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Everything posted by Carmoney

  1. I had a very light case of peening on one of my 625s, and decided to have it chromed for that very reason. Waltermitty warned me it wouldn't make any difference and he was right. The light case of peening continued, and eventually stabilized and I think work-hardened itself to the point that it never really created a problem. Our conclusion was that the chrome is too thin to stand up to dimensional changes in the steel. For what it's worth, I have concluded that most of the serious peening issues are caused by heavy-handed treatment. I can think of several good revolver shooters who slam their cylinders open and closed mercilessly. Bad habit to start.
  2. Yes, the 625-2 "Model of 1988"s were all tight chambered also. They solved the issue somewhere toward the beginning of the -3 series, but I think they continued to use up the -2 cylinders until they were gone. Many of these guns have been reamed since. Back in '88 (when I bought my first 625), all the big-name gunsmiths had a "625 package" that included the ream job and replacement of the floating hand. Plenty of them were returned to the factory for repair also.
  3. I was (very reluctantly) not planning to attend this match, due to work-related time constraints. But today on a whim, I checked the airlines, and--lo and behold--they have flights back and forth all day between Des Moines and Memphis on Delta Airlines. I think I have a small Delta voucher at home on my desk that I have never had the opportunity to use. And here's the best part--it's only 1 hour 38 minutes each way non-stop! Hmmmmmmmmmm.....................
  4. I tend to agree with Tom E on this one, Stan. If it's a 625-8 we're talking about, you can forget all that other stuff--it's the tight chambers that are causing the problem. Send me the cylinder and I'll ream it to SAAMI spec for you (at no charge) and have it back in your hands in a few days. I've lost track of how many dozen 625-8 cylinders I've reamed for forum members, and it's always fixed the exact problem you're describing. S&W must have continued to use its reaming equipment long after it was worn out, because virtually every 625-8 I've seen has undersized out-of-spec chambers. When I do the action on a 625-8, I ream the chambers now as a matter of routine.
  5. Don't buy a Wildey. A friend of mine who loves big-bore handguns got one.....man, what a clunky piece of crap.
  6. Geez, you give some guys a rope, they think they're a cowboy.
  7. At least you know where to take her!
  8. Taking nothing away from Ted's awesome performance, he shot very well at the Open match (18th with a iron sighted gun?), but I agree, the lack of stage alteration between matches could certainly benefit those who shot it once already. No way. I wish I hadn't shot the matches back-to-back. There was nothing to be gained, the stages were simple enough I can't imagine anybody (other than perhaps a novice shooter) would receive any meaningful benefit from the "practice run." All it did was tire me out and create an awkward transition from one platform to another. If you ask me, I think it makes Ted's victory that much more impressive.
  9. Yes, a forum search of the phrase "strange bald cretinous hilljack" will take you right to the critical information.
  10. Thanks, guys--your kind posts make me happy!
  11. Gene was in Vegas?? Was he dodging us or what?? Happy Birthday!
  12. This sure sounds like it will be a neat match! The only downside I see--awarding $1,000 cash to each of the class winners is going to guarantee that the dirtiest, rottenest, sandbaggers in the game are heavily rewarded for their efforts. Mark my words.
  13. I know you already have the 67 in hand, but another really good option would be a 646 shooting minor .40. This was Sam's second competition revolver, he shot it for a year before switching to a full-size N-frame. The 646 is already set up to run with moonclips, and with light loads it's a sweet-shooting and very comfortable little revo.
  14. Still running that mouth of yours, Craig? I figured after the brutal beat-down I gave you yesterday you'd crawl back in your hole and quiet down. I emailed Frank last night and asked him to switch me to Revo. This is gonna be fun!
  15. Sam shot a K-frame his first year of competing in USPSA matches, when he was 11 and his hands were still pretty small. It was a square-butt Model 10 with Uncle Mike's rubber boot grips (same gun we used for the "Real M&P" stage at the Iowa 3DR event earlier in the year). I'd recommend a narrow smooth trigger for a shooter with small hands (or pretty much anyone else). Every gun is an individual in terms of optimizing spring tensions. I do not use or recommend spring kits, as excellent results can be obtained by modifying the factory springs. Regardless of what type of springs are used, the spring tensions really do need tuned to the individual gun.
  16. This oughtta quiet up all the trash talk: Local Match Result September 27, 2009 DES MOINES AREA PRACTICAL SHOOTERS Final results for Revolver Place Name No. USPSA Class Division PF Lady Mil Law For Age Match Pts Match % 1 Mike Carmoney 6 A23819 M Revolver Major No No No No 795.0000 100.00% 2 Craig Tappe 7 A57269 C Revolver Minor No No No No 639.7051 80.47% 3 Larry De Bruyn 17 Pen U Revolver Major No No No No 284.0450 35.73%
  17. Not a rule, more like the norm for safety's sake. Chambered starts, unfortunately, are rare. Yep, loaded starts are very very rare in the PI, they have had lots and lots of ADs on the draw.... Why am I not surprised?
  18. So is that a challenge, there, Skippy? I can only shoot one day. If you're issuing me a challenge, I'll switch to revolver. And maybe we should put some side money on it.
  19. I signed up for Production, but I might change to something else. Who knows. Probably not Open, though, I don't want to switch to a dot gun until I get old.
  20. If nothing has been modified, a replacement trigger has a decent chance of dropping right in and functioning fine. The other option is to narrow and smooth the stock trigger.
  21. Just so I understand.......you shot the head off your jumper cables, right?
  22. If she's your girlfriend, she's obviously capable of judging people by their inner beauty.
  23. This is a very good point, and one I had not thought of. Those advocating all the RO warning chatter should think carefully about Joe's point before they say anything more.
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