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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. A friend recommended King's Speech to me, and I showed up at the theater not knowing anything about it. That was fortunate, because I'm sure if I had known the subject matter beforehand, I would not have gone. And I would have missed a very interesting and well-acted movie!
  2. I enjoyed this episode! My observations: 1. How many times do you think the competitors swept each other with the M1As when they were running around with them? Judas Priest..... 2. At the moment somebody said, "John just doesn't seem to have his heart in this," I'm pretty sure the camera swung over and caught a couple seconds of him from the back, and he appeared to be taking a leak. 3. Barney Miller had quite possibly the best instrumental theme song in television history. Listen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VcepUEv-mE
  3. At the very minimum, can we please make sure that every thread has at least one reference to the Memphis Charity Challenge, just so I know I'm still in the right sub-forum??
  4. Webleys, Dan Wessons, Chiappa Rhinos, ancient Hand Ejectors, leather holsters, polishing forcing cones...... Maybe we're all getting a bit of cabin fever?
  5. Cliff Walsh is also very down-to-earth. Sometimes (but not always) he keeps his clothing on while shooting a stage.
  6. The old gun magazine ads for the Dan Wesson Pistol Pac always attracted my attention, but for whatever reason I've never owned one. There was a 4-barrel Pistol Pac for sale at the gun show yesterday, and I looked at it pretty closely. The guy was asking $1000 and made it clear he would take no less than $900, which I still thought was a little pricey for its condition (decent, but definitely not mint, and missing the buckle or patch that should have been in the case), so I passed.
  7. I completely agree. I cannot stand the time-wasting masturbatory bullcrap that some shooters insist on doing after the make ready command. It's incredibly rude to the other shooters on the squad, and to the next squad who is standing there waiting.
  8. "Kitchen Patrol"? You really are a hopeless romantic, aren'tcha?
  9. Thanks for all the encouragement, guys! This will be my first international shooting experience, so I'll be relying on my teammates for plenty of guidance. DC Ammo's support of the U.S. Revo team is extremely considerate and generous. Thanks very much, Doug!
  10. Now, on to the more fun side of Chris's question......a sweet new single-stack 1911 is just what you need, Brother! I love breaking out my single-stacks every year around this time, in order to get ready for the big SSC match over at PASA. It's fun to blast with a hi-capacity (8+1) gun every now and then.
  11. Withholding is the biggest scam ever perpetrated by our government. If everybody had to actually write out checks and mail them to the IRS like I do every quarter, and again on April 15, I believe the taxpayers would be much more willing to hold our elected officials accountable for how our money gets spent.
  12. Man, what a great time Sam and I had this past weekend! Now we're back here in the cold snowy midwest...uggh.... Fantastic match! Normally I have to divide stages out by six--it was really liberating to be able to just let myself go with an 8-round hi-cap gun for a change! I had never been to Rio Salado, it was really exciting for me just to pull in the front gate, it felt like I was making a pilgrimage to one of the true holy lands of practical shooting. Thanks to Steve and everybody else who made it happen. I am already planning to attend next year's WSSSC.
  13. That's total crap. I hate it when people steal other people's ideas like that.
  14. Not only is Dave S. a great guy, and makes a great product, he possesses the only other original videotape of the infamous hot tub stage. Most of you have seen Dave M.'s video, now known in the international IPSC community as the "shot heard round the world." Dave S.'s version was taped from the grassy knoll, and includes different but equally disturbing angles.
  15. Hell, I've been using the same pile of mixed brass for many years. Some of it is undoubtedly from that first batch of factory ammo I bought back in 1987 for the old 25-2. When the brass splits 1/4" or more, I pitch it. With Ranch moonclips (which is exactly what I use for .45 ACP) the brand of brass won't really matter.
  16. That's for sure. Just realized I listed an incorrect email address for myself earlier in this thread. The correct email is carmoney4@aol.com.
  17. No problem, Eric. Keep in touch. I'd recommend you start with a Blade-Tech DOH holster for 5" S&W revolver. Then, you can experiment with all the other expensive hi-tech rigs until you finally realize none of them are really all that better, and you wind up right back with the Blade-Tech!! (Ask me how I know....)
  18. I got mine not from shooting, not from reloading, not from playing racquetball twice a week......but from playing too much Guitar Hero and Rock Band with my kid on his X-Box360! Seriously. As soon as I quit jamming on the plastic guitar, it went away. Too bad I had to retire, I was quickly becoming one of the nation's leading Rock Band players in the over-40 age category.
  19. It was really a strange situation, Gary. I don't know what the CRO was thinking. Whether the match officials handled it right after the fact, I guess I'm not sure.....but believe me, none of us blamed Jerry for pushing the issue.
  20. I didn't say the SSC lacked challenge. Actually, they do a pretty good job of setting up stages that fit the traditional parameters of 8-round arrays, relatively little movement, and no more than 24 rounds per stage. The SSC is fun for what it is, I just wouldn't want to shoot a Revo Nationals set up that same way.
  21. Matt, the quality of the Revolver prize table at Nationals has varied pretty substantially over the years. I'll grant you, the 2010 Nats prize table pretty much sucked. But there have been years when they threw out half a dozen guns and several other nice "bigger" prizes. Not sure why there has been such a variation. The point I'm trying to make is that a good prize table would provide an extra incentive to the better shooters from the other divisions to switch over and participate in a stand-alone Revo Nationals. It would also be important to truly promote the match across the USPSA membership, not just here in our little corner of the BE universe. Since Julie G. seems to have taken an interest in wheelgunning, and since S&W's interest in competition shooting seems to have been re-invigorated lately, I hope that will eventually translate into meaningful match sponsorship from S&W in the one division where they truly dominate the market share.
  22. I do know that when Cliff wanders around Las Vegas at night looking for someone to "polish his forcing cone," it's a whole different thing altogether.
  23. I for one would not like the USPSA Revolver Nationals to be run on the same stages as the Single Stack Nationals. The idea of dumbing the stages down to low round count leaves me cold. I've shot the Single Stack Classic for a number of years, and I do enjoy the match mostly as a change of pace. But the stages are not Nationals-quality USPSA stages, in my opinion. (Of course, the same thing could be said of most of the stuff we've seen in Vegas the past couple years). The idea that we are looking for 6-round-neutral stages is completely wrong--that bunch already left and formed ICORE. Give us plenty of big-running 32-round field courses, with lots of free-style options! I would also prefer that our division's National Championship not be run by a few people as a for-profit venture. Maybe we really do need to push for the Memphis match to become the officially sanctioned USPSA National Revolver Championship. In order to attract the guys from other divisions, there would need to be a real prize table with a bunch of guns. No more "charity" for Stanley.
  24. No, seriously, I'm curious.....why would a forcing cone need polished?
  25. It's probably not really a Model 10, but some variation of old Military & Police revolver chambered for .38 S&W. If so, stay away. Not worth the trouble.
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