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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. Couple quick updates: We have competitors coming in from all over the place--from as far away as Utah, North Dakota, Colorado, Louisiana, and Florida, just to name a few states. In fact, the current IRC Champion, Rich Wolfe, will be traveling in from California to shoot the match with us--how awesome is that? I can't confirm it yet, but it looks like we may have some national-level media coverage at the match. If you're not registered for the match, please do so. Remember, your entry in the main ICORE match gets you into the USPSA match on Sunday for free.
  2. I can hardly imagine anything more defeating to a new shooter.....
  3. I'm a drinker, which apparently is why I keep hitting "quote" instead of "edit." It would be nice if a person could delete accidental posts!
  4. If we are ever at the same place at the same time, we should set up a test, because I would give you action on that bet, Bosshoss! I can absolutely distinguish the difference in the recoil impulse between a 4" and 5" 625, using the same ammo, and have no doubt I could do it blindfolded. You wouldn't think that extra inch of barrel would matter, but it does. Back when all the higher-level guys were shooting 625s, the lone 4" hold-out was Keith, and he eventually saw the light and switched to a 5" gun. As for sight radius, many of the top level shooters have installed longer barrels on their guns--Josh, John, and Dave are a few who come immediately to mind. Several others campaigned the longer-barreled 25-2s in competition in order to benefit from the longer sight radius.
  5. Excellent point. The gun that everybody seems to want to protect was discontinued seven years ago!
  6. It's obvious to me that the original intention was to ensure recognition for divisions with at least 10 competitors. The other interpretation makes no sense.
  7. You really can't kill something that is already dead, can you Gregg? It remains to be seen whether the rule change will revive the division (with only five wheels at Area 5, I'm not feeling very optimistic right at the moment), but something needed to happen to try to keep Revolver Division alive.
  8. Tell you what, Mark, why don't you go find the post where anybody said 8-minor and 6-major were on equal footing? (At least while you're busily looking for something that doesn't exist, we can all get a break from your inane remarks.)
  9. I shot the whole thing yesterday and had a great time. Everything was right on par for a match at PASA--excellent stage designs and just about the best match staff that could be assembled in this part of the world. All day long, everybody I came into contact with seemed to be having fun. Really, what more can you ask for? Great job, guys.
  10. As we draw closer to the match, I want to mention that we have a bunch of great prizes which will be awarded by random drawing after the match on Saturday. These prizes are courtesy of some of our finest friends in the competition wheelgunning industry, including North Mountain Moonclip Holders (www.4wheelguns.com), TK Custom (www.moonclips.com), and DS-10-Speed (ds10speed.wordpress.com). All competitors in the championship (except the match director) are automatically entered in the merchandise prize drawing for the prizes mentioned above. These sponsors were ridiculously generous--I have a whole box of stuff to give away. Thanks Bob, Tom, and Dave--you guys are the best. (Keep in mind the cash/plaques provided by ICORE can only be claimed by active members of ICORE. These will go to the division winners and runners-up as previously published.) PLUS: the burgers, brats, and beer at the range on Saturday night are on me! Registrations are rolling in....we already have people signed up from at least 12 different states. We still have openings, so get those registrations in.
  11. Check out this website: www.tkcustom.com
  12. Yeah Bubber, I kinda liked the down-home flavor of those hand-drawn stage diagrams also! But since Dave was nice enough to offer......plus I think it will make Vic happy, and that's important to me.
  13. Attached here are the stage diagrams. Big thanks to Dave Williams for helping with these! We will start shooting on Saturday at 9:30 am, following a very brief shooters meeting. Bring your own lunch, snacks, and beverages to sustain you during the match. Bring extra ammo in case we decide to do a side event on Saturday afternoon, time permitting. After the match and awards on Saturday, I will be sponsoring free barbecue and beer at the range for all competitors and staff. The USPSA match on Sunday is open to everyone, but is free for those who entered or worked the ICORE match. It's not too late to sign up: http://www.ankenyikes.org/threads/2014-07-05-06-icore-midwest-regional-revolver-championship.176/ ICORE combined.pdf
  14. (They do cost a little more now. Plan on $550 to $600. Still a good deal.)
  15. I bought my American Classic 1911 at a gun show for $360. It is an amazingly nice gun, especially considering the cost.
  16. Clint Eastwood confirmed it was a Model 29 that was used as the movie prop. We run a special invitation-only big bore match in the winters around here...minimum is .44 Mag. Afterward we fight the chill with plenty of chili and whisky!
  17. Cool! I have a few S&W top-breaks in the safe, including a .44 Russian DA that is way cool. One neat thing about the big .44s is that all were made prior to 1899, making them bona fide antiques....no FFL needed to transfer or ship. I have actually fired my competition .38 short colt loads through my 2" .38 S&W New Departure. They function, but aren't very accurate!
  18. No Dan, that's not what I said. I said that Major 6 is closer to parity with Minor 8 in USPSA than most people realize. Most of the revolver purists who participated in that debate tend to underrate the importance of the minor scoring penalty. For the record, I have consistently said this for years--since long before the rule change thing was ever discussed. The research done out at Rio Salado tends to confirm my point. By the way, I wasn't trying to be obnoxious in dismissing your statement regarding shooting faster because you have make-up shots. I understand how that might appear to be the case to a newer USPSA revolver shooter. But it really does not apply in ICORE. To be successful in ICORE competition, you have to get mostly A-zone hits. The mentality of shooting faster and making up shots simply does not translate. Sorry if I sounded abrupt.
  19. After shooting the USPSA nats with a bunch of 8-shot and 6-shot shooters, I don't really think that's possible. Even on a <6-shot array, the 8 shot shooter can shoot much faster because of the ability for makeup shots. In your first post above, you admitted that you don't know much about ICORE. This post confirms it. ICORE is a game that rewards accurate, precise shooting, and if you are counting on making up shots, you are losing. It is quite different from shooting USPSA with a revolver. A 6-shot revolver is perfectly viable and competitive for ICORE shooting. I made a conscious decision to shoot my 625 at the IRC a few years back, and finished pretty high up the list.
  20. The minimum round count for this 10-stage match is 223. Rough stage diagrams are attached. Please excuse the hand-drawn diagrams, but I wanted to get these out ASAP. By match time, we will have final written stage briefings on the bays. Drop me a line at carmoney4@aol.com for any additional information you may need. Midwest ICORE rough stage diagrams.pdf
  21. No, you have the option to shoot the 50-yard string from a standing postiion, but (and get a load of this crap) if you choose to shoot off your hind legs you must start facing uprange. That's right--you read that correctly--shooters are penalized for shooting the stage from a more challenging and difficult shooting position. Makes no sense, but it doesn't matter--people still defend this crappy stage like it's their favorite old dog.
  22. We should all be thinking about ways to bring positive media exposure for our game. If we all reached out, imagine the impact!
  23. Good for you all. That is a very nice piece of excellent publicity.
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