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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Brad, On my hand, it is a bruised/inflamed tendon that is aggrivated by the wheelgun. On the 1st GM.......as of now he/she wishes to be incognito. Now the rest of you wheelgunners out there, If we can't generate enough interest to get 20 to the MS state match and offer 3 slots to the 2007 nationals, It would appear to me that there is also not enough interest out there for me to persue the Revolver Southern Nationals either. So lets get talking, and pushing and shoving. Hopalong
  2. I don't think I can help anyone here,(as usuall) but here is a small tidbit of info....take it for what it is worth. I personally don't like dry fire, not enough feedback so I send bunches of rounds down range......40,000+ last year alone on the 625 and 30,000 the year before. My 625 that I have shot all these rounds through shows some small amounts of peening on the back side of the cylinder where the CS hits it....about what should be expected. The CS is starting to show a good amount of wear on it and I expect to have to replace it when and if I get back to shooting a wheelgun. This is the same 625-3 I blew up the first month I owned it and am still running the same replacement cylinder. Now, when my 625 was at the doctor getting emegency surgery I borrowed a friends 625-5 and used it. for the first month it ran flawlessly. At Area-4 in the middle of the 3rd stage of a 10 stage match it started skipping on 1 cylinder( the CS would not lock it up). The next week we promptly sent it back to S&W who installed a new CS and CS spring. A week later it started again, on the very same cylinder......We again sent it back and they replaced the CS and CS spring, and recut the lead in grooves on the cylinder. It has worked perfectly since.....for him and only in 3 ICORE postal matches. I purchased a new to me 25-2 and it missed locking up randomly, after I looked at it real close it looked like the lead in cuts were too shallow and the CS was just not having enough time to fall in the groove to lock it up.(The CS spring was pretty soft too) Sent it back to S&W, they installed a new CS and Spring and it seems OK, but I have not had time to play with it and now my hand won't let me shoot it so time will tell. But the lead in cuts seemed to be some of the problem, I....Like Randy think that if they would move the CS up just a little and let it fall center of the lead in cuts think this problem will go away. (FWIW) Carmoney, I hope you get the gremlins out and then get her hard chromed, should look really cool!!!!!! Later. HOP
  3. More info: Just got an E-mail from the Match Director.......He said since I gave him such a hard time on his not very REVOLVER friendly stages last year he intends to make them as friendly to the wheelgun as possible. That being said, he also said that if you wheelie shooters out there would send me thier favorite stages he would try to include them in the match. Now he doesn't have much time as he has to get them approved by USPSA and wants to send them by the first week in Feb. So HERE is your chance to not only shoot a revolver "friendly" match, it is your chance to put the wheel "INFLUANCE" (spelling? too early in the Morn ) not only on the match but on those shooting the match with another type gun. So please, PM me and I will get you my mail address, or just send it to John at the same place you send the applications so we as a group can make a difference. The ball is in our court.............Let's not drop it Hopalong
  4. Ok guys, you want to win a slot the 2007 USPSA Nationals? Here it is: Mississippi Classic May 20,21, 2006 Byram Mississippi You know the deal, 20 shooters+ and the top 3 get a slot to the next years nationals......NO WAITLIST or anything. Now down here there are few locals who will make you earn your keep. (including the guy who will most likely be the first 5 gun GM) I will not be shooting (as of now) due to my hand, so there you go, just one more you don't have to contend with (if I'm any competition anyhow). There are a few good wheelgunners around that appear every now and then, round them up and get it on!!!! for more info go to the USPSA website, get on the major match schedule and click on the Mississippi Classic....and print off an entry form, You never know, you might even win a presidents medal (a pretty big deal I'm told) Hopalong
  5. CJ, At this years Nationals I totaly trashed the 3rd from last stage of the match effectively putting me out of the running for top 4 overall. I knew after I did it that I had pretty much ruined a good match but did not let it get to me, I just totally temporarily forgot it, picked up the pieces and went to the next stage....which I ended up Second overall and then the last stage of the match I won. When you do this, and we all do sooner or later, accept it as a fluke and something you don't normally do then forget it and get on with the rest of the match. (easier said than done, and it takes one or two) Big matches are harder on us than club level matches (we do this to ourselves, as it is still the same shooting) and it helps to have done it once or twice in the past. (FWIW) Good luck and good shooting. Hopalong
  6. Thanks Ferrill!!!! Ron, along with Mike.....Since you know the match director and can get a line up on squads, Get them to put you with Mike, Bubber, Waltermitty, and Firewalker.....all REVOLVER shooters.....not autoloaders that are shooting 1 wheelgun match. Real revo shooters look at stages different than temporary wheelgunners. Now don't take that as an insult you temporary wheel gunners, but thems the facts. Hopefully my stupid hand will get to where I can get back to the wheel, until then I'm stuck in an automatic world. Hop
  7. Konkapot, I would not listen to anything Flex has to say!!!! HE does not know what he's doing!!! He doesn't even shoot a limited gun in Limited so that just proves he doesn't have a clue. I would be listening to Jake, and Steve but I'm hard of hearing myself and have to learn it all on my own. Hopalong
  8. Ron, I'm not any Smarter than the rest, I'm just more Edjukated! Have fun at Ft. Smith, I'll have miss it this year. Hopalong Try to squad with Mike Luttrell if he's there......REAL good wheelgunner.
  9. Yeah, and Carmoney says he's going to be too busy with his work to shoot with us this year Looks like to me if he has so much time to "Dremmellology" he has time to shoot a match or two...... And Spook, you may not have passed the Dremmel course, but you sure passed the Grip modification course. Now back to the porch for me: HOP
  10. Haras, I have a few factory rear sights laying around, are they what you are looking for? Hopalong
  11. I wanted to go, but my screwed up hand won't even let me shoot a minor load.
  12. 300lb.....LMAO!!!! Thanks guys, Getting the final stage down on paper to look like what I was seeing in my head was the hardest part of the entire course. I am saving said stage for you folks to shoot at the Southern Revolver Championships, so everyone be nice or I will add some 50 yd steel !!! For those wondering, I recomend you go through the RO course.....even if you never officialy RO, it helps you understand the rules and other good stuff. HOP another note:........I am ignoring Cliffs, and Dans comments!!!
  13. Just saw it with my own eyes!! John has a top 10(I think) of Myths, Facts, and Straight talk. Number 5 was Gun control He said the Government (CDC) has said there is no proof that gun control works, and even interviewed a few Convicted felons in prison. They said what we have been saying.... They don't worry about the laws, and that they are more worried about someone else having a gun. Thank John!! HOP
  14. Got an E-mail from Pay Pal today, it said there were several attempts to log into my account from a "Foreign IP address" and If I did not respond they would lock it in 72 hrs. Any one else get something like this? The link came from Paypal services and offered a link to go to, I checked the link and it was not a secure link so I'm just going to sit on it for now, Will call them tomorrow and get more info. another note, I have not used Pay pal in over a year so if it is true then there are some out there really trying hard to get info. HOP
  15. Aerosigns, I got where you are coming from now..... When I started this was the things I did. 1 CR speed Holster, (I think it is the best overall but there are others as good) You may want to look at the Blade-tech dropped and Offset too (cheaper and about as fast) 2 Wolf spring kit installed by me....got me to 8 pounds and ran that for a year. At the same time I chamfered the Cylinders, I have not needed to hone or polish. One and two were about a month apart. 3 grip change, I went to a Jerry Miculek, grips with revos are a real personal kind of thing any time you see someone shooting a wheelgun and they have a different grip, ask to try it. 4 Rear sight, I as mentioned before I use a Millet....Made it look like what I'm used to seeing from my autoblaster days. I went to the Millet after a year or so of shooting, should have gone quicker. 5 Installed a Black Majik spring kit and bobbed the hammer and really polished up the guts of the gun moving my DA trigger pull down to just over 5 pounds, I keep it on 6 even and never had a missfire/light strike this year(have shot 50,000+ set up like this) PRACTICE in between 1 and 5 there was a bunch of this stuff, Hope that helps answer your question. Hopalong
  16. Steve, It is the tendon that runs from the thumb into the meaty portion of the hand, Minor may help if it comes down to it. Have to let it get better first. Hop Btw, YOU don't want me to shoot production.......you'd just be one more step down the ladder! Randy, It doesn't hurt to bring them out in public.
  17. Welcome John, Your Reputatuion proceeds you! Dan Carden has spoken highly of you, a compliment in my book. Hope to see you on the forums quite often. Hopalong
  18. Aerosigns, Get some moonclips as mentioned before, shoot it until you decide what you wan to do first but here are the logical changes. Different grip......you may like the Hogue, seems like most change it or modify it. Trigger job.........Factory triggers are TERRIBLE..... Chamfer of Cylinder....you can do this yourself, but be careful Sights................Some have gone to Fiber optic fronts, most have changed the rear to something else(I recomend Millet....Medium height from brownells) Why stop at Area-5? Since you are so close, get a slot and bring it to the Nationals at Barry in September. (you won't regret it) Hopalong
  19. I don't intend to be mean and it may sound that way but...... Why do the clubs that have an "Annual Revolver Match" have them in January when turnout can be effected by the weather, and when most folks have "quit" for the winter? I know of several clubs doing this, and more power to them for offering the match THANKS GUYS/GALS Do some of us a favor, wait until Mid March or even early April......one match away from the auto loaders won't hurt, even in the middle of the season.....I can attest to that....both ways. HOP Eric, sure wish we had some folks interested in ICORE down here, good luck.
  20. Ron, Sascha, I know it will feel really weird, but you get more recoil control with the left index finger UNDER the trigger guard. Give it a try this winter while not much shooting is going on....It will take a while to get used to. Ron, as a converted auto shooter you should not have too much problem with the finger under the grip, remember though when shooting and you have trouble with hits going left even though the sights look correct, the longer trigger stroke on the revolver will cause this for those not used to it. Just add more pressure to the gun with the left thumb, and a little more left had pressure....more with the thumb than with the hand. Good luck, Sascha give it a try......you can always go back to what you are used to, but I think it is just a little better (for me) Hopalong
  21. Thanks Revobro, From the other side of the Pond.....Specificly from "Gods Country(Tennessee)" Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, and a great New Year!!!! Hopalong Edit to add: Welcome to the forums Agnes!!!!
  22. Thanks Jake. Me thinks you should have been in bed, look at the time you posted that. Merry Christmas to you guys up there in the Frozen land. Hop
  23. Deepfried in Peanut oil is the Old standard.....still hard to beat...But Fillet each side off the bone, scale the outside off but leave the skin. Lay Fillet on aluminum foil skin side down, on the meat side, season to tase, add some butter to your satisfaction, a few strips of bell pepper, onion, maybe a little garlic, a few vegies you normally like steamed. when done wrap it all up in the foil, put in the oven....even better on the grill and cook until the trout is flakey and vegies are soft.......Medium heat Enjoy !!!!!! Hopalong Btw, works for most type of fish.
  24. Well after a real short session today I decided to give it a break with the wheel. After putting much time in last year I have developed tendonitis in my shooting hand, the 625 and the new to me 25-2 really agrivate it to the extent that I don't even like dry firing the things. My 1911's don't as I grip them different and the grip saftey transfers the recoil into other parts of the hand. So at least I will still be able to shoot! It really bothered me last fall and is one of the reasons I layed off, and I was pretty well burnt out. Hopefully it will be Ok by the time USPSA Nationals comes around, sure would like another shot at you guys, we will see. I will also experiment with other grips or same type just different materials when it gets better, NOT done for good......Just done for now. Keep up the good work guys, and keep after those autoblaster guys who also shoot wheels.....one of these days they will realize the wheel is the ultimate challenge in Action shooting. Merry Christmas, see you on a range somewhere, sometime. Hopalong
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