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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. I actually own a Herters .401 Powermag. It's a strong and quite accurate gun, but I don't believe it could be converted to .41 Magnum without replacing (or reboring) the barrel, which would be cost-prohibitive. The .401 Powermag uses .40/10mm bullets, which are obviously smaller in diameter than the .410 bullets used for .41 Magnum. So even if you managed to ream the cylinder to accept .41 Magnum ammo, I really don't think you would want to be shooting .410 bullets down a .401 bore. FWSixgunner, what you may be remembering is that you can make .401 Powermag ammo out of resized .41 brass. My .401 Powermag ammo is made with resized .41 Mag brass, handloaded on a Dillon 550 using a .41 Mag shellplate and .40/10mm dies.
  2. Application has not been released yet--I need to get on that. I will post a link here when it is ready.
  3. Rick McDowell, Competition Specialties, in Osceola IA. He is as good with 1911/2011s as anybody in the business.
  4. Reminds me of when I worked in a gun shop many years ago.....occasionally a customer would indicate he needed to check with his wife before buying a gun......the standard response was, "Bring her in and we'll dicker." Childish, but it still cracks me up....
  5. Guys, Grim contacted me via PM as promised. I hereby take back my earlier remarks. He is not a troll.
  6. It was nice meeting you at the match, Travis! If you're interested in some revolver shooting here in Iowa, we are running an ICORE club match on April 26 at the Ankeny Ikes, and the Midwest Regional ICORE Championship over the 4th of July weekend.
  7. Grim, there are website sub-forums dedicated to the purpose of trolling discussions in legitimate shooting sites. My own full name, location, and USPSA number are posted in my profile. When you express very strong opinions, yet refuse to identify yourself, you completely give up all credibility.
  8. You're not going to see Grim on the range because he's an internet troll.
  9. Dave, if you only reduce the rebound spring tension without also reducing the mainspring tension, you can quickly wind up with that sluggish trigger rebound that you describe. When the spring tensions are both reduced, and kept in balance with each other, you can create a significantly lighter action while still maintaining nice snappy rebound. With the 617, you can only go so far. To some extent, it depends on your ammo supply. Some brands of rimfire ammo will continue to function well with reduced spring tensions, and some will not tolerate any reduction in mainspring tension.
  10. I also recommend Warren's .200" sight.
  11. Pseudonym, many of the wheelgunners who participated in those rules discussions over the years changed their viewpoint when revolver reached the edge of extinction, including me. I want to make clear that the wording in my poll potentially skewed the results in the direction of not changing the rules. If anything, a properly-worded poll would have generated an even greater percentage in favor of allowing 8-minor. Regardless of the competing viewpoints out there, I really wish everyone could at least recognize that this rule change was based on a genuine desire to improve the division and draw more shooters in.
  12. Here's the historical reality: The 8-minor rule change is a topic that has been discussed and informally debated for years. From the beginning, USPSA Revolver Division has never generated good participation numbers, and has been under continuous pressure of being eliminated as a result. The former USPSA president made it clear that he favored discontinuing the division. This motivated some of the serious national-level revolver guys to try to solve the problem. We saw a minor upsurge in interest, stirred initially by my revolver matches in Iowa (the last one set a new national attendance record for Revolver Division), and Sam's revolver matches in Tennessee (which easily broke my match's record). Then, unfortunately, things entered a decline, reaching a dismal participation low-water mark in 2012, when only 17 Revolver Division shooters bothered to attend the USPSA National Revolver Championship. Again, the discussion of eliminating the division became a serious topic among USPSA leadership. That is the reason why this whole 8-minor rule change arose. Not to "help Jerry keep winning" or any of that other nonsense. The 8-minor rule chance was conceived in an effort to save the division for everybody, by attempting to make Revolver more appealing to a wider group of shooters and hopefully spark an upsurge in participation. My poll on this forum, which started one of the longest discussion threads on any Revolver subject ever discussed on BE, might have been poorly-worded. If anything, it created a skew in favor of not changing the rules because it unintentionally included the "I don't give a shit" crowd in with the "NO" crowd. Despite that, the "YES" vote won very decisively, and it became very clear to USPSA leadership that there was serious interest in the concept. And so now here we are. It's a done deal now. We're not going back. Whether the 8-minor option will be enough to save a dying division remains to be seen. It will all depend on whether we revolver shooters want to keep shooting our wheelguns at major matches, where we will be noticed and counted. But this I know for sure--we have reached the point where those who disagreed with the rule change and insist on raising the whole sour grapes routine at every opportunity, are doing nothing but harm to our divisional morale.
  13. John, you're certainly entitled to your opinion, but regardless of how strongly you phrase it, you are delivering the minority position on this issue.
  14. Did you realize that seller is one of our regulars here? (Not me, by the way.)
  15. After several years of not shooting much revolver in USPSA, I have signed up to shoot Revolver at a bunch of major matches in 2014. If we can't get a decent level of participation this year, with the new rules allowing more equipment options than ever before, that will bode badly for the future of the division. So guys, if you care about that at all, it's time to put your money where your mouth is and sign up for Revo at the sectional and area matches--at least those in your neck of the woods.
  16. My 625-6s have not had their chambers reamed, and they're fine. But every 625-8 I've seen (and I've seen quite a few!) has tight chambers. I quickly reached the point where I always reamed the chambers on all 625-8s to proper SAAMI spec. Without specialized equipment, I don't know how a person would measure the chambers--besides, there's no way that reaming can hurt anything. Simple rule: If your gun is a 625-8, go ahead and ream them.
  17. If you ask me, hard chrome is the best finish for pistols, hands down.
  18. The only long-term damage I have seen has been to the fragile egos of some of my competitors.
  19. Unfortunately, my small but precious stash of extra Milletts has been depleted. I think I still have one down there, and I'm saving it for a special future project.
  20. Alec, you had no trouble hitting 133 with good extraction when you tried N320. The problem is you kept trying over and over and over to make short colt work using the wrong frickin' powder! (Clays is great for .45 ACP, but not much else.)
  21. I am hitting that PF range with short colts and MG 142-gr. bullets. It's an extraordinarily clean-burning load, and the moonclips pop out easily. Three of us shot the exact same load through our 5" 627s at the WSSRC at Rio Salado earlier this month, and we all chronoed between 136 and 139. So personally, I don't understand the attraction to long colts, or cut-down "mid-colts" or any of that stuff. The way I see it, if you're not going to take advantage of the full benefit of the short colt, you might as well just stick with .38 Spl brass and keep your life simpler.
  22. I love Pro-Am shooting, but not with a revo. Gimme one of my 9mm 1911s for that game!
  23. OK, I understand what you're saying. The issue does arise--although not perhaps to the same degree--in SS. 8-major is unquestionably the way to go at SS-specific matches like the Single Stack Nationals and the WSSSC, but there is still a very healthy debate among SS shooters (of which I am one) as to whether 8-major or 10-minor is best for everything else. As always, it's very much dependent on stage design.
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