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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Travis, Hope you had a great Birthday !!!!! And many more to come !!!! SAM
  2. Lynn, Got one waiting on you !!! HOP
  3. Mike, Jerry, Remember HQ doesn't care if there is a Revo division or not....would rather it dried up and went away. Shoot what they send and make them put the numbers in the computers !!!! On a side note about Revolvers in USPSA I checked names from last years USPSA Nationals and this years..... there are only 7 returning shooters in the nationals (out of 17) Seems like some how there should be a way to get those folks to return. Barry in JULY has a WHOLE bunch to do with it, maybe after this year now that the contract is up that will change.... There could easily be as many or more revolver shooters at the USPSA Nationals as L-10 or even Production if things were better done. Off the soap box.... sorry for the thread drift. SAM
  4. The entier match will be a renagade thing, only thing different than an official USPSA match is no USPSA membership required, everything else will follow USPSA rules (aside from the OPEN revolver thing) Hope that helps explain things a little. SAM
  5. Sure looks alot like my Fist holster !!!!! HOP
  6. I know it is a dangerous thing but I was thinking...... Option 1: Saturday, 6 shot guns ONLY (maybe get Jerry to do some demonstrations after) Sunday, OPEN guns, shoot what you bring OPEN rules per USPSA (major/minor) Iron sighted 7&8 shots will be included in this division (but they can be comped!!! Option 2: Saturday, all guns fitting the same description as above Sunday, all guns fitting the same description as above One of the main reasons I want to do this is to show USPSA there is more support for revolvers (USPSA rev division....6 shooters) than they think and to also show them there is way more OPEN shooters that would make them consider an OPEN revolver division . Feedback requested !!!!! Friday shooting will be Staff, and shooters who will not be able to make the regular time (this test drives the stages before you guys get there) Sam
  7. MR. Weak hand, Great !!!! If you make it I will keep some nice asprin for your hangover from the beer SAM
  8. SmittyFL has now offically been included into the TOP DOGS" catagory !!!! Not only did he make the hard hill to climb at Area-6 and come out on top with great shooters like Travis, Taran, Erik and others I have let slip my mind but now he gets his MUG in Front Sight !!!!!! Congrats Smitty !!!!!! Hopalong
  9. Jerry, Where on the Loach does the .50 go ???? Good looking stuff !!!! SAM
  10. Human Nature is to COMPETE !!! That is just how we are made ! What you get out of competeing is what drives us down our different roads.... Some folks have to win to make it "justifiable" Some folks have a certain "standard" they want to achieve. When I started I wanted to learn how to "shoot fast" like the guy showing us... Now I have learned I want to shoot ACCURATELY Fast. my anwser to the question.... I want to go out and have fun with the people I am shooting with, shoot to my ability (usually doesn't happen) and if I win doing so that is just a little ICING on the cake. Hopalong
  11. Greg, yes, there will be room for a few to shoot with the RO's/ STaff, we will shoot every thing possible without killing ourselves like we did last year on Friday and finish up on Saturday (mixing in with the squads shooting the stages not finished) Won't be alot of room but should be able to get 6 extra or so in. Thanks for asking, hope you can make it maybe you won't be at the pop up shoot back match. Good luck keep you head down and kick some ARSE !!!! SAM
  12. Good luck, Patrick, Cliff, Jerry and Lisa !!!! Give "em" heck Sam
  13. Good Karma over at Max's forum !!!!!!!!! Hop
  14. Jake, Hang in there man, your just gettting the gremlins out before Nats !!! Hop
  15. Ken, Welcome back, and welcome to the forums. The revolver classifiers are not Revolver only!!! It is based on some Rocket science over at USPSA HQ that they think should compare revolver scores to Limited. Limited 10 and Production are kind of the same but different. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that is pretty much how it is in a nutshell. Revolver participation is slowly growing, as I have seen more at the major matches this year (the ones I have attended) than the past year. We set a record at the OHIO match with 20, up until then the most even at the USPSA nationals was 19. This year there are 20 entered for the USPSA Nationals. getting better little by little. Again, Welcome back hope to see you somewhere. (where are you located anyway) Hopalong
  16. I agree with John about the 617 10 shot.... If you don't mind a single action and want to shoot small caliber the Ruger Single six is an Ideal set up... You get a .22 cylinder and a .22 WMR Cylinder (great for Jack Rabbits). When I was still in south TX we would go out and jump Jacks, after a short distance you can whistle at them and most will stop and look, we would then try to pierce thier ears with the .22 wmr. most of the time we would miss completely but if you ever did they jump straight up about 5 to 6 feet and then run off shaking their head. (some of the things we did to have fun instead of playing game boy, or sitting infront of a computer after getting home from school) back on the subject, the Single six can be made to have a great trigger if done by a competent gunsmith.... something to think of. Hopalong
  17. Bill..... Your stages Blow !!! Really, have a good time... Shoot like you did the 2nd day of A-4 I will look for you at TN (if you can make it) SAM
  18. Good luck guys !!!! Have fun, the more revos the better !!!!! Hop
  19. This is an excellent drill !!!! I also do a flip to it..... shoot all 3 in one string with a reload between targets.....(need 3 targets to do that ) yes it is a good stage for a match. (except you can't do the time penalties) SAM
  20. Things starting to shape up nicely !!!! If you intend to make this match please enter early so I can get an Idea of how many squads and squad members. Any body interested in Sponsorship/prize table dontaions please E-Mial me or PM me from this forum. Again like last year we are Paying back from entries and prize table by RANDOM DRAW !!! so even if you shot the wrong targets or even didn't shoot them at all and really screw the match up there is a possbility of going home happy. Mid South Tactical Systems has verbaly commited to MATCH SPONSOR (Paul Erstard) HE builds and supplies NEAT AR/M16 Platforms to several folks !!! www.mstn.biz Check him out !!! Quick list of folks coming that have verbally or already entered.... Taran Butler, Army Team, Erik Lund (Tactical winner last year) Benny Hill, the Alabama Contingent (M. Hearn, Roger Cash and the rest), MOST likely Kurt Miller (benny is coming Kurt ususally shows up too) More info to come when we get the last 2 or 3 stages Ironed out .... Entries at www.crssa.com, please fill out a liability release too. It will be as fun as last years if not better (I think better myself) SAM KEEN
  21. Looked at the stages the other day...... Too bad I'll be in ILL.....Looks FUN !!!! Even though it will be a little WARM this is a match worth shooting... hopalong
  22. Pat, I remember you asking for another shooter with a world shoot slot, Who backed out? and who is taking their spot? In other words, who's on the team now ? SAM
  23. Jerry, You asked for it, now you got it.... D. Carden is another one of the Mike Carmoney type..... Hiding in the bushes to ambush some unsuspecting A/M shooter..... Definately UNDERCLASSIFIED !!!!!! Aside from that he's a pretty good guy!!!! Even though he's from "That State" If he gets alittle sideways on you just shoot him in the foot !!!!!! Have fun with him. SAM
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