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Everything posted by chuckbradley

  1. Chuck, I will be at the range on Sunday setting up for the monthly 3-Gun if you can give me a little better idea of where you parked I will look for the wallet. (i.e. middle of ranges , right end, left end, etc.). I think I remember you parked about 20 -30 yards from the drive and about 30 yards from the shooting bays, if that is close let me know and I will start the search on Sunday morning. Yep we started on Stage 3 and parked in the middle (2nd row) in front of stage 3&4. He could have lost it up around the lunch tables also. Dont spend much time. A quick look is fine. There wasnt much in it since it was a fresh one. He can get a new license, in fact think he already did. The big problem is he had a credit card in it and I hate to cancel it again although I have already put a hold on it. If you guys dont find it this weekend I will just cancel it. I appreciate the help.
  2. It was a very well organized match, the stages were fun and challenging. A big thank you for all that donated their time to make it happen. If anybody finds my responsible 17 year olds wallet please contact me. We believe he lost it on the range, maybe where we parked which was in the middle about 10 car widths from the road. I figure if it was on a stage somebody would have found it by now. Its only the second time in the last month.
  3. How do people live with themselves? I couldnt. I backed into a ladies car at a school a few years ago. Put a littel ding on her hood(my truck bumber on her hood). I sat there until she came out. Nobody saw it. Yes it was tempting to leave but could I live with the guilt. She took my name & number and said she would call me if she decided to get it fixed. Never heard a word from her again. A few months ago my wife backed into a car and dented the bumper. It was a new Impala. Again no witnesses. She left her name and number. I offered to get the car fixed but then they started asking questions about insurance and money when they found out I owned a business. I told her straight up I would fix the car but if she reported it to the insurance company or tried to get more than a fair repair I would deny ever talking to her and make her sue me. It cost me 900.00. Wife had a bad accident last year and couldnt afford to turn another one in. I just dont understand how people can do these things and not think twice about it, then again there are those that do allot worse and dont care. There isnt anything we can do about it. Just make sure we do the right thing.
  4. You are a better man than me. Although i wouldnt have pulled a gun i would have made sure it was available if need be and then stand my ground. Maybe get the cell phone and call 911 and tell him I want the police to tell me I dont have a right to park here. Then complain to management also. Of course if you stayed in that spot I am sure the next morning it would have been vandalized. Leaving that hotel is one option but not for you guys , I heard rooms were hard to come by. You did the right thing even though we really want to bust him in the nose.
  5. You will find the RO class will also help you to play the game better. The CRO class even takes it to the next step. I wish I had done it long ago. Its also a way to give a little back to the sport. Its all around a good thing for you, the club and the sport.
  6. I know where you guys can get the original high quality bag that all these people have copied.
  7. Ok I am too lazy to look through the rule book and I dont recall a rule that applies. Shooter is in box A of a standards course. He finishes the string. The RO says prepare for the next string. He steps 2 steps forward to the next box gun in hand. I tell him he should holster first before moving out of the box. I was the score keeper and the junior shooters Father. I figure it was during the course of fire and after the LMR command so he can handle his gun. I dont recall a rule that says he must holster before moving to the next box. Anybody have a rule?
  8. +1 on Cannon safes Not big enough, lol. This is the same company as Pentagon Safes. I ordered a safe door for the vault I just built in the new building. Pics as soon as the Concrete man removes the forms. Along with how we built it. I havent received the door yet. It should be here soon. I had allot of question so I talked with the owner. Seemed ok, maybe a tad to much salesmanship for me but I fell for it. If you want to wait until I get it I will let you know how it is when I get it. The door was 3200.00 but it was custom made, at least thats what the owner led me to believe. They did tell me 1 month and its been 2. Wasnt worried since the concrete ceiling was just poured last week. He wanted to let it cure at least a week before removing the forms. Let me know how it goes for ya, I wish I could have done the safe room but I know I am not staying in this location so I don't want to waste the money. When I get THE house then will come the safe room. Well I hate to say it but I wasnt impressed. The mechanics are not smooth or of the quality I would expect for the money I spent. It will do for now, will have to, but i am skeptical how long it will hold up. Also it took twice as long to get than promised and they didnt seem to have their stuff together. I wish i had gone with another door manufacturer. This is who i should have used. Live and learn. http://www.brownsafe.com/categories/estate...vault_doors.htm
  9. Have a good one guys. I know what Dan will be doing tonight he has probably already broke open the first adult brew.
  10. I believe its a 12. I used to use the ISMI 12.5 before i started with the recoilmaster.
  11. So what kind of Rifle? I got a rifle from one of our own a couple weeks ago and I didnt get a copy of his DL but I have been doing business with him for years so I didnt need to.
  12. You just cant buy/sell guns via the internet without knowing who the other party is. If you buy a gun then for some reason it gets checked or you report it stolen and it comes up stolen you best be able to show who it was you bought it from. A bill of sale isnt really enough. The drivers license number is not a number that establishes credit identity. it is simply a number that ties you to that license. Most , if not all states have done away the social on the license just for this reason. The license is no big deal and if somebody refuses it when buying from a stranger I wouldnt buy it.
  13. I just took a gun in I purchased from an individual I didnt know. I required a copy of his license. the check was made out to the name on the license and went to the address on the license. That was to protect me business wise but the FFL has to know who it came from to log it into his book. I am not sure if the Drivers license copy is required by ATF but more and more FFL's are requiring it to protect themselves. I know in KY they used to use the Social for the drivers license number but they changed that like 10 years ago. I dont know of any other state that still uses the social for the number.
  14. The match law used to be 72 hours before & after and the transit law is federal I believe. But if they wont acknowledge the 2nd amendment than whats to say they wont ignore that law either.
  15. I really like doing business with this community. I left a zero off a recent order. Its was a 356.00 order and only charged him 35.60. he got his order today and called me to inform me of my mistake. This is a special group of people we have the privilege of serving and enjoying the sport with. Thank You Doug, you are good people.
  16. I had a similar experience although in my case I was attending a match but the match letterhead/invitation didnt have a date on it. The port authority cop at JFK didnt even know the law. I had a copy with me along with the match letter. He said he didnt care about that. he was going to take us downtown and let the lawyers work it out. I continued to be nice and respectful and he finally said he had a good feeling about us(my brother and I) and let us go. Ironically he gave us our guns past the checkpoint which we refused to take possession of and requested the airline personnel carry the bags. This was 95 or 96 when Area 7 was on Long Island. I am not a lawyer and dont know legal history but has there been cases brought through the system where the defense was the 2nd amendment. I was always under the impression this is something the supreme court has refused to hear and both have been scared to push since they both were afraid of the possible outcome. Can anybody give us a legal history lesson? I would really hate to plead guilty to anything that I wasnt guilty of so I know how Texas feels. My son had a similar situation although not as serious. I let it up to him and he/we decided to fight the charge for disorderly conduct made by the school officer for fighting. He was defending himself from a bully. I would really like to see that match up today now that he is 6'1" and 200lbs of muscle. When the judge knew we were serious about fighting it she dropped the charges knowing that even though it was against school policy to defend yourself it wasnt illegal to do so even on school property. That case changed how these situations were handled in our county. I know Texas has allot more at stake here but I am surprised one of the progun groups does not jump in and try to push these cases if the defendant agrees. Is there any legal ground to stand on if you were to fight it? Like the 2nd amendment.
  17. This is the same company as Pentagon Safes. I ordered a safe door for the vault I just built in the new building. Pics as soon as the Concrete man removes the forms. Along with how we built it. I havent received the door yet. It should be here soon. I had allot of question so I talked with the owner. Seemed ok, maybe a tad to much salesmanship for me but I fell for it. If you want to wait until I get it I will let you know how it is when I get it. The door was 3200.00 but it was custom made, at least thats what the owner led me to believe. They did tell me 1 month and its been 2. Wasnt worried since the concrete ceiling was just poured last week. He wanted to let it cure at least a week before removing the forms.
  18. Sorry, seems you may have been better off with Canadian gun laws compared to those in Chicago. Maybe you can live in Indiana if you work on the South side.
  19. Thanks Jason. He and I was suprised on his win. I have his stages on video if I can figure out how to get it from camera to computer.
  20. Yes you are right. I still had a good time spending time with my kids and friends.
  21. You are taking the job the guy I hired just retired from. Anthony Pignato. I am sure we will be seeing each other. Tony lives across the street from Curry who is still an active recruiter. I asked Tony what kind of assignment you could have in Lexington and he said recruiting. If you get here soon maybe you can get a hold of my son and talk him into pursuing West Point.
  22. If we could only instill in the kids the same knowledge we have come to learn that makes us know how good those years are and were and wish to have them back. I am sure every generation says the same thing. Reality is they wont understand what we are saying because they have not been through what we have, the things that made us come to learn. Thats why i dont let it bother me to much. One day they will say Dad I know what you meant now. Like I have said to my Dad. I am fortunate to still have my Dad around to talk about this and laugh about it with he and my sons. They still sit there with that dumbfounded, know it all , you just dont understand, smarter than you look. One day!
  23. From what I read the downpipe & exhaust does allot alone. Does this effect warranty?
  24. Gary is on here. I didnt actually shoot with Gary today, he was there, but I did shoot with the Ratliffs. We always try to squad up together. I got some videos of the match today and if I can figure out how to get them on my computer and edited I will put them up on You tube. I met Ken Tapp at a shot show about 8 years ago. He was working the Tasco booth. they had a laser stage. Ken set the time to beat. If you beat it you won a PDP?. I beat it, I got my prize then ken walked up and on the first try beat my time to set a new mark to beat. He was like 65 years old. I wish I knew about IPSC back when you all shot at Olympia. I live 12 miles from Mt Sterling , since 1988. I used to ask where I could shoot and compete at gun stores and they either didnt know or wouldnt say . I wonder how many are in the same boat today as I was then.
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