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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Flex, New shooters come and go, I have tried to keep up with some of them and most say they are intimidated by the open and limited shooters that shoot so fast. we seem to pick up one or two new ones a year that stay withit very long. You may just want to invite some of our open shooters up to shoot with you Biggest thing I speek about is proof in the pudding look at the numbers from Nationals. 75% of the entire match was Open and Limited, while L-10, production and revolver combined did not even catch limited, the smaller of the two divisions. I am not Knocking Limited and Open at all, I have all the respect for those guys as any one else, I just think as a whole there needs to be something done to promote the other 3 a little more, Like I mentioned earlier, the shooters are out there just look at SSP in IDPA, we just need to find a way to get them to come shoot our sport too. I figure i'm beating a dead horse here but I will try with the Revolver Match and then we will see what kind of numbers show up for it, maybe that is what we(USPSA) need some more matches emphasizing the other guns? Sam
  2. Flex, I will dig up some numbers and get back with them, but am willing to say they are nothing near yours, OPEN and Limited are the KING around here and OPEN is more popular than Limited. You have heard of "High Tech Redneck" Sam/hop Got some numbers so I will just add them to this post: My club: Cross Roads Sport shooting Assn, Glen MS 82 total shooters for the year Limited - 34% Open - 33% (77% combined for the year Open and Limited) L-10 - 17% Rev - 10% prod - 5% Memphis Sports shooting Assn (home away from home) 297 shooters for the year Open - 49% Limited - 35% (84% combined for the year Open and Limited) Prod - 6% Rev - 4% L-10 - 3% in the last year, at my range on two different occasions did I have someone else shoot revo. with me. it was a surprise to see anyone shooting Prod. At Memphis there were also 2 matches where I had company and the poor guy shooting L-10 always shot his single stack and only had another on two occasions also. That pretty much sums it up around here, these two clubs are where I mainly shoot unless I am off to a major match somewhere. Now you see what I mean about not much participation from the other 3 divisions? Sam Let me add one more: USPSA Nationals: OPEN 43% lim 32% ( 75% open and Limited combined) Pro 11% L-10 8% Rev 3% Just Limited class alone is bigger than the 3"new" divisions combined !!!! Maybe the numbers don't agree with what I am trying to get across you tell me? Now what do we do about it??? SAM Just had a Minor Brain storm here, The World shoot is once every 3 years..... How about this..... 1 nationals, 1 gun only say starting 2006 OPEN Nationals, 2007 Limited Nationals 2008 L-10 Nationals, 2009 production Nationals, 2010 Revolver Nationals That way every one Knows what gun will be shot and if they want to get in the race they can practice up on it and USPSA can have 1 nationals a year and won't have the problems that they think they have now. That is too simple for sure !!!!! SAM
  3. The weather Channel said that somewhere around Victoria area in there got many inches and had the 1st white christmas ever on record. When I lived in TX, I lived 30 Miles South of San Antionio in a Town named Floresville. ( HWY 181 south) Born there in 67, Moved to TN in 88 I can remember about a three inch snow in the mid 70s and in 85 it snowed 1 inch in December (late but not X-mas) and then the 2nd of Jan it snowed 13 inches. (Man was that Neat). and a record too!! So those that got one and will most likely NEVER get another unless you move, Enjoy Sam Keen, EX Texan now Tennesseean
  4. Shooter Grrl, Go down to the Gallery and click on ROBOMANUSA's photo album, there you will see what a real ICE STORM is all about. The last BAD one we had around here in West TN was in 93, we were out of power for 17 days, and had friends out for over 3 weeks. See you and RB in Memphis on the 3rd :-) Hopalong
  5. Jim, The HOT part is correct, in 2003 My friend And I made the Factory Gun Nationals in Barry, it was July and the shooting format was as it will be this year, shoot most all day. If you keep hydrated, and are in just anything above out of shape it isn't too bad, the famous hill was pretty tough as I was not ready for it and ended up with sore legs after the 2nd day but that was my fault for not being ready. The rental golf carts will/should help with that little problem. I understand your point of view, and If it was not as expensive(to stay longer) that would be great for me. then I could drive around in the country in the evenings and look for the World Class Deer that Pike and Adams county ILL. are famous for. Any way Hope all have a Happy Holidays and see some of you somewhere on the range. Sam Keen
  6. Flex, I am still relatively new to shooting (competitive shooting) and joined USPSA in April of "01" it seems that is the year that the 3 new divisions were started and at the time I shot Limited. I am not trying to champion Revolvers only, it seems to me (my observations) that the "system" has not embraced the 3 new divisions and tried to make them go... Is it that Open and Limited have been around so long and have such a strong following that the other 3 divisions will never catchup? Most likely, but we need to (USPSA) Support the new 3 divisions and try to get the numbers up some how. Support from the top (HQ) will just help at the other levels, there just has to be a way of getting the regular guys/gals and some of the guys/gals that are on the outside to participate in the "OTHER DIVISIONS" I myself am working on having a "Southern Revolver Championship" This will be a sanctioned USPSA match and all guns will be welcome but the revolvers will be EMPHASIZED and I am going to have an "OPEN REVOLVER" division open to anyone who has an OPEN revolver, since there is no real division in USPSA, the idea is to see how much support and participation I can get for not just revolvers but to also see if I (we, USPSA) can get some of the guys who don't shoot USPSA but do shoot Revolvers to come shoot with us, and thus maybe get a few more in our ranks.(ICORE and IDPA come to mind first) Something is amiss when USPSA can't get but 17 revolvers at their Nationals and IDPA gets 50, and ICORE gets More than that at their Nationals. And when USPSA gets what was it around 60 Production guns and IDPA the same type gun (Stock service Pistol) is the Largest Division they have.(at each others Nationals respectively) The shooters are out there, we just have to find out a way to get them. I know USPSA, and IDPA are NOT the same and some that shoot one will NEVER shoot the other, as is with ICORE and REVOS. but there are those who Like me just like to shoot, I preferr USPSA over IDPA mainly because of the freestyle shooting but that is another thread, but I shoot them both anyway. What I mean about USPSA not promoting the 3 "new" divisions is there needs to some kind of program or similar to get more interest, participation in them, it seems to me (my observations again) that they started the 3 new divisions and said " Ok here ya'll go " and just stood back and watched. I don't know, I get frustrated myself at the low numbers of the 3"new" divisions (esp revolver because that is what I'm shooting now) but what needs to be done? I'll do my part and try to promote the Revolver in the match I spoke of but I don't think 1 person will make that much of a difference. Sorry for the long reply, I know USPSA is you and I and the next bunch down at "Down the Holler Practical shooters" but maybe with some type of "program" we can get things going in the right direction (Growth of our Sport). Thanks, for your patience, and your hard work Flex I look forward to seeing you face to face somewhere, at a range. SAM KEEN
  7. Jim, I would have no problem with 1 big Nationals like this year, the problem I have is with shooting HALF DAYS When I go to a match more importantly a MAJOR Match I go to SHOOT not sit around half a day, even if I get to watch some good shooting, I still came to SHOOT. I know the 5 seperate matches will Never Happen (in MY lifetime) but if nobody is trying to come up with anything better (or different) it will all be "JUST THE SAME" and then watch participation go away. IF the smaller divisions are to get more participation they will have to have some kind of INCENTIVE to draw more shooters than what they have now, what kind I do not have that answer. It is obvious USPSA would rather them dry up and go away but there are enough out there shooting them that they will be a thorn in USPSA's side until they go ahead and embrace the 3 divisions and promote them, then they will grow in spite of it all. I am not saying this because I am shooting Revolver and wish there were more shooting it, I say this because it is that obvious. I started shooting Limited and have yet to shoot a Limited Nationals, But still like shooting Limited and still do occasionaly just to spite my buddies here that say they think they can beat me in a local match because I have not shot it much. I don't know if I have ruffled any ones feathers and if I have I am sorry, for our sport is a great sport and I truly enjoy it and the fine folks that participate in it and around it. Thanks for your time and effort in all you do. Sam Keen / Hopalong
  8. Harley45, You can take this with a grain of salt, or maybe use it too. If you can shoot Expert at the classifier, how well do you shoot in the matches... There are some around where I shoot that practice the classifier and have made classifications better than they can shoot in matches. I have always been under the impression that if you want to be good with the gun practice the BASICS until you don't even think about them when you do them. Then get more technical as needed. DON'T practice the Classifier, Do practice the Drills that help shoot the classifier more effeciently. Take for instance the one hand stage, I shoot the plate rack out to 50 yds free style, strong hand and week hand. If you can hit the plates at 50 yds an IDPA target at 5 yds ( or is it 7 ) is a walk in the park. Get good doing things similar to but not the classifier and it will take care of itself. I personally do not practice any classifier, be it IDPA, or USPSA all it does is give oneself a false impression of how the skills are progressing (IMHO) If you need help just ask, these folks on this FINE forum are full of good and very usable information, Get B.E.s book and Steve Andersons dry fire book, even if you shoot IDPA and don't like or want to try USPSA these two books cover everything you need and then some. Hope it helps, Good Luck Sam Keen / Hopalong
  9. Tom, Thanks for the reply, and I KNOW what you mean about the one Man thing!!! Carmoney, any way, Merry Christmas folks, may you all find a shiney new 625 in your stockings !!! Sam Keen / Hopalong
  10. Ok, So I'm still rather new to revolvers as far as parts go: Have 625-4 mfg in 1989 with .312 smooth trigger.... Have 610-2 mfg in 1999 with .400 smooth trigger.... I like the .400 better, have been looking in Brownells and they offer 2: Option 1: Trigger assembly, Smooth, .400" Floating hand SS. 45 ACP Option 2: Trigger Smooth, .400" MIM Blue 45 ACP On the 625-4 when inside it there is a small groove cut in the frame that has a little piece that works with the trigger in it. The 610 does not have this in it they are built slightly different I know the 625-4 is one of the "old style" guns and the 610 isn't not only because of the internal parts but the 625 has the firing pin on the hammer too. My Question: Which one of these are the correct ones to get? (if they are correct at all) AND what is the small piece in the frame called and what does it do? Vic you out there, or any one else more "informed" than I? Thanks ahead of time. SAM
  11. Pretty much sums it up !!!! Got out of the deer stand jumped in the truck (4x4) started to turn around and the back wheels spin, OK I pull the little lever to put it in four wheel drive, give it a little gass and all it does is spin on top of the ground. had to go back to the house and get "Backup" Hop
  12. Merry Christmas, from West Tennessee !!! May everyone find a new XL650 Santa purchased from our fine Host under their tree!!!! Here We have 1 inch of sleet covered by about an inch of Snow, so all is white but roads are good. And have a 2-Alpha New Year Hopalong
  13. Carmoney, B- Class ??? why you little S@nd B@gger If you don't hurry up and get into A class, Young Sam will be in your class Like Ron Said, There is no real way of correctly classifiing Revolvers and unless we get more and get the good guys back to shooting them there will never be a good way. Ron, Pick one match that you would go to if it was the only one you could make, maybe I could catch a plane out?????( or hook up with someone wanting to go west) And Thanks for giving us your view of why we don't see you shooting your revolver very much, Kind of like SmittyFl wants to shoot and shoot and shoot, maybe reload and shoot some more, plus there is more competition in the flat side games.(oh yeah, merry X-mas SmittyFl) Hopalong
  14. Hoser, You have forgotten that I also suggested the Nationals be 5 SEPERATE and different matches Bid for by Areas (or sections) to be run BY that Area (or section) with USPSA HELPING where needed. Thus you could have 3 day matches for the OPEN and Limited shooters, and 2 day matches for the others (if need be two days). Let the winning bidder have the match for 2 years to help recoup costs for the 1st year (Most props and stuff will have to be Made the 1st year and reused, modified the next) USPSA will deal with sponsors/prize tables/trophies as it IS the USPSA Nationals, that will allow the winning bidder to concentrate on Match Logistics and other important stuff. Shorter Matches (day wise) = Less Costs per shooter( travel, lodging ect) and that would make it even more apealing to come shoot. Take Me for example, I would shoot the Revolver Nationals, 2 day Match = 1 day travel, 2 days shooting 1 day travel= 2 days off work,(I am electrician and we get NO vacation time, so time off is time LOST). This year for Nationals 1 day drive to Barry, 5 HALF days shooting (6 nights at hotel) 5 days OFF work (lost pay 1 week apx. 700 dollars) so that match actually cost me about 1500+/- to go shoot and I drove with another just think about adding an airplane round trip ticket. Also I have been told all my life, Simple is better and to always remember the K.I.S.S. Meathod (Keep It Simple S&%^%$). Just more of the same Idea.... Hopalong
  15. Steve, Nobody said you HAD to shoot all 5 !!!!!
  16. SG, If you have BIG trouble let me know, i will get in the green goat and come help. HOP If your power goes out, just add more Blankets to the bed and dress as warm as possible. Pickwick Electric usually has everyone back up in a day or so.
  17. Tom, All wheel gun shooters welcome , and maybe some flatsides too Most likely if shooting both guns the std gun will be first. then with OPEN revolver(most will be 8 shots ) things will change with the extra rounds. So some or most stages will not nessicarily(sp) be shot the same way as with the std vs. open gun. Just because it will be more revolver friendly doesn't mean 6 or less shots per array and 6th and 8th means to me just more good shooting going on Already looking forward to it myself SAM
  18. Roger, What is going on in ya'lls heads over there in GA, AUGUST is the middle of the DOG DAYS !!!! HOPALONG
  19. Mississippi USPSA 3-gun championship Here is the scoop: Due to my work load I will not be able to put forth the time and effort to make this match go in the spring. It is NOT canceled as of now just post poned until maybe the fall, say a month or so before the Area-6 Match for a tune up for it. I was really looking forward to another great match and have plans for even funner and better stages, oh well it will just have to wait about 6 months (harder to get corporate help in the fall) We will see how it goes though. I want to thank all that made the First Mississippi 3-gun go so good, I hope all enjoyed it as I enjoyed bringing it to you (Mostly) Kurt Miller has agreed to help all he can so you may see some neet stuff that I had never seen (Thanks Kurt I will be getting back in touch with you soon). Our Club still will have quarterly 3 gun matches so if you want to come you are welcome (March, June, Sept, Dec) run under USPSA rules (MOSTLY, sometimes we do things just to try them out though) 3rd Sunday of the month. www.crssa.com Thanks again and maybe I will win the Lottery and then I can work up a super match, Sam Keen AKA Hopalong
  20. Arnie, How about the top 5 in each class of each division earn slots through the Points series... Then what is left will go through the sections(Mission Count) as they are now, if any are left then they can be issued by Lottery, thus in theory increasing Points series participation, and more slots used by Sections instead of just being First come first served. It is my opinion(opinions are like noses and butt holes everyone has one and some of them smell ) That slots for Nationals should be earned as the Nationals are the "Best of the Best" matches (or at least should be) 5 Divisions 6 classes each = 150 BUT not all will be offered as there will not be that much participation in L-10, P, and R AS they are looked at as STEP CHILDREN Put a limit on numbers of slots offered per Nationals so they will be used say 250 for Open 250 for Limited, 100 for the other 3 divisions, First come first served as far as slots go, if all Open are issued then you apply for Limited, if they are all gone then L-10 ect. and so forth and so on. If Limited and Open fillup, L-10 gets 75 Production gets 75 and Rev gets 50 then you would have a grand total of almost 700 people shooting the Nationals (How many last year?) If Done right and promoted USPSA could (should) get this kind of Participation and when has USPSA had 700 shooters for National matches? Just an Idea..... Hop/Sam
  21. Meanwhile, I talked to Jerry Miculek about his schedule, he said he really did not know what he could do until S&W gave him their schedule, so as for now we will stay with "sometime in the fall" and after the SHOT Show where he will get his schedule, I will get with him to make sure he will be able to make the match too. Rudy Waldinger said "IF any way possible I will be there" so you folks who like some competition, HERE YOU GO (sorry I could not put his Austrian accent in there) Cliff Walsh, the Florida Flame has said he would do everything possible to make the match (3rd at 2004 USPSA Nationals) as did SmittyFL (A flatsided shooter who Cliff says can shoot the wheelgun) Have had several others say they would do all possible to make it..... I guess I have my work cut out for me and need to get at it !!!! Sam / HOP
  22. Spook, Mike is trying to find the smoothest, fastest way to shoot this stage and have Sam(not me, his 11 yr old) reload only twice. Idid not get to shoot with Mike and Sam at the Missouri Fall Classic but did get to see Sam shoot a couple of times and he is quite impressive, he handles the revo. well. Besides, Any body named Sam that shoots Revolver has to be COOL!! But I may be a little partial there. Hopalong
  23. I was cruising through the USPSA website and decided to check the to 20, had not been there in a long while.... there are 9 Master Revolver shooters with Master percentages, why do we not see them at a major match anywhere? Espescially the Nationals????? 1 of them, (can't remember his name at the moment) is sitting at 94+% (Not Rudy) so With 1 more good classifier there will be 2 Revolver Grand Masters???? Maybe time for USPSA to use Revolver scores to classify revolvers instead of 10% less of the Limited classifier score???? Hopalong
  24. Shred, The only problem with that is: When I left TX all that was left was STEERS and QUEERS Ha, Ha, Ha, I kill myself sometimes. Hopalong (EX Texas Resident) (another reason, It was too close to CA)
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