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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Most of the 38 Super bullets you will find will be .356". Those with reasonably long bearing surfaces will be accurate. Montana Gold makes a 142-gr. bullet with a rounded pointy nose in .357". This is the bullet I will be shooting in my 8-shot revolvers over the next few years.
  2. Everybody should pay close attention to what Tony is saying here. The guys at PASA are premiere experts in stage design, and if the goal is to create reasonable parity between the 6-major and 8-minor platforms, I can guarantee you they will hit that mark. Think about it--a Revolver Nationals where you could shoot either type of gun and potentially win--a match where you could look over the stages, and wind up scratching your head trying to decide whether to shoot your 625 or your 8-shot. That would be the absolutely ideal scenario, and in a stand-alone Revolver match where you don't have to worry about the other divisions, that scenario can be accomplished.
  3. Interesting that a non-Revo shooter hits the nail squarely on the head!
  4. Good job Chris. This is a move in the right direction. No downside at all.
  5. C'mon. Let's get real here. Ruger has never cared about supporting USPSA competition in any sort of meaningful way. They have never made a DA revolver with competition shooters in mind--we are an inconsequential blip on the market share radar screens to them. S&W dumped the 5" 625 from their product line about six years ago, and they have never made the slightest move in the direction of returning it to the product line. They have withdrawn virtually all of their support for revolver compeition--this year they even declined to sponsor the IRC, even though that event is nearly always promoted and televised. They don't care about us. And they're never going to care as long as we keep doing things the same way and show the same kind of dismal participation numbers.
  6. I would probably go with a 200gr RN and Blue Dot or Unique powder in 38 Spl brass.
  7. The Eastern Nebraska Practical Shooters did their usual outstanding job with the match. Everything was run very professionally, and I thought the stages were excellent. Thanks, everybody!
  8. Grim, it is interesting that you have very suddenly popped onto the scene and posted some very strong opinions on this issue. We are a pretty close-knit group here on the Revolver sub-forum, and many of us know and interact with each other in real life. Everybody knows my position on this, but I am the first to point out that I have several close friends who take the opposing viewpoint just as strongly. Your thoughts are welcome if they are genuine, but there is at least one other shooting website where a few people have issued "a call to troll" this discussion here on BE. So would you please provide your name and USPSA number so that we know what/who we are dealing with here?
  9. And here we have a fresh idea. My thought was that more visibility with increased revo participation at club matches would attract new people to revo but hadn't considered this. The one drawback that comes to mind is that a revolver is more expensive than a Glock so people might not be inclined to buy one for once or twice a year. Maybe revo-only matches with loaner/rental set ups available? From the "where is the post-National surge?" thread -- post #24 from June 19: USPSA could promote and support a series of Revolver-only major matches throughout the year, perhaps similar to Area Championships, which would lead up to the culmination of a stand-alone National Championship match in November. A few years back, I organized and ran several Revo-only "major" USPSA matches in Iowa, including what became the largest USPSA Revolver event in history, at that time. Sam Keen easily eclipsed my record at his wonderful Memphis Charity matches over the past few years. All of that was done with little or no support from the organization. But now we have a new president, and he arranged for Revolver Division to have its own National Championship, and it set a new record for participation--which is great. I also noticed Jerry Miculek on the cover of the latest Front Sight, and the article featuring the match, and that is great also. None of that occurred at any significant cost to USPSA. It just goes to show what can be done with a bit of imagination, creative effort, and willingness to try new things.
  10. Aside from shooter technique issues, short-stroking is usually caused by insufficient rebound spring tension. When reducing rebound spring tension, you gotta be sure to also reduce the mainspring tension, to keep the action in balance.
  11. Mandated 6-shot target arrays. (Which ain't never gonna happen....nor would I want it to.)
  12. I think it's worth pointing out that whenever you put the issue of Minor-8/Major-6 to a poll, the respondents seem to favor it roughly 2-to-1. The detractors are louder, but they are distinctly in the minority.
  13. Mark, this kind of stuff is not helpful. No? Popular opinion or not, it does highlight a perspective. We are, in reality, talking about racing with a more specialized gun than is the norm/popular. I guess it's helpful to the extent that it reveals how certain people think.
  14. ICORE had two Regionals this past weekend, and I can't find results for either one of them anywhere online. (I was trying to see who Olhasso was hiding from. )
  15. Don't know how many shooters but I counted 57 ICORE clubs and over 350 USPSA clubs in the U.S. How many shooters would like to shoot ICORE but it's not available? And I'll bet a bunch of those ICORE clubs are inactive. Most people do not have local access to ICORE matches in their home area. USPSA certainly offers a lot more opportunity to shoot matches.
  16. Nice shooting, there, Hoss!! Glad you made it up for the match.
  17. You don't think that promoting and facilitating participation across all of the various recognized USPSA divisions is part of the BOD's mission?
  18. Yes! Make revo more fun to do and more people will do it.
  19. Stages are tweaked and ready to roll. Everything looks great--should be really fun match. I look forward to seeing everybody who is shooting with us this weekend!
  20. IDPA is not a valid comparison--that game is built around short courses that are supposed to be roughly 6-round neutral. Shooting complex USPSA field stages with a 6-shot revolver and speedloaders is a whole different deal altogether. I could certainly do it, but it does not sound at all fun to me.
  21. When I first decided to shoot IDPA about 10 years ago, I wanted to compete against the local Glock guys in SSP, so I bought a Springfield XD. Then I found out that the IDPA rules placed the XD in a different division. So I decided to switch to SSR, and bought a S&W Model 646 and a Blade-Tech holster and moonclip holders. Shortly thereafter, the rules changed, and my gun was no longer legal in SSR, and my Blade-Tech gear was out the window completely. Let's just say I sorta back away from IDPA at that point. Recently I have started shooting IDPA again locally, and have been enjoying the competition and camaraderie. I had been really hoping the new rule book would be less arbitrary and illogical. Looks like that is not the case.
  22. If you are going to ask for a red dot in 2yrs...just do it now. I'm not asking for anything, Kyle. Phil Strader (with input from several key revolver players) brought the 8-minor concept to the board. I'm at the point where I almost don't care what happens, as long as something is done before the division withers and dies completely. I don't see status quo as a real viable option.
  23. Seems to me that this has pretty much turned into a private act for those who particularly want to shoot 8 shot minor guns. If the only question before the BOD is "8 minor / 6 major" all the other ideas for improving revolver class are elimnated from consideration without any real discussion. Or am I missing some important step in communicating with the mother ship? Here's the thing, wheelie......we're not going to get the Board of Directors, either individually or collectively, to engage in any sort of in-depth discussion on this. It's not realistic to expect that they will weigh a bunch of different options on how to improve participation in Revolver. With all the stuff on the Board's agenda, this issue is going to get about two minutes at their next meeting. We need to put our best single idea in front of them. As for your "private act" comment--I find it really disappointing. USPSA Phil Strader is the key player behind this change--he's not a Revolver guy, and is purely looking for ways to improve the organization. Our former president would have been happy to shit-can Revolver entirely, and I think we should be extremely grateful to Phil for trying to find ways to invigorate the division. Jerry Miculek, the one wheelgunner in the world with the least to prove, is strongly behind the change. Rob Leatham, the most influential IPSC/USPSA shooter of all time, is strongly supporting the change. The poll on my original thread is now showing a response that favors adoption of 8-minor almost three to one--clearly, the quiet majority wants to give this a try. Personally, I want to shoot an 8-shot gun if it brings more people into the division. If that doesn't happen, I'm perfectly fine shooting my 625s, and I believe I can continue to be reasonably competitive with that platform. However, I'm not going to be the guy who shows up at a sectional or area match to shoot Revolver against no real competition, just so I can "win the division." It would not be fair to say that I am motivated to pass some "private act" for my own benefit, because that would not be the case at all--I can win more plaques and prizes by leaving things at status quo. I really thought most of us would jump behind this 8-minor idea, recognizing the opportunity it may create for some meaningful growth. I'm really disappointed with the way it seems to be splintering our discussion core. But then again, I also need to remember that this is only the internet--and it's really easy for people to distort the discussion way out of reality here. It's really easy for a small but loud minority to get more attention than they deserve. Most revolver shooters welcome the 8-minor concept. Once again--how can it possibly hurt to give this a try on a provisional basis?
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