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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Thanks to all who made the Memphis Charity Challenge a success. Those who attended, those who attended and worked, and those who worked. HOPALONG Biggest thanks goes out to Brian Enos for the Forums, and his vision.
  2. Headed through going to work with maybe 10 minutes of my own time. Thanks to all who came and shot. Thanks to all who donated to the match, and St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. One good note. MGM targets side match and auction brought in $1150 for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. Totals to come laster this week after I figure out what fees we have to send to USPSA, ect. I'll post Sponsors/Donors when I get back home from work. Oh, and I did get to shoot the stages so my scores are in there but I wasnt' into it very much aside from having fun with Chad, Pat, John and the rest of my squad on Sunday. Thanks again, Next year, First full weekend in November. TWO day match. The Challenge for next year..................................Bring one more!!!!! Hop
  3. Easily topped next year by EXCELENT weather !!! Forcast today: Rain up to 2 inches Forcast Friday: Rain steady with Thunder at times Forcast Saturday: Rain ending in the AM (YOU LUCKY DOGS !!!!) Heading out to take care of loose ends. HOP Thanks ALL for coming (Just so I don't forget this weekend)
  4. Talk about hammer firing pins breaking...................................... I have my trusty 625 that I've been shooting for 5 years loaned to Production Guru GM Rodney May, and he calls me today. "I hope you have another firing pin, or another gun, I've broken yours" I told him, he was now using my Colt Single action army !!!! tomorrow I align the microwave dish we've been installing, then home to get the last little things for the match done. Hop
  5. All stages but 3 are on the ground. Those 3 are in bays for the locals to use during the week and will take 30 minutes or less to set up anyway. Looks good, Gonna be fun shooting. Range surface is Mother earth, and bermuda grass. The range is actually in a river basin and we've had an unusally wet Summer and Fall. I'm wearing football cleats and recomend you do the same. I guess most have looked at the 10 day forcast, so please ask the Big Revolver shooter above to get us some good weather. All be carefull coming into Memphis on your trip. I-40 coming into Memphis on the East side (From Nashville) has construction on bridges about 20 minutes out of Memphis. Nashville also has some road closings, but mostly after dark. Just got back to the Hotel for this weeks work, getting tired of driving. See you all Friday. Hop
  6. Well....................................... How about that ?????? I told Shannon he could do it. See you next weekend. Hop
  7. Another Note: Shooting USA has a scheduling conflict they could not get out of, and will not be able to attend the first Memphis Charity Challenge. HOP
  8. WEll I've a little kind of bad news. John Scouten contacted me and said he will not be able to make it down to film the match this year due to schedule conflict he just couldn't rearange. Sorry to hear it myself, but thems the breaks. Maybe next year !!! ON the good side of the news. We've almost DOUBLED the numbers for the most revolvers at a single uspsa match in the history of the division (2006 USPSA Nationals) Congatulations to all for that. Hopalong
  9. OH, And a big THANKS to brian for the forums, without him and the forums this match would most likely have been a big flop !!!! Thanks BE . HOP
  10. Do they have a smiley for overloaded and overwhelmed ??? Thanks to all who have made this an HISTORIC event !!! Hop
  11. For those interested in the Memphis Charity Challenge. You will NOT shoot farther than 30 yds ! You WILL shoot tight targets maybe out to 30 yds ! I sight mine in to hit A-zone head shots at 18-20 yds when shooting at the center of the head (A-zone @ 6 O'clock) HOP
  12. Plans are to be done shooting by 4:00PM and awards as soon as possible after that on Saturday. IF anybody wants to stay and shoot again on Sunday they may do so as that is the regular USPSA match day and I know several locals that want a shot at the stages with an autopistol after getting creamed by the stages with a wheelgun. HOP
  13. Guess what ? I actually got to shoot the old wheelgun this weekend...............was really strange too. Been playing auto pistol too much here lately.............actually hadn't even touched one since A-7 Some stages roughed in on the ground, trying to get ahead where possible. MGM Steel Challenge Side match is on !!! You'll be shooting SMOKE & HOPE if you want to take the challenge. Thanks Travis and Mike (Again) HOP
  14. 3 more this weekend. Shannon Smith Phil Griggs Dennis Tucker Names off to Brad for self squadding this AM Hop
  15. Update, You won't see their name on the Self Squadding, but......................... Jerry Miculeck will be shooting. Shannon Smith of Limited Division fame will be shooting Kurt Miller of 3-gun fame will be shooting !!! New GM Chad Roush finally committed today. Will be nice having several cross over shooters showing up !!! Thanks to all, I'm working on match booklets today instead of burning powder. Hop
  16. Another annoucement : http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...t&p=1078859 Basicly, the match has been upgraded to a level II match and will go in as a classifier itself. Hop And those who doubt there is a healthy population of revolver shooters in USPSA. Our first try out will be 65+, this will be an annual match and will be the first full weekend of November in 2010 (tentatively) so plan on it now .
  17. Another anouncement, Not as big as the MGM though. I just got the OK from USPSA. the match has now been upgraded to a level II match and will go in as a classifier along with the classifier we are shooting. Yes it will cost a little more in fees to USPSA but because of the historic numbers I feel it is needed. Thanks to all who are coming for making it such an historic event. Even more thanks to our great sponsor/donors to help make this match a success and help raise funding for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. List of Sponsors/Donors: (off the top of my Head) MGM Targets Springfield Armory North Mountain Moonclip Holders Speed-E- Rack Moonclip Holders Moonclip Servers by James Austin ICORE Southern Regional Mississippi Classic Mississippi 3-gun Challenge High Plains Shotgun Challenge Tennessee State Championship Steel City Carbine Championship Shooters Connection Chris Pattys Winning Shooting Accessories Brian Enos Forums C&M targets Carmonize !!! Hearthco Moonclips NORDIC COMPONENTS Bang Inc (Jerry and Kay) Many private donors with various articles. Others have been contacted, and others have contacted me. Time will tell and we'll see what we get (if we get anything at all) Please acknowledge these great people and entities for the gracious donations/sponsorships Hopalong (oh, and with all who have contacted me saying they intend to come shoot......We'll get 65+)
  18. Shame, the last time I touched a Revolver was Area 7 where I took a whipping (and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn). Sure would like to do my part in making those top guys work a little harder.............................................Hey, wait.........I did, I found the Polish Plate rack !!! Trying hard to get caught up on the paper work end of the deal........... Hop
  19. Trap'r AS promised, I'll be there with bells on !!!! See you at Benning ! Hop
  20. I have at least 5 others that have sent e-mails or called to say they were coming..........We could possibly see 60+ !!! Hop edit for spelling
  21. Well we all knew you were one of the several SANDBAGGING A classers !!!! (now I feel better about you kicking my ARSE at Indiana Section) Job well done, your efforts are paying off. I, myself might get good enough to make Master ! Hop
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