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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Just don't try to use a 1/16" pin punch, as it will be too big. I never could find a punch of the correct size, so I make punches out of those little tiny eyeglass screwdrivers. Do a search in the revolver sub-forum and you will find more detailed explanation of how to install the pinned front sights. It is not a terribly easy task to drill the sight tenon free-hand, and even after doing a whole bunch of them, I still screw one up every now and then. But you can't drill the sight while it's installed or you'll hog out the hole in the barrel.
  2. Mike, if you don't hear from Bob shortly, drop me a PM and I'll give you his contact information. He talked to me at the ICORE match on Saturday about shipping the gun out through my FFL in order to send it priority mail, which will save on shipping costs. So it hasn't slipped his mind......even though he is a Super Senior......
  3. Thanks again for making the trip. We will be sure to keep you in the loop on future events.
  4. Pretty nice turnout for our first ICORE match! (check out all the North Mountain moonclip holders)
  5. I'm all amped up about using light bullets in my compensated guns, but I never though to try them in a non compensated one; I've been pretty happy with heavy bullets for Production and Limited. What powder do you use on those loads? VV N320
  6. My 95-gr. JHP 9mm minor load is at the end of my personal learning curve. I'm running it through my SS 9mm 1911s, my XD Production guns, and my wide-body STI steel guns. I much prefer the minimal muzzle rise and snappy slide function of that load to the sluggish feel of the typical heavy-bullet 9mm loads.
  7. I have seen this happen several times where an activator cable attached to the popper had too much tension. If there is any possibility this is what happened, I think it's obviously an REF. Furthermore, resetting the apparatus is usually going to involve moving or jostling the popper, which would seem to preclude a valid calibration test. I also think it's potentially unfair to the shooter who sees/hears the equipment activate, and relying upon that feedback moves on through the stage, not realizing the steel is still standing. Every time I have witnessed this at a match, the shooter was directed to reshoot the stage, and nobody ever questioned the call.
  8. Ah, I see where you're going with that. Perhaps you should be directing your concerns toward the competitors who used their major P.F. open gun loads despite your pre-match admonition.
  9. I wish the Taurus revolvers had good enough metallurgy to provide the S&W with real competition in the marketplace.....I really do. But they don't.
  10. I have proven to myself at this point that as long as the bullet has a round or pointy nose, the length of the cartridge just doesn't matter with respect to reload speed. 38 spec or 38 short colt, or long colt in between. If your technique is sound, it doesn't matter. My experience anyways... Your experience is different than mine then. I don't know if my technique is sound or not, but I know I reload faster (on average) with Short Colts than I do with Specials. You are without a doubt faster than I am and I may never get to your level, so I can qualify it even further...at my current skill level it doesn't seem to matter. Do you know empirically that you are faster with sc? like a shoot reload shoot on an easy target or is it that it just feels easier/faster? I measure this by shoot reload shoot on a super easy 4-5 yard target. Whether that is valid test or not is debatable, but that's what I do. I guess I should experiment with sc some more to see if it helps at all if I really push. Sean, are you using good moonclips--like Hearthcos--that are machined for the particular brand of brass you are using? That might give you a different result, possibly. I can't say that I have done empirical testing, though--not sure any testing could be all that empirical, since the shooter's effort might vary a little if there is a subconscious desire to reach a pre-conceived result--so I guess I would say it's based on a feeling that it's slightly easier for me to hit my reloads more reliably with Short Colts. Seems logical that a "shorter" moonclips would find its way into the cylinder more readily if introduced at a bit of an angle. I will agree that if everything goes right, the longer cartridges will drop in just as smoothly and easily. But who knows--we're all susceptible to the placebo effect to some extent, I guess.
  11. I have proven to myself at this point that as long as the bullet has a round or pointy nose, the length of the cartridge just doesn't matter with respect to reload speed. 38 spec or 38 short colt, or long colt in between. If your technique is sound, it doesn't matter. My experience anyways... Your experience is different than mine then. I don't know if my technique is sound or not, but I know I reload faster (on average) with Short Colts than I do with Specials.
  12. I'll take a look at the postal match thing. We will be running a couple more ICORE matches before the end of the year. Looks like turnout for our Aug. 24 is going to be excellent. I'm anticipating 25-30 competitors, which is great for our very first time.
  13. This will be our first ICORE match at our great new Ankeny Izaak Walton League shooting facility. 6 stages, round count approximately 150. Come shoot those wheelguns with us if you can! http://www.aipshooters.com/
  14. Correct. I would anticipate we will be starting the actual shooting around 9:30 or so. It would be great to have some of the KS/MO guys in attendance! I will do my best to put together a fun match for us. More information here: http://www.aipshooters.com/
  15. Congratulations! Don't forget I named my son Sam. You now have the opportunity to reciprocate the honor! ;-)
  16. Thanks for the shout, Bob. Our first monthly ICORE match at the Ankeny Ikes is scheduled for Aug. 24, 2013. We're looking forward to a great launch.
  17. It's on hold until the next board meeting in (I think) September. They will vote on it then, I guess.
  18. Maybe Phil could spend a little less time talking "openly and often" and a little more time communicating with the board. Based on another thread, it appears that some of Phil's shooting buddies knew this would be presented at the BOD meeting, but the AD's weren't aware of it. Maybe it wasn't the discussion those directors were opposed to, but the idea of the president adding an item to the agenda at the last minute with no effort to follow protocol. (This is purely speculation on my part, but seems like a reasonable explanation.) The minutes indicate that the agenda was properly amended to include the revolver rule issue--it appears that protocol was in fact followed. Unless the minutes were altered as part of a devious plot by those who derive great financial gain from the 8-minor option........ Bottom line--this issue has been perfectly well-known to the BOD. The opposition has been heavily campaigning the BOD for many months. None of this is any surprise.
  19. I don't want anybody to misunderstand me here. This is not personal. I have a great deal of respect for all of our elected volunteer board members, and I truly believe they have the best interests of the membership at heart in their management of this organization. One reason for USPSA's success is that we have a well-conceived system of governance that is responsive to the membership. I am disappointed in the response from the directors from A5, A6, and A8, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate everything they and the other board members do to help this organization succeed. Just wanted to make the record clear.
  20. Get in the room. (Meetings are open) This whole thing was shoehorned into the agenda at the last possible minute...with NO prior discussion to speak of. And, then, when the meeting minutes came up for approval, a few of us had to...make a correction...on what was actually voted upon. A Division change nearly slippery sloped in without much real discussion/debate. Wherever you fall on this particular issue...it deserves a good process. Oh, so I'm going to fly to Salt Lake City at my own expense to lobby for this? I'll leave that for those who will derive all the riches and huge personal gain from changing the Revolver rules. Furthermore, this discussion has been among the liveliest ever on the BE Forum, and it was widely known that Phil Strader would be carrying the idea to the BOD for a vote. Phil talked about it openly and often. So, with all due respect, I don't think it's accurate to suggest that it was slipped into the agenda at the last minute. I agree that changing the division deserves a real discussion/debate. Frankly, I think that debate has been hashed out to the point there is not much further to say, pro or con. But regardless, if an "official" comment and debate period is what the BOD actually voted on, then why would you not at least support the membership having that debate period? You routinely read every single post on the BE Forum. Of all the BOD members, your role as forum administrator puts you in the best position to recognize that a sizable portion of the revolver crowd--and arguably a significant majority of us--strongly supports this rule change. I'm really disappointed in the three BOD members who apparently prefer to simply quash the whole issue.
  21. http://combinedresults.info/index.php/match/8899 That's incorrect. Nic Neel is a great shooter, but he's no longer a junior. Top overall junior at A3 was Phillip Tappe, who managed to squeak in right before his upcoming 18th birthday! (Very nice move of Cha-Lee to donate his raffle prize, by the way!)
  22. If you're able to easily pick up brass after each shooter, you may need to take a look at whether the stages at your matches are freestyle.
  23. No big secret....he left without going to chrono. Unfortunate, but there's nothing they can really do, y'know?
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