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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by carinab

  1. Last time I took this I was a ENTP. This time I came up as ESTJ. ..33 1 11 67 I'd attribute that P to J shift to the addition of a toddler....No, you can't have candy for breakfast and underwear goes on your backside not your head....RULES!
  2. I once had to shoot through the nationals because I was still nursing my then three month old daughter. Every two hours she had to eat. She'd get one bottle, so I had four hours uninterrupted. It is a match killer for all the reasons previously listed. You don't get to really walk through because you generally show up towards the end of a squad. Your match will almost always suffer. Shooting through takes the fun out of it. It would have been even less fun had someone hassled me. There is generally a good reason for the shoot through otherwise the RM wouldn't allow it. Course the RO's can limit how many shoot throughs join a squad too so it shouldn't be so hectic. RO's on occassion have been known to allow an entire squad to shoot their stage ahead of schedule as insurance against looming bad weather, etc. Turn it around, you're at the range (always a good thing) and you get to watch a couple extra shooters (I enjoy watching anyone shoot). Outside of the schedule hoppers, the folks shooting through probably don't want to be doing it anyway.
  3. The Dallas Observer, the local alternative paper, ran this article about an Olympic pistol shooter/coach who was jailed on weapons charges during a nasty divorce. http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/2004-...ws/feature.html There is a section about the quotas...<snip> Rapid-fire pistol has been an Olympic event since 1896. But this year no Americans will compete in it; their performances in qualifying competitions failed to earn any quota slots. <snip> There would seem to be a "which came first - chicken or egg" discussion about the quota. In theory, depending on the timing of when the "training weekend" occured, it's possible that there weren't any quota slots because the pre-existing team didn't qualify for them. Given their performance at Bianchi, I'd guess the ramp up time for TGO, Fowler, etc would be minimal for rapid fire. So the question becomes would USAS have gotten slots had they included action shooters in the qualifiers? The problem more obviously seems to be that there is some shooting snobbery going on not too dissimilar to what goes on in the world of martial arts (my school of *%^-itsu has better lineage and is thus superior). Practical shooting seems to be the bastard step child of the shooting sports. Bullseye people think we can't hit the side of a barn. Shotgunners (with keg nearby) think it's unsafe. And we stand back saying, "It's all shooting hence all good! What is your mental dysfunction?" In Dallas, two practical clubs were closed because of other shooters - one a group of bullseye folk, the other a group of shot gunners. Can't we all just get along and save our collective ire for those in the legislature? Looking down on other shooting sports accomplishes nothing for the collective cause.
  4. I almost concur. Had it come in at closer to two hours, it would have been a perfect movie.... I didn't realize it was so long until it was over, I was so engrossed in the film. I don't know where you could have cut it down without losing some character development. The kidnap scene was too long for me but not for cinematic reasons. I reacted so viscerally, I didn't realize I was shaking with anger until my husband told me to relax. Those protective instincts just come out! I truly pity the first boy who takes my daughter on a date when she gets older Pretty good one liners here and there....especially one from Christopher Walken, "His art is death and he's about to paint his masterpiece." I'd recommend it.
  5. Mentioned this thread to my husband...He's an electrical engineer and all of the programmable devices on the boards they design are named after Simpson's characters. Hence some of his projects are named Willy, Side Show Bob, and so forth. They've even gone on to name board revisions. So for example, the Duff beer board has a secondary release called "Duff Ice." He says the conference calls and meetings are particularly funny when they get into discussions about problems and issues; "Scratchy is losing packets."
  6. Thread drift into movie trivia - The script for To Have and Have Not was a bet between William Faulkner and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Faulkner bet that he could take Hemingway's worst book and make it into a successful movie script. I read this in a biography somewhere. Faulkner also wrote the screen plays for the Big Sleep and Gunga Din.
  7. carinab

    what i love

    I LOVE that by this time next week I will have my new 6' longslide STI....Size does matter!
  8. It's the universe's way of reminding you what you would be fighting for/protecting... Enjoy it all, be careful, and thank you for being a warrior!
  9. Happy B-Day Girlfriend! Heal up by camp so you can have big fun with all the girls!
  10. Ah heck, I heard it every day for a week after the TSLC! Renee isn't shy about holding back her feelings. But it's all good. All the ladies on the "broad squad" are amicable. We aren't vicious like the mens squad - no barbed jokes or taunting. We all know that it isn't who shoots the best, but who screws up the least. I just waited until the second to last stage of the match to go bozo. Sorry to disapoint you, but there won't be a cat fight here....
  11. Coincidentally (if there is such a thing)after dropping my daughter at preschool this morning, I pulled up at a stop light behind a truck with the following license plate: So B It
  12. Ah, but in the truest sense, isn't up or a down an illusion/conclusion as they are both created by the mind? Perhaps resistance to what is and labeling something up or down causes the ups and downs? I think that's where I was going with my original post.
  13. You may want to drift over to the zen threads and give them a read. Being disillusioned should be a good thing....when illusions have left, what remains is often instructive. Sometimes when this sort of mood strikes, I wonder what it is that I am resisting. What is it about doing XYZ activity that spurns the lethargy? When you don't want to do something, it is sometimes then the most important time to do it. You will not only hone your character, building discipline, but you will also gain insight into what illusions you currently hold.
  14. Life is what happens when you plan something else. Right when I was looking forward to another day dealing with the dull, my daughter surprised me. She came walking into my home office buck naked covered head to toe in washable marker. Giant swirls of orange, purple, green, and red tattoo her skin like a retro paisley fabric. She proudly declared, "I'm colorful." What could I do but agree with her. Instead of viewing this as yet another thing Mom has to fix, I howled with laughter and ran for the camera. Attitude shift number 993 - In the zen sense I should let go of this one too but not yet...not until I smile just a little longer in pleasure.
  15. While I have really liked a number of the suggestions I've read (Bladerunner, any Akira Kurasawa film, and Kubric as well), I have to say my all time favorite is <drumroll> Casablanca There are little details in the movie that I just love. For instance, after his club is torn up by the magistrate, Rick calmly tells everyone that everything will be just fine as he uprights a knocked over cocktail glass - a visual que of restored order to go with his words. And some of the quotes are priceless, "There are parts of New York, Major Strassor, that I would advise you not to try to invade." And then the theme, sacrificing for the greater good, all aspects of the movies are top notch. Even all the supporting actors are superb - Claude Reins, Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorrie. Here's looking at you kid <sigh>
  16. There hasn't been a zen post in a little while and I could use some advice from the budoka to wake me up. The post match blues have set in. Whenever I return from a match, my life always feels a bit ordinary and somewhat dull. On occasionan the banality is overwhelming. Between all my responsibilities (kid, husband, work, house, etc), it seems my life is scheduled to the nano-second. And while I can have intent and full attention to what I am doing now and again, most times my mind complains about the task at hand. I simply can't lose myself in the color or texture of the laundry I'm folding when it's the 87th time I've done it this week. In the micro-cosm of the match, it's easier to "lose your mind and come to your senses." The simultaneous comprehension - mind, spirit, body - of pure experience focus into realization when the buzzer goes off. In the grocery store, it's not that easy...especially with an irrate toddler in tow. I can understand (intellectual comprehension) that it is my mind and not my surroundings or my daughter that is causing my mood, it is my thoughts and expectations. However I find I buy into the attachment, the illusion of the mood, that I am that thought, and then I feel dissatisfied. The mental noise seems to get louder the more introspection I do and I long for the quiet at the range. I remember reading in one of my philosophy books about life as suffering; if you don't get what you want,you suffer. If you get what you don't want, you suffer. Even if you get what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it. Life is not suffering; it's just that sometimes I suffer it rather than enjoy it. It's a nagging feeling, like there ought to be more. Am I living, truly experiencing life or am I moving through it without purpose and intent? I had a high school teacher once tell me, "if you are bored, you must be boring." Boredom, or the lack of tolerance for the mundane, is the nonawareness of life. It's like watching a movie for the twentieth time. You think you know what comes next. Perhaps I am simply whining because it is difficult to let go and not have expectations. I have labeled everything and no longer see it for what it is. I have only a dry concept....Ack! I need to think less about life and feel it more!
  17. Parents of toddlers know the pain of having nursery rhyme songs stuck in their head... I get the bonus of looping in two languages Blinka, Blinka, stjärna där - Twinkle, Twinkle, little star... I always get Laurie Berkner's Dinosaur song stuck as well... "We are the dinosaurs, marching, marching! We are the dinosaurs. We make the world flat!"
  18. I'm sure a number of you tech-types out there are already DNRC members. But for those that aren't, I thought I'd share some of Scott Adams' email newsletter "Dogbert's New Ruling Class." He always includes a segment known as "True tales of Induhviduals" who mangle every day phrases. For some reason, they always involve body parts and animals. Here is a sampling: Quotes that sound painful: "Can I pick your ear?" "I've got an ace up my hole." "I don't want to shoot myself in the hip." "I've been thinking about giving that some thought." Critter-related quotes: "I've been running around like a chicken with my legs cut off!" "The monkey is in their court." "There's more than one way to screw a cat!" "That really grinds my goat." "This guy is trying to pull the wool over the donkey's ass, and that is not where the wool goes." "I'm so angry I could eat a horse." "They're throwing us a blind herring." "You have to shoot where the fish are barking." Mutated Metaphors: "We'll kill two rocks in one basket." "They're so busy they don't have two minutes to rub together." "Well, that really puts a wrinkle in my ointment." "That was a real notch in his feather." "I'm going to watch you like the back of a hawk." Possibly naughty quotes: "That guy beats to a different drum!" "Whatever rubs your boat!" "We gotta get our soup and nuts together." (Ouch!) "I'm sure he was drunk, he was driving erotically."
  19. I thought I was the only person owning a copy of this book. I feel so much better. It's like finding a support group. Dangling modifiers make me a bit crazy as do sentence fragments and split infinitives (thank you Star Trek - to BOLDLY go). The worst mangling comes from those with a touch of the stomach flu. You always hear, "I'm nauseous." The proper use would be to say, "I feel nauseated." To say "I'm nauseous" is to express how you make other people sick to their stomachs.
  20. ....proving to me once again that there isn't enough blood in the male body to make both heads function at the same time....
  21. This reminds me of a Popeye the sailor joke.... What part of Popeye will never rust? The part he dips in Olive Oyl...
  22. I have used super glue in certain situations - an emergency out in the field and once because I had no money to pay for medical services. I superglued my thumb for a repair just after moving to Texas. Sure, I had cobra insurance but only for the medical group back in California. When I went in the urgent care office with my flip top thumb (opening a can of dog food - the ones with a pull tab top), I asked how much it would be. When they told me about $400.00, I wished them a pleasant day. A friend of mine doctors her own horses because she doesn't have much money so I called her for advice. Here were the rules: Betadine wash; clean the wound, clean it again, clean it some more. Use superglue ONLY on the outside to hold the skin together. Keep the area clean, wrap or cover if necessary. It worked okay for my thumb but I messed up when I aligned the skin before gluing. It's a little uneven on one side and that side is still a bit numb.
  23. No shoots? What no shoots? I only see brown and never bother thinking about the no shoots. Of course, having said that.... If it is late in the day at a major match and I am fatigued, have points up on the competition and no need to push, I may then be more conservative and purposefully s l o w d o w n for the head shots.
  24. Have this printed up for the back of your shirt: If you aren't Robbie Leatheam or Brian Enos...then shut the f*ck up!!! I love it!!! However, true stooge-ness will still ask "who is Robbie or Brian?" But it's damn funny! "This is a no question zone. Violators will be ventilated." would work too but it's just not terribly subtle...
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