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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. If the revolver's action is optimized for Federal primers, it will not work with anything else without retuning the springs. And I say springs, plural, because if you add mainspring tension you will also need to add rebound spring tension in order to prevent sluggish trigger return. Revolver shooters really do need to stock up heavy on Federal primers when they are periodically available.
  2. OK, gotta ask.......how the heck are you guys breaking the arms off your extractors like that? I've never had one break, much less two! The only reason I can imagine is that somebody got way over-aggressive on an attempted chamfer job.
  3. yeah, I was just going to point out the fact that it should continue to work fine. I wouldn't be changing anything this close to the big show.....
  4. He gets a chuckle out of that line every year, doesn't he? My favorite was when Nils (still a junior at the time) surpassed the 90% mark a few years ago, and Jerry stood up there and said "I need that boy to get a wife and mortgage real soon."
  5. Happy birthday to my brother from another......um.....continent......?
  6. The only problem with flu vaccines is when people stubbornly and irrationally refuse to receive them. We've offered them at my office for years. As a rule, those who get flu shots stay healthy all winter, and those who refuse to get them wind up out sick (which costs me money). My wife works at a big hospital and it's the same story there, year after year.
  7. There's a couple of serious wheels down in L.A. (That's Lower Alabama, of course....)
  8. Bagakis must have made a special squad request!
  9. Looks like the very last shots fired by Squad 26 will be on the dreaded Texas Star! I like it!
  10. It would sure be more fun if I could go ahead and spin my revolver on my finger cowboy style right out in front of everybody after my match is complete, instead of always having to go find one of those plastic porta-potties......
  11. Some other factors: John Bagakis is signed up to shoot Nats, and considering his performance at the IRC, he is obviously shooting very well this year. Barring any sort of catastrophic equipment issues, Ricardo Lopez continues to be just a step behind Jerry, but a step ahead of the rest of us. Ricky is likely to take 2nd place if he makes it to the match. David Olhasso is an accomplished competitor, and he just edged out Cliff and Matt Griffin to win Area 8. The only reason I can imagine Dave shooting revolver at a major match two weeks before Nationals is that he plans to shoot both the Production (his main game) and Revolver (his new game) national matches in back-to-back fashion. I think we'll easily exceed 30 shooters at this match--most of the regulars will show, and I think we'll see a fairly large group of first-time Revo Nats competitors shooting the match--I can think of two guys from my home area who will be shooting Revo Nats for the first time this year. It's Vegas, baby--Vegas!
  12. I'd like to thank E.B. for his efforts as Area Director over the past several years. I've always been proud to have Manny as our representative on the board of directors, and have always found him to be a very fine individual on both a personal and professional level. Likewise, Sherwyn is a great choice to take over the helm for Area 3. He's got tons of experience as a USPSA competitor, range officer, and match director. And perhaps even more importantly, Sherwyn is a fair-minded guy with excellent judgment, and he's very good at handling people and problems. I was on the same squad with Sherwyn a couple years ago when a minor controversy broke out between one of the competitors and a couple members of the match staff. When it became apparent the grumbling wasn't going to stop on its own, Sherwyn took the initiative to take the competitor aside and talk with him about the situation in a direct but considerate way (I overheard bits and pieces of the conversation), and it really helped diffuse things in a positive way. We can expect excellent leadership from Sherwyn in his new role as Area Director.
  13. I think Flex has it figured out. Hope you guys all have a great match!
  14. Unfortunately, the reload requirement takes the revolver shooters pretty much out of play. That's not to say that a skilled revolver guy isn't going to beat a lot of the auto shooters a lot of the time--he certainly will. But ultimately, even the best revolver reloads are always going to be substantially slower than a moderately decent reload with a bottomfeeder, and so the good auto shooters will always have a huge advantage. I won the Limited shoot-off at the Big Dawg Steel match a couple years ago, shooting an 8-shot revo against very stiff competition using mostly hi-cap autoloading steel guns. But the format of that shoot-off was specifically designed to be fair to all platforms--5 plates on a rack plus the crossover stop plate, and no reload required.
  15. Jerry, you can back out the hit factors from the data on this site: www.classifiercalc.com
  16. I'm staying at the match hotel.
  17. I'll be there for both of the back-to-back Nationals events. Shooting my XD9 in Production Division, then my 25-2 in Revolver Division. I can't wait!
  18. I would agree that installing a pin is a good fix, but lacking the tools or skill to perform that task, you can use a sharp punch to dig up a series of small pointy burrs on the bottom of the sight (where they won't be visible), to the point where you have to apply some force to knock the sight back into its proper place, then reinstall with red loctite.
  19. Two quick points: (1) Cliff is a GM in Revolver Division; (2) This still doesn't explain the bright red nail polish he wears to big matches.
  20. That's right. With Beretta pistols, the slide always shoots off the back of the frame.
  21. I've had a bunch of 627s come through, and they all have those crappy wood grips. They look bad and feel worse.
  22. +1. And if you ever need to get a table at a crowded Red Lobster, Bob is the man to have along.
  23. Gotcha. It's probably still just a little too close on the clearance, then. Sounds like it's only a couple thousandths off. If there's not a lot of endshake, a couple judicious file strokes is probably all it needs. You'll get it figured out.
  24. Aha......the rest of the story! Who installed the barrel? Smith? Or smith?
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