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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Oh by the way, check out the what I like post I made http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...t&p=1117137 So................................................. You want to see it again ????? Hopalong
  2. Well Farley Collins has a repuation as a good guy so let me just add to it. He sold me one of his "POLISH PLATE RACK"s when I told him I was going to use it in the Memphis Charity Challenge to raise $ for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital he then said he'd donate $100 for every Plate rack ordered at the Memphis Charity Challenge. He sent me a check to give to St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital for $300.00 for plate racks ordered from the vidieo of the Memphis Charity Challenge. There were no actuall orders from the match but because of the vidieo he sold 3. This was over and beyond what he said, but since it was because of the match he sold them he says he felt it was the "Right thing to do". Thanks Farley Collins and NORTH SALTLAKE WELDING !! Hopalong
  3. Results got sent in this week, all classifiers and stuff to go onto your records for January 2010. Quoting Cool hand Luke "What we have here is a failure to communicate" So IF you did something to get bumped up have a HAPPY NEW YEAR in your new class !!!! Merry Christmas to all. Remember the REAL reason for the season ! Hopalong
  4. Bill, Her first Revolver match was the MEMPHIS CHARITY CHALLENGE (invitation extended btw see match announcements) and the honeymoon will NOT be based on a match. She typically shoots Production with a Sig226 but does enjoy her (Was mine) 646 and also my LTD gun. Thanks all, Hop
  5. After talking to the Adams Arms folk at Ft. Benning, I was able to talk the Range owner into a new date so there will NOT be a schedule conflict in 2010 !!! Same Range, Same Range Officers (Mostly) NO RAIN !!!! MORE FUN !!! maybe the POLISH PLATE RACK again ! Details later. Merry Christmas ! Hopalong
  6. THe CHALLENGE this year for those who came. Bring One More !!!! The CHALLENGE for those who missed the first one. Come Play !!! Match approved by the Memphis Sport Shooting Assn Board of Directors. Hop Edit to add: Match fees the same as last year, IF you want to send an entry before the 2010 entries are up just use one from last year it'll do.
  7. Thanks all, Elizabeth has all the pictures and will post when she can. Until then, 9x23 NO, she will be out shooting with us. Bwana, NO, I have no excuse not to still be out on the range (She'll be there with me most of the time BTW) And FLAX............................................................Funny Man !!!!! (She thought so too) HOP
  8. Your good to go at the MS 3-gun where we run "Horner rules" I say that because you can get caspian frames with permanently mounted magwells. Other matches may be different, and the best thing would be contact the MD or RM for that match prior to the match day. Hopalong
  9. No suprises here, I always told Pat he was behind on his "classification vs. skill" and Theo just is a good shooter period. Congrats to you both. Hop
  10. to becoming my wife, and I caught her completely by suprise too !!!! Good stuff. Hop
  11. Buzz, since you mentioned it........................................ See the "What I like" forums Hop
  12. I'm just a beginner at this game, but if I had been doing it very long I would teach myself both styles and use what ever I was most confident with regularly. The other I would use as the need arises.........................................but what do I know, I'm just a beginner. Oh and I forgot to add. I started using the "jerry" meathod because he does hold the world record, and is the multiple World and US champion ect. ect. ect. Hopalong
  13. Good luck to you guys up there. The MS 3-gun Challenge is scheduled to be the same weekend but is not in stone. WE'LL see between now and then if something can be worked out. Hopalong
  14. I would like to thank the new command of the AMU for a great weekend (and then some) for another great FB3G. Hopefully since some of you think the 5th wasn't Fabulous there will be a super 6th !!!!! I have been an extremely lucky person to have been able to attend and be a range officer at all but the second FB3G. Each year there are a few DQs but the fun had by most out shines the other. This year I had the pleasure of being RO on stage 2, we had our share of DQs also. One for AD (OBVIOUSLY), and 180. I suppose we could have gotten a few more for 180, but when I yelled muzzle all but 1 immediately responded and that is what I was really looking for. Moving against the grain is hard, and many of you chose to do so. It was your choice, and we were looking for the blatant muzzle violations, and I in particular was trying to catch the "close" ones and keep them from going too far, thus the reason most every squad heard "MUZZLE" at least once. The Range officers attempt to do the best they can with what they have to work with. If you don't like what you see or get, please address the CRO on the stage first, then it will go up the chain as needed. for after action suggestions, please put it in writing to Sgt Hampton or Sgt Johnson. They will look at all complaints and suggestions and give them their due attention. Having said all that. I would like to thank all the competitors that came through stage 2 ( the 3rd ID) for their courtesy and professionalism. I also would like to thank Elizabeth Peeler, Lee King, Andy Horner, Mike Helms, Matt Damon, Ben Fortin and the Ranger Prospects that staffed Stage 2 for making it an easy and efficient stage to run. CHEERS and God bless. Next year, you can come to the Mississippi 3-gun Challenge and get a tune up for FB3G 2010. Then you can make it back to Ft. Benning and try again. Merry Christmas, see you next year on the range. Hopalong (Sam Keen)
  15. Nothing to shooting the Polish Plate Rack, just don't miss and get them off quickly. Hop
  16. Hey Cuz, Glad to see you're gonna make it. The GF (Elizabeth) and I will be there as well, but I'm not sure what division I'll be shooting. I know it WON'T be revolver though ! Hop
  17. Anxiously waiting in Tennessee for news.............................gotta score to settle with you "Westerners" !!! Hop
  18. Gary, I shot an Area 5 match a few years ago at Silver Creek..................Went well and would not hesitate to return.....................Might even be a RO for you as well ! Hop
  19. In the past the weapons disclosure was kept in the vehicle of the owner/driver. After the match it goes home with you, you trash it ect. HOP
  20. Good, Nashville Bill, the Prez and I will plan on shooting a revo on Saturday ! Hop
  21. I'll be there both days. Revo one day, Production the other. staudacher what are you shooting ? If you're bringing the wheel gun I'll shoot mine Saturday with you. Hop
  22. Besides that, because of them and Brian and his great Forum we raised $7250 for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. Hopalong (the tired, but very appreciative Match Director)
  23. OK, a little time to reflect. Thanks to all who came and was part of the First of what I hope is many MEMPHIS CHARITY CHALLENGE s It was my hope to just exceed the majic "40" number that was set at the nationals a few years back. I want to thank many people, but for sure: The Memphis Sport Shooting Assn and the staff of the range. Bill Grewe the Action pistol representative on the MSSA Board of Directors Brad Griffin stats and help keeping up the Benos info going Gary Stevens Without those 3 agreeing to help back in March when I statged getting this arranged, I would not have even attempted it. All my Range officers: Elizabeth Peeler (who is doing an Article for Front sight also), Rodney May, William Weinell, John Keller, Lynn Jones, William Sigler, Brad Griffin, Deb and Dale Pankratz, Randy Uy, Dundee Uy, Lance Cowell, Bob DuBois, Bill Baldock, Craig Bowman, Rick and Sue Vanblaricum. Most of them came to me after the match and complemented you guys and gals for your hard work and good attitudes and all to a T said they'd shoot anywhere anytime with you "Revolver shooters". I also want to thank Farley "Polish Platerack" Collins for his "Toy" you either love it or hate it..................most of you loved it I know !!! The "Speeloader" catagorie went well, I want to thank Cliff for moving over to it to help get the numbers up (Yes Cliff. I did gig you at the results, but I know why you did shoot "Speeloader") I hope next year the catagorie doubles or better. Again as I mentioned at the match. The prize table did not cost the match a single dime. All of it was donated. Donors in no particular order. SMITH & WESSON SPRINGFIELD ARMORY MGM Targets GLOCK Bang Inc. (Jerry and Kay M.) Carmonize James Austin NORTH MOUNTAIN PSKY moon caddies Sabre Defence Speedy Rack (Elliot A.) ICORE Southern Regional Mississippi Classic Mississippi 3-gun Challenge Steel City Carbine Championship MEGA MACHINE (Ar-15 upper and lower) Hearthco Off the Press Printing (Rick Miller) Tennessee Section North Salt lake Welding Ranch Products Shooters Connection and many individual contributors (I may have missed some, please if you donated please don't be mad as I'm working off my terrible memory). Brian Enos Forums without them I know this wouln't have been half as good in the participation catagorie The biggest thing here though. The bank statement today said we had a little over $7000 in it, and that does not include the MGM auction and side match. So I still have to pay USPSA fees, and a few other fees but it looks like we'll be giving St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital I guess somewhere in the $7250 range. Thanks to all of you for that !!! Remember the next years challenge.......................bring one more back. ! Hopalong
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