.
  16. Don't know when this contest is from but it's still dang funny... The Washington Post's Style Invitational once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are some winners: 1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. 2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly. 3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. 4. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid. 5. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period. 6. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high. 7. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. 8. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late. 9. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness. 10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.) 11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like a serious bummer. 12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you. 13. Glibido: All talk and no action. 14. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. 15. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web. 16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out. 17. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you're eating. And the pick of the literature: 18. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an a_-hole.
  17. To get to A class, it took three days a week of live fire, daily dry fire, and two matches each weekend for a couple of years (okay, maybe I'm a slow learner). During my compulsatory down time away from the range, I could only do visualizations with the occasional dry fire and local match. I managed to keep in the hunt just by thinking about it. Do not underestimate the value of practicing mentally. When sitting in the dentist chair, I try to see how long I can keep a perfect sight picture visualized. Now that I get to shoot more often, I still visualize a "perfect" stage every night before I fall asleep. Budo!
  18. The history channel also had a cool program on shooting range development that chronicled the evolution of different types of shooting styles as well. I was watching it at a doctor's office in the lobby. When I got home I tried to find when the episode was going to be re-run but found out it wouldn't be. Any idea of the program name and episode for Jerry's clip? Maybe the History channel has an order feature for some of it's episodes....
  19. So this exact joke ended up in an email joust between my husband (91 ZR1 Vette) and his buddy (Trans Am WS-6). And my husband responded much the same as tightloop. I couldn't let it be. So I chimed in with a reply to the two of them: "What rocks is when you have access to either and no car payment." (Guess I should add that my husband was my fiance` at the time....And no, I didn't make him sell the car when we married. So long as he has the 'vette, I can't outspend him on MY hobby!).
  20. Ouch, you reminded me Patrick of when I got hit with some serious splash back. I was RO'ing a now retired, ladies champion at a local club match back in '93. The steel pepper poppers were at 10 yards. However, the local shot gunners had apparently being playing with one of them as it had a definite curve to it. She blasts off a few rounds and WHAM! it feels like someone just punched me in the chest. The force of the hit actually rocked me backwards. Instantly I think that when I look down, I will see that I'm blowing red bubbles. Fortunately that was not the case. Since I figured I wasn't dying, I decided I had better catch up to the shooter who was almost half way down the range. Heck, at least she'd be soft cover if it happened again with the popper at the end of the stage! Later we looked for the "dime" and found it, it was more like a half dollar piece as she was shooting a 200 grainer in .45. I ended up with a bruise the size of a fist. SCARY!
  21. Having a plan for your practice session is a must. It's not science until it's measured and you can't track measurements unless you record times and have a defined drill. I actually figure my factors and throw them in a spreadsheet so that I can trend graph it week to week. Geeky I know but I end up learning what needs improvement.
  22. It wasn't my intention to imply anything "underhanded" was going on. It wasn't my intention to besmirch him in ANYWAY. I've met Scoutten, I like his shows, I appreciate ANY coverage that USPSA gets. I was complaining about this myth of IPSC being too expensive that seems to be "out there" and how the notion is reinforced by two web pages (Jim's and USPSA's). I was suggesting the same thing you were, that USPSA market itself better to correct this perception. I was also just wondering out loud why someone like Glock or S&W didn't pay to get on Jim's web page. Since I don't know anything about how the show is run, I was wrong to guess that the ones listed there had paid to be there - If all it takes is sending some product Jim's way for him to review, then I still wonder why Glock or S&W didn't do it.... However I still believe that the notion about IPSC being too expensive for most is a myth. Personal revelation here: I'm CHEAP. I pinch a penny so hard that Lincoln might press charges - if he weren't dead. So I know for a fact you don't need big bucks, fancy gear and bucoo buck guns to shoot IPSC. The only thing that cost me "money" was when I pawned a VCR to pay for my week of expenses at the first limited Nationals (all of $150.00 - Don't ask how many of us there was to a room). While it's nice to have a really expensive gun and holster, it isn't necessary.
  23. Whoa Nellie!!!!! Let's watch out for the unfair accusations here. (As far as I know) Nobody pays anybody diddly squat to have a product appear on ANY of Jim Scoutten's shows. Show sponsors are clearly labeled as "sponsors." i.e. Kalispell Cases. What you're seeing on the TV are the products which ShootingUSA is able to get people to send them. Ummm....Sorry Eric but I was referring to the link in my post from his web page which I believe to be sponsors - not any one particular episode of the TV show. That episode didn't portray IPSC as expensive by declaration at all - I was half heartedly complaining about the web page from the show. If I'm wrong about those guns not being sponsors, then I apologize. Also sorry for the delay in responding to the post. It seems I missed out on some good rants!
  24. And to help perpetuate the myth that USPSA is for rich kids....here's some help from Jim Scoutten's Shooting USA show....I realize that these companies have probably paid to appear. But I would have thought that Glock or S&W or someone else would have paid to have a $500.00 pistol listed....If I remember this episode, Dave Sivigny certainly was in it... Shoot'n USA 03 Natl's Episode USPSA's marketing needs to really focus on affordability. An ad with a run with what you brung theme maybe? If the ad already exists, I sure haven't seen it and I read a fair amount of gun literature. And what about (Sorry Rob) the USPSA web page ? I think it needs a re-write to help debunk the myth....Quote: "It may be that the firearm you already own will be just what you need to get started in practical shooting, but you may learn of other competitive opportunities that will give you that excuse you’ve been looking for to buy a new toy!" and from the other equipment section: "In most cases at least one magazine will be included with the firearm when you bought it, but having at least five magazines is desirable to be sure to get you through the various stages in a match." I don't think I had five magazines for my STI until about two years ago. I never had more than three mags on my belt when I shot a Glock. Back when I shot a single stack when I started, I had three ten round magazines (okay and a couple of icky seven rounders).
  25. Amen brother! I HATE to reload. I have an old shooting injury (muscle tear, no, I didn't get shot) that makes it uncomfortable to do more than two or three hundred rounds at a go on my 550. So when I need lots of ammo, I end up doing two loading sessions a day. WHAT A DRAG! When I was dating, one of my criteria used to be, "Will he load ammo for me?" And what did I go and do? I married a budo dude not a shooter....
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