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Everything posted by A33435

  1. Thankx for the wishes Henny, Indeed i am considering to get me an open gun. And yes that would be one like the current worldchampion Grauffel. Greetings Adrie
  2. Yes i sended Steve the money by snailmail, still happy i did that. The book is good! Greetings Adrie
  3. I started IPSCshooting in 2000 and when the Europeans were held in Germany 2001 i never thought i would attend such an event. But this time i may attend as member of the dutch standard team :-) During this year (and before) i had the pleasure of training with forummembers like Spook and Gvu. It was good to train with these people. We learned a lot of eachother and training was always fun and we took benefit from eachothers skills. We visited several big matches and every match we saw that we had been able to improve the shooting skills. In a few days from now we leave so we can take your time to relax and enjoy the prematch. I have the feeling that whatever result we will have at the Europeans it will be the right one. Training towards the Europeans was fun and at your last big trainingsession yesterday we all could end with a good feeling about it. Having good memories about the trainingsessions and all matches we shoot together has made my shooting year already a good one. It can only get better. I wish all forummembers that will attend the Europeans next week a good and save shooting and hope they have already the good feeling about it i have or at least will have afterwards. Greetings from the Netherlands Adrie
  4. Happy B-day man ;-) :-) Have you already sorted the picked up brass from the Nordics and decided which one to use for the Europeans? Greetings Adrie
  5. Brian's Book has a place of it own on my shelfs. Garfield knows me well. For "technical" training techniques there are in my opinion now two books. I will know for sure when Sauls book will be delivered. But it is already very promising. And gues what release at 10 th august, thats my birthday :-) I know what to mention for a gift ;-) Greetings Adrie
  6. Don't know if anyone else already has heard about it, but just found out on Saul Kirsch website that he actually did manage to finish of his first book. And it's all about Perfect Practice. I think Saul did a job good there, must have been stresfull doing this besides the preparations for the Europeans next month ! Check it out : http://www.doublealpha.biz/shop/shop_movie.html I am sure this is gonna be my second book about IPSC practice/training i buy. (first was Steve Anderson's Dryfire book) When i look at the sample views i see a lot that i have been doing past 2 years when training together with the dutch standard team. Saul has been coaching us and his trainingmethods sure yielded profit. But remember, you can read the books but it's you that have to put it into practice too! Greetings Adrie
  7. " I just learned a hard lesson this week end. Always watch the timer before you sign the score sheet." Julien, i hope i learned this also in a hard way this weekend. At Roostermountain match 2 we had to shoot stage 3 en 15 after each other. A 16 shot stage, 8 shots freestyle, and 8 shots with a case carried in the strong hand (stage 3) or the weakhand (stage 15) Stage 3 i shot with a few points down in 14 seconds. Stage 15 went good, good hits and no problem with transferring the gun to weak hand, getting the required sight picture etc etc. I was really happy with this run. Then the RO says, " your time 36 sec somewhat" I coulnd't believe that, he had read it wrong and he says now 26 sec... Well because it was 10 sec better i signed because this should be the right time. Later during lunch i was thinking about how well i was shooting that morning and suddenly realized that there was a hughe difference between the times for stage 3 and 15. I checked with the others in the squad. A guy shooting production had a not so good run in 18 sec.. on stage 15 Spook with the wheelgun had 19 sec... consider that with 2 weakhand reloads. Now i knew 26 sec couldn't be the right time.. I also had to check for the last splits on the timer but scoresheets was already signed and a few hours later..... Hope i learned... Greetings Adrie
  8. Yep Henny give Joseph or any other moderate to top standardshooter any gun in his hands and he will pass all openshooters at your club. Talking reliable and fast, just a get a glock in 9 or 40. Like me Greetings from Adrie
  9. Yep Even, i know what you mean about the Roosters, hasn't been my best match either. But i attended with an other purpose then you, noth being from the Nordic area. For me it was more a trying and seeing my abilitys last time for the Europeans but i sure lost some points at the Roosters in a way i am not proud at. Even, at the europeans when shooting in the team you (and i in the dutch) will do better then we showed at this matches. See you in Tabor Greetings Adrie
  10. Lukipsc, at CNC2004 Even placed 7th with 94.36% Myself was placed 27th with 80.53% At the Nordic Championship Even was placed 5th in Second match 91.4% Myself got stuck at 16th place 78.58% Eye Cutter, we made tapes of your squad shooting together with Saul Kirsch, Cristian Lacroix, GvU and others. Maybe we can get you some material to watch too Greetings Adrie
  11. Hi Spook, it sure was fun again shooting together and camping together with the dutch delegation in that well.... typical Nordic weather? RogerT sure did a good thing getting some points of you! Like we talked in the car during that little trip back home for some 10 hours... Fun match, nice people too and a good opportunity to test the developed skils during your training towards the europeans. Greetings Adrie
  12. Okay Even , i saw you on the participantslist already. Please don't kick my ass to hard at that match Forummember Spook and myself will arrive thursdayevening so we can watch your dutch friends that will attend both matches at friday. We will camp at the range in a big green tent. See you. Adrie
  13. Hi Even, This was a nice match, just like the CNC2003. But different. I think these movers will be a big part of the stages at EC2004. We also filmed all stages but didn't put it on DVD yet. Next week i will only attend the RM2 match. Last big match for me before the europeans. Greetings Adrie
  14. jdt, did it never came in your mind just to have a small talk with this man? Did he RO your squad too on that match? Before or after this " incident" ? Was there really nobody that asked questions like CRO?RM? Greetings Adrie
  15. N330 is the mother of all 9 mm powder, but.... Not available in 2 kg cans, so more expensive. I always used 3n37 for reloading my 9 mm, that is in IPSC standaard PF 135. The same load i used for steelshooting events. Best regards Adrie
  16. Well, maybe the RO wanted to pick some random ammo for the chrono Just kiddin Greetings Adrie
  17. Henny, by quoting mr Saul : "Always remember: You are not aiming at the whole big brown target-you are aiming only at the A-zone! And some say-at the center of the A-zone." You just confirm that this is the way to deal with whole "open" targets but the topic starter would like to know how to deal with covered target (NS or hardcover) Just 2 weeks ago we (the dutch standard selection/national team + spook) spent a whole morning training on multiple partials/NS/hardcover supervised by Saul because this kinda targets is what we are gonna expect a lot during the Europeans. Refering to : "If you keep doing what you've always done, You will keep getting what you've always got." It is very frustrating to keep loosing time making the perfect double A shots or keep finding at the end you have hits scoring both the target and N/S or that they vanished into the hardcover. If i find some time (next weekend at your match) i will point out at several partials what the point of aim should be. CU Greetings Adrie
  18. I agree with Spook, aiming for the center of the scoring area towards the A-zone is the general idea. Most classes with topics regarding partials/hardcover partials/NS i did with Saul he told this about the way to shoot it. And this makes sence. Henny, i think you are confusing the bulk of information Saul gives you. Knowing what to do and knowing what to see starts with knowing what to do in which situation Greetings Adrie
  19. Two days ago we had trainingsession with a group of standard shooters, well okay there was one wheelgunner (spook). We had a similar set up but without the plate. Targets at 5, 10, 17 and 22 meter. Every shooter did it twice near to far, and twice far to near. For what it's worth, three shooters had a faster time with similar points near to far. But three shooters had faster time with similar points fat to near. For me near to far was the fast. (4.0) Far to near about 4.6 Greetings Adrie
  20. Vince, The standard G34 and G35 does fit the box indeed, they are the "IPSC" guns. This gun had a magwell and the magazines were extended. Greetings Adrie
  21. Hi Arvid, good to see you survived the Mosquito Match It wasn't one of my G35's but, my opinion too is that Sky is right. However i would like to say that the condition how this G35 could fit the box is exact the condition how my G35 would be loaded and holstered when i stil used a Ghost holster. (now i am using the CR-speed holster) When i used the Ghostholster and " locked" the gun, the detention ball pressed the triggerguard, hence the slide, a little bit down. But it's still not the normal situation the way you would shoot the gun. Greetings Adrie
  22. I would shoot it papertarget 5, 10, 15 plate Reason, quick draw at the 5 m taget, Possibility to correct small inclomplete details in my grip while shooting the " easy" targets. Shooting the 15 m papertargets preapares me for the needed precision and kind of focussing i would need for the plate. But thats my way i would do it and i know from experience that this is the fastest way for me at the moment. Very curious for other options and reasons. Nice post cz75ipsc Greetings Adrie
  23. Paul at your first match you have just picked 2 important pieces of luggage for your ride to GM. First : lotta fun Second : susceptibility to pointers and suggestions from others. Safe journey to your GMstatus Greetings Adrie
  24. Hee Dude Bjorn, Even the Germans know by now that we are no (longer) part of Germany. I have even visited matches in Germany where the RM welcomed me and other shooters from the Netherlands in the general briefing as "friends from the former occupied areas" The mix of german and dutch blood that runs through your veins knows that well. The obstinate side you showed at this latest post is noticed, and appreciated. Anyway, if you leave Holland we will miss you Good shooting tomorrow at the range in Baexem, give me an example how to do it at sunday CU A3
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