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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Whoo Hoo !!!!! REAL BBQ (Beef That is what they BBQ in Texas....have not had that much since I moved out of the State. ) after shooting....and with fellow shooters.....how can I turn that down? Sounds great ! Sign me up, or what ever needs to be done. HOP
  2. Quick note: I have a little info on it..... The gang is having a blast, but the shooting is pretty challenging.....Accuracy is IMPORTANT!!! Holy Terror, is right in the thick of things...It is still anybody's game. Doug Koenig dropped out at the last minute and Julie Goloski has taken his place. The match is all about the Filming and is based around the cameras, should show up on the tube as excellent footage.....Good going M. Bane!!!! They still have more shooting today so we'll see who does what after the smoke is cleared. Thanks M. Bane and Shooting Gallery for doing this!!! Hopalong
  3. Cheatahs, Sorry there is a schedule conflict, I expect a fun, challenging match in Mississippi this year. As for slots....... Basicly it is like this. For the 2006 Nationals....earned slots are gone I'll get on that in a little bit. Section slots.......each section is awarded slots based on how many classifiers are turned in the year before, it is then up to the Section Coordinator to hand them out...some sections have matches just for that, some do it first come first served and other ways. Contact your section coordinator to find out.(I understand that the Section coordinators got them last week and know how many they have available) Wait list.......On a certain day USPSA will have an online waitlist to get on, it is first come first served so the sooner you get on it the better. go to the USPSA website for specifics. Now as far as earned slots go. National champs from the year before get an automatic slot. Area Champs(level III or larger) that have 20 or more in the division get an automatic slot.(also a certain amount of Lady and Juniors based on number of shooters in the division) If you win your class at an Area match(Your area) you win a slot (even if there is less than 20 in the division) If you place in the top 3 in your division at any level III match be it a state match, area match or "other" match as long as it is a Level III match and there are 20+ shooters in your division. There are a few more specifics mostly on area matches, check the USPSA website while you are looking at the online info. That is it in a nutshell, hope it explains things. Now back to the Mississippi match...... A little birdie has told me that a certain Danbagger from California is seriously contemplating coming across the River to get a dose of Eastern ass Kicking as he thinks the only good revo shooters live across the Mississippi river from Mississippi(except that Miculek guy) and thinks it will be a cakewalk to win not only a slot but the whole 9 yards. (He didn't say that in those exact words, but I translated it that way ) Now I know there are some pretty good wheelgunners in the Southeast, I'll be doing my best to get word to them to try and make this match but I can't do it alone, and need all the help I can get to make the Mississippi Classic one of "the' matches for a wheelgunner in 2006......the record is 20 at Ohio last year, let's see if we can eclipse it. Hopalong Edited to remove a double post I some how managed to do. Hopalong
  4. Scuttlebutt has it that in the Revolver division......... Richardo is having gun problems, Fail to fire, ect. Master Walsh had a bad day with several Mikes......Good thing Frank doesn't like No shoots as he'd likely be in them too. Keith is lurking in the shadows, not much news good or bad with him so he'd be one to watch.....Even Master Walsh said so.......so I hear. We'll see how it all ends up when the smoke is clear. HOP
  5. Berry, Are you or someone with the match going to send out confermations of entry? Looking forward to it, always nice to shoot up there. HOPALONG
  6. Congratulations to Matt Cheeley AKA HKSniperman. He is well known with his POS Glock but somehow has managed to make Master in Open too! Way to go Matt, give ole green thingy hell! Hop
  7. Sharyn, Make sure you bring the cheap camera, I am afraid your good one won't ever be the same after you use it on me. I see that Lee Dimaculangan is shooting in Limited, will be interesting to see him run it instead of an Open gun. Quite a few wheel gunners.....2 masters in the mix, might be interesting how it ends up there too. Can't hardly wait........The anticipation is killing me......Nahhhhhh but it will be fun. HOP
  8. Thanks......YA'LL Carmoney said........."Danbagger!!!!!!" His reputation has not been forgotten. What's up with that........Danbagger? (The only guy I know that intentionally goes to shooting ICORE to keep from getting a higher classification in USPSA) HOP
  9. Chet, You sure picked a good squad to bring a camera to. With 2 of the best Lady shooters in the World, the World Champ Revolver shooter just to name a few. I really think you will get some pretty good film. I hope I can just not embarrace myself. Maybe I will even practice with the silly bottomfeeder before then......sure doesn't feel like a side feeder! See ya'll there. HOP
  10. Thanks for all the hard work Tom! See you in April SAM Vincent, I too am looking forward to shooting with all the BE.rs on squad 8. Looks like several. I have shot with Shred, the Miculeks but no others seem to look familiar but real names and forum names sometimes don't seem to match for me. HOP
  11. Hi Pat, Welcome to the forums!!! I am hoping the tendon/hand will be in good shape by then but would really like to see 20 or more without me having to shoot the wheel, even though I will shoot it if the tendon/hand will let me. Haras seems to be pretty enthused about the whole deal, rightly so. If you know any others, get after them to show up and shoot....... The more the Merrier !!!! Good to hear from you, and good to hear you are not laying the wheel down. Hopalong/SAM
  12. Back to the subject of the "M" card........ It appears that I have earned the elusive "M" designation...... In Limited..... A person would think it easier to make it in Revolver Division than Limited Division. HOP
  13. Welcome to the Forums, Cheatahs!! One more wheelgunner sounds great to me. I don't think slots will be so "in demand" as last year due to no world shoot and a split venue. In May when the list is opened just get on it as soon as you can, Pretty simple I have heard as I have been lucky enough to not need the list in the past. As far as Hotels, I have always stayed at the Altoff just slightly North of Quincy. It is a family run operation (Jerry stays here usually) and has a indoor pool, and jacuzi for resting up after a long hard day of shooting (and walking up the HILL). See Ya'll there! Hopalong
  14. Welcome to the forums Bullseye. AZshooter pretty well hit the nail on the head, I'll add just a little. Defensive pistol(IDPA) has a Max of 18 rounds a stage USPSA/IPSC has a sugested Max of around 32....I have seen more. Defensive pistol allows 2 reloads in front of the hip/centerline of the body and the other behind the centerline as long as they are all concealed/able. USPSA/IPSC don't care....just get as many as posible I can carry 9 reloads plus the one we start with makes for 60 shots. good luck, have fun, glad to have another side feeder. HOPALONG
  15. Shot this today at Memphis. 6.74 9A, 3C HF......8.4570........89% according to Ohio Classifier calculator. Funny, I really botched the reload and the run felt slow . And what is worse, I haven't even really messed with the Ltd gun for 2 years. Hop
  16. hopalong

    Area 8

    Hi Bob, good to hear from you! With the USPSA Nationals just a few weeks later, I think you can get as many or more than any other this year. IT would be GREAT to see 20+ at it, the key is to keep it in everyones ear and in front of their face. It seems that there is more interest in Revolver shooting than it has since I've been playing this game (6 years now) and even better is that it seems that interest in the USPSA Nationals is higher too. As a Division it is hard to get 20 at one match unless it is mutually agreed upon by many all over the US to go to that match......But Slots are so much less trouble/less hassel to get when you win them vs. trying to get them off the wait list. With that said, I will not rule this match out but have to see how my stupid hand is doing before making the trip. Good luck with it, I hope you get 30! HOPALONG
  17. Well the shooting "Season" is just around the corner and the Nationals seem to be the finally timed for good weather and good timing for everyone to have gotten a good "year" of practice in. So let's hear it, who plans on going to Barry in September for the USPSA Nationals.....Revolver Division? I know Carmoney, Sweeney, myself have won slots, Jerry will be the returning Champion and gets an automatic slot. With it being Limited and L-10 and Revo and no WORLD shoot maybe we can score some more slots and get a good turnout!!!!! So let's hear it............ Carmoney Sweeney Keen Miculek More to come........The more the Merrier !!!! HOP
  18. NEMO, I hope you get this thing cleared up. FYI........TZZ headstamp is Isreali Military.....you may not be getting a full seat on the primers as that brass has a primer pocket crimp. GOOD brass, you just have to swage the primer pocket. HOP
  19. Festus 1 You hit the nail on the head !!!!!! His reputation precedes him that is for sure. I'll even wager he has tuned the intake ports on that LO5 with the Dremmell tool !!! Porch Guard !
  20. Way to go AZ!!!!! I picked a good time to go down with an injury, the way you guys are going even Little Carmoney will be a Master by the time I get back in the game. Keep up the good work, we need more Revos.....especially at the USPSA Nationals. HOP
  21. Thanks ya'll !!!! I spent most of mine climbing up and down Ladders and pulling wires. But I can think of many things worse. Happy Birthday Joe!!! Hopalong BTW, Yes Ima45DV8 I'll see you there. and....Middle Man, there are always exemptions Sharyn, see you in Houston.....I figure you know a good place to eat!!! ( one of my weaknesses). HK.....You get that opengun yet?
  22. Bark, Bark, Arf, Arf !!!! Translates to............ don't no nutin bout no stinkin moonclups!!!! porch guard
  23. I suggested getting a few USPSA Nationals slots for doing good in the Points series, looks like that did not go very far. (yes it was to an area director). HOP
  24. Why not???? The Match Director can then use that money to get needed materials, supplies that he's going to need any way(Yes that comes out of the entry money). That way he won't have to buy it with other club money, or even his/her own. Plus, after a week or two you will never miss that money. HOP
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