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Everything posted by freeidaho

  1. Duane, You have done this, or used a lock with the technique applied. Cuz on a bolt, blue loctite will change a nut from being able to move with the fingers to needing 15 or so foot pounds of force. Just askin..... kr
  2. Bill, The locktite arguement never made sense to me anyway. If it disables the lock, it disables the lock. The method doesn't matter much. kr
  3. Duane, et. al.; I believe the mag release button on the large framed guns is the extended one from the small frame guns. (Glock) But to get a truly extended one, one can use the Lone Wolf as you suggest. However the Lone Wolf button, un-trimmed does not meet the IDPA spec of only protruding 0.200". But when trimmed to that dimension allows me to release the mag without changing grip on my G21. kr
  4. Anyone a Dirty Harry fan? There were several that might make good stages. Airliner, Bank Robbery, etc. kr
  5. Anyone else notice the pattern in the anecdotes told here. It seems when a shooter alternates between focusing on speed, and then accuracy, that both increase. Maybe it is an iterative approach that is needed to gain both. Then on game day, let the subconscious drive. kr
  6. Have y'all thought about something like the RRT. It was austensibly designed for IDPA, but you get the idea. http://www.parmarng.org/freeidaho On the second screen choose a link on the left "Reed_Reactive_Target" It only has steel in the down zero areas. It could be used without paper in front of it so make it a purely steel target. It is also caliber insensitive. A 25cal pistol round knocks it down. kr
  7. Actually, if one wants to pick nits (and I don't) I believe the caliber is encoded in the serial number of the frame. That is, with a serial number you can look up the date range of manufacture and the model of gun it was originally. None the less the original question was about a barrel swap, which has been ruled a no-no in any division for Glocks. kr
  8. I believe the original question was about a barrel, not a whole slide and barrel.... kr
  9. Okay guys, this has been posted elsewhere for almost a week now, and I haven't seen any discussion of it here. Here is a parity of IDPA, BrianEnos and Hitler. Hope you enjoy! kr
  10. I agree with Duane. The Concealed Carry Clothier vest is a good choice. I wear one daily in the spring and summer, and at matches. It is easy to draw from, conceals well, and doesn't look all tactical timmy. Mine has been washed many times and is still holding up. kr
  11. One chould note that a 5" semi-auto barrel includes the chamber. On a revolver a 5" barrel does not. If you compare a 5" semi-auto and 4" revolver, they have about the same length chamber + barrel. Or in other words, they are roughly the same physical size. So no 5" revolvers makes sense in that regard. kr
  12. If y'all have written your own rulebook and are not using IDPA or IPSC or USPA in your advertising, then great, have fun, or even copyright your new sport. But as soon as you use those registered trademarks or refer to one of their rulebooks for conflict resolution, y'all are stealing from them. kr
  13. I thought frame serial numbers had various ranges assigned to different model numbers. So it may be possible. But I am not advocating this, just sayin'.... kr
  14. Don't shy away from reading the rule book. It isn't like the NYC yellow pages of other shooting sports. You can cover it in an hour. The first step is that you will be a Safety Officer, SO, not RO. kr
  15. Howdy, Just a quick note to advertise a sanctioned IDPA match in Wyoming. I hope to see you there! It should be big fun! Ken Reed 2009 Wyoming State IDPA Championship Hosted by Ghost Town Shooters - Casper Wyoming Saturday July 18, 2009 12 stages Approximately 150 rounds Entry Fee: $45.00 After July 10: $55.00 Lunch for participants will be provided Shooter's meeting: 7:45am Match starts at: 8:00am Held at the excellent Stuckenhoff Shooting Complex Casper, Wyoming http://stuckenhoffshooterscomplex.net/contacts.htm For further Information and application form, contact Kevin Eberle, fastgun@vcn.com
  16. Jane, Did not mean to offend as I know your heart is true. Sometimes I paint with too wide a brush, but was summarizing the whole thread, not your posts alone. My apology to you. The formula may be illogical, and it is arbitrary, and may not have been put into place by someone as skilled at numbers as you. The truth is that the second part of the rule has gone a long ways toward promoting the right people, and IDPA is much better off with the rule in place, no matter how illogical the math. I wrote comments to HQ about this rule too, back in Jan of 2005. It would be nice if it were easier to program, but still, it is a great addition that we didn't have in December of 2004. I am hopeful that the new rulebook will be much better. I know that lots of hard work is going into it. kr PS: just reread this whole thread, and my post is unfounded. Sorry, I got the posts from another forum mixed up with this one, and didn't read the whole thread here again before posting, thinking I knew what had gone on here in the last few days. So never mind. This thread has been very constructive. Thanks! I still think the new rulebook will be better. Perfect no, but better.
  17. In summary: Proposing solutions to issues is a good thing. The bump numbers are completely arbitrary. They could be 5, 10, 15 or 3, 7 and 11 if you like prime numbers. They could be the same for one classification and different for the classification above. It is an arbitrary number, easy to argue with. But criticising IDPA and its HQ is the only enjoyment some seem to get from the sport. Even the many parts of the rulebook that are crystal clear, some have found a way to ignore or modify for their own purposes. HQ has said they are working on a new rulebook. They have said they have a quote "Big Book" of clarifications to work on. If it was me, more flogging would not be motivational.... Rest assured that when the new rulebook comes out, HQ will be rewarded with very few thank you, and more flogging.... I truly do not understand some of the participants of the sport. Most yes, some, not at all. kr
  18. 2009 Idaho State IDPA Championship · Saturday, September 19, 2009 · SOs shoot on Friday · 10 - 12 Stages · Approx. 175 rounds · 125 shooters maximum · Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert, and Master · SSP, ESP, CDP, SSR, and ESR · Lunch included · T-shirts and hats available See http://www.parmarng.org Pictures and videos of past state matches are here: http://www.parmarng.org/Pix/_Pix.html kr
  19. Duane, Good practice indeed. I have noted that there are two different types of shooters in this regard. Those that want an accurate score and those that want the best score possible even if it is not accurate. It is the later group that has an issue with the peanut gallery pointing things out. I can see you are in the first group by your comment above. And yet you manage to win most of the matches you enter. Hmmmmm. There must be some other factor that comes into play. kr
  20. You ANIMAL. Duane. Not so much. But I have been carrying a double stack full sized .45ACP ever since. First P14-45, now G21 which my hip likes much better after 16 hours. It is like concealing a brick, but it can be done, winter and summer, jeans and shorts. So the answer to shooting your carry gun and shooting a gamers gun is to....... make them the same gun.... much like you did! kr
  21. If you think your club's SOs may not be aware of that, you might want to print the web page. Jane, Unfortunately this phrase from the SO instructions for the Classifier stage 3 has been construed by some to mean that revolver shooter never ever have to retain rounds on a tac-reload or reload with retention, even if there are some live rounds in the mix. Which is not true. You can only abandon all of them when they are all spent. Or you can only abandon the spent brass. Either phrase works for the Classifier and regular IDPA stages too. Thanks for the link. I hadn't been there in a while. kr
  22. Gunnar, Interesting handgun. Can you detail all the things done to the gun, and just how close to the edge of the rules this gun is. Weight, etc. Thank you! kr
  23. Sweet. But these are the exception to the rule. How many posts have there been here about putting the ICE magwell on x or y or z? And questions on how much do I have to mill of to make it fit in the box? I'm one of the guys that changed his carry gear based on IDPA performance. Went from Officers model to full size. So I understand the premise. But go to any discussion forum dedicated to CC and see the questions. They are mostly about smaller and lighter. How to conceal the P3AT, J-Frames and the like. Amazingly few questions about huge magwells, heavy barrels, weighted magazines, weighted grips, etc. kr
  24. Unnfortunately mag wells make the gun wider at the very place on the gun that prints the most. So when one carries in street clothes it often matters. If you carry under an IDPA vest, then you can easily conceal a collapsible stock 16" AR15. Ken Reed
  25. Another thought on weights I haven't heard before. I do not believe it was the founders intent for all guns in a division to be weighted up to the maximum. It seems to me that the founders wanted each gun to be short at nearly its original production weight. Part of the "no equipment race" provision of IDPA. That is why we have a maximum weight, and restrictions on what weight can be added. I'm sure this wasn't done by accident. So the thought of "just let me manage the weight of my gun," is probably contrary to the founders intention. They wanted competitors to pick a gun and shoot it, not tweak it to death as is popular in so many other sports. Just a though, kr
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