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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. LYNN.....BILL...... Level III sanction?????? So I can invite all the wheel gunners? PLEASE !!!!!!! BTW I have a NICE FUN stage drawn up for you!! HOP
  2. SITE...........Memphis-ssa.com Entry form......................NOT YET! HOP Edit to remove double post. HOP
  3. I know shooter grrl, and RB will be there, Hopalong(that's ME) SGDM and Tony will be there, Who ELSE????? I do know Benny Hill will miss this one..... See Ya'll Saturday! HOP
  4. Memphis this year?..........Yep August 25-27?..................Yep(If that is the last weekend in August) Nice Range?.....................Yep Fun Match?.......................Yep(If not it is your fault for taking this game WAY too seriously) HOT ?..............................OF COURSE!!!!! MISS IT?.........................I don't advise that. See you there?................YEP! Hopalong
  5. Kangaroo, You call that fun???? Seem like all I remember is getting harassed by a bunch of Crimson turds.....ah hem....Tides. See you this coming Friday if it all works out. HOP
  6. There has GOT to be something WRONG with those lists........................... I'm on one and I'm not very good! HOP
  7. A couple of my buddies had the same problem. they both installed stronger mag release springs in thier guns and have not had any trouble since. Good luck with it and the Nationals. HOPALONG
  8. Good stuff here!!! the posts that jump into my head are Jacks(J1b) Steve Andersons and Shreds(driving) let me add a little here..... I use my local matches as a spring board for big matches so when I have no big matches comeing up I am always pushing, trying alternative stuff ect. just to know what works and does not work. and attempting to shoot at like Mover 5 said 110%. Having said that, when a major match is coming up I reserve myself to Major match mentality at the local match.....1 stage at a time, and knowing what I can do, and knowing what I should not do. and attempting to stay in COMPLETE control....1 stage at a time. That way when I get to the "Big Match" it is nothing I have not already have been doing. Hopalong
  9. Got to play on the rack yesterday.......45 out of 48 on the "Test".......My best with a Ltd gun. After a little SHO and WHO I decided to work on draws.........at 40 yds Just for kicks. At first they were around 2.00 a few slower and a few faster. Got comfortable doing it and got into a "groove" and started crushing the time. Most were in the 1.60 s and 1.50s......Hot run was 1.36 Likely couldn't do it again soon as I'm pretty rusty but............A good friend keeps telling me. "You do it once, you can do it again!" HOP
  10. Haras, Maybe Encoreman can keep the pressure on Wayne A...... Looking good.....fourteen or more with 2 months to go Hand is slowly getting better, may or may not be 100% by May but I'd hate for those that are too scared to come down here and are going to Kansas instead to think for any millisecond that it would be hypocritical for me not to shoot one. Too bad Byram is 4 hrs away, and ya'll shoot on Sunday....Might would have made that match.....just to aggrivate you sidefeeders of course Besides.......Bryant needs a little competition! See you in May. HOP Edited to correct my spelling of the great Bryant Chaffin :-)
  11. Dennis, First of all, ICORE doesn't have much of an effect on USPSA matches so no one even considers it except for the IRC. As for the other 3.... 3-gun has it's own "crowd" I see folks at them I won't see at a Pistol match so the MDs don't usually look at the other schedules...Too bad as Dickson TN and Huntsville AL are only a little over 2 hours apart. And it seems that FL state scheduled thier match and posted it before the AL AND Frostproof and Huntsville are only 11 or 12 hrs apart. In MY opinion(see my signature) USPSA needs to set the Nationals Dates so all the area matches then can be set (1 year prior) then the sections can work off that with good info. AND.... Southern and Western Area matches should be schedules earlier and later in the shooting "Season" while northern and Mid western Areas get the middle.....YOU Area directors can talk to another and come up with a plan. Then make it traditional dates not jumping from month to month....who can plan time off ect when they don't know when?. Just my opinion, maybe it will make sense, maybe not but I like to look at all the angles myself. Scheduling is pretty tough.....but if I recall.... .The Alabama match is Always the last weekend in march.....See what I mean. Hopalong
  12. Updade: Have not talked to John so this is on word of mouth. 1 Bwana Six Gun 2 Haras 3 Tim Lott 4 Hank Stern 5 1st 6 gun GM! 6 Encoreman 7 Matt Beck 8 Dennis 9 Dr. Cabell ??? Haras more info on that? 10 Wayne A.. ????? Bwana you heard? 11 NEMO ? Might be a little far but we'll see 12 DaJerrell.....Is coming and is shooting a wheelie 13 Hopalong............."I'll be your Huckleberry"!!! 14 Mystery Man from way up North !!!! he is a paid entrant though! There you go(for now) and after Haras, Encoreman, and Hank talk it up at the the ICORE match.....you never know what or who will show. I'm going to put some pressure on the Wheelgunners at the Space City Challenge 5 weeks prior to the MS Classic..there are some pretty good wheelgunners down there. HOP BTW 7 Wheelgunners is the record (I think) HOP
  13. Dennis........ Well it is pretty much OFFICIAL!!!!! Cliff and D. Carden are NOT Chicken.......They just have HEN HOUSE ways!! Looks like they have decided on that other little match instead.....Too bad for them! I have decide to shoot the wheel, bad hand or no bad hand....and with ZERO practice before hand as A-6 is two weeks prior to this match......well maybe just a little "Knocking the rust off" the old gun. Anybody know where I put the Magazine? See ya'll there! (for likely the only major match in 2006 for me and the wheelgun) sure do like that Benny Blaster though......Thanks Benny HOP
  14. Actually Fomeister is a Wheel gunner in Denial! He just can't seem to jump in the pool of sharks.....Pretty bad when the biggest Division in USPSA is Limited...And having folks like Shannon Smith, Travis Thomasie, Bryant Chaffin, and a few other somewhat known Limited hot shots out there. And is hesitant to jump into a smaller pool of lesser known but just as aggressive sharks! JUMP on In Mike!!!!!! The water's fine!!! (YOU TOO DAJERRELL) There are plenty of folks to help you swim........the Airedales, Zookeeper, Lefty45, Bubber, Waltermitty, NEMO, Some guy named Jerry......YOU get it, I'm pretty sure. HOP
  15. Just checking things out....... On the Self Squadding list......there are 199 squadded or unsquadded. I know of several others that have sent their entry forms in but are not listed yet(timing I'm sure as Bill and Cindy are pretty good at this stuff)! So that makes it over 200 entries with2 months to go.......and only 350 available, If you're thinking of going......Get them in!!!!! See ya'll there! HOPALONG
  16. Encoreman, think about it........ ICORE is TIME PLUS(basicly) so you really can't miss fast enough to win there!!!! A miss is 5 seconds like Cliff said.....so if it takes you and extra 1 second to get the correct shot off or even make up a miss.....(with a -0) you are way ahead of the game. Now....If you can run the stage 8 seconds faster than the stage winner......a miss doesn't hurt too much! Good luck, JUST AIM.....as a friend of mine likes to say! HOP Edit ti add: but what do I know???? I'm just some dummy that shoots!....Bottomfeeders at that!
  17. Been Ro for near 3 years, Now a CRO for less than a month and have to DQ another RO on RO day at a State/Section match.....My first one...really felt funny but the 180 is the 180 Period! Not 2 weeks later have to do it again......in another state match. HOP
  18. As fast and ACCURATE as I can possibly do it......with an efficient reload! HOP Oh and on the first stage......Shoot all the steel, quickly and piss on the DT (unless you are shooting a Benny Blaster, then you take the DT when it is exposed) H
  19. With 500 plus acres on the home farm and another 200 on my sisters adjoining farm I can shoot about any where I want to........ for an organized practice I go to the range 30 minutes away.
  20. Hahh!!! Lynn you thought you'd sneak this one by! Z...........You know! indiana.....haven't met you ......yet but the other two are pretty good fellers so you can't be too bad either! Happy Birthday ya'll! Hopalong
  21. OOPS!!!! Double post! HOP
  22. Man Jerry, At least you have ole Walt "the New C class shooter" S. to shoot with....... I know how you feel..... It is and was only me for 2 years except the occasional one other or a bigger match! 625 might make it out by the fall......we'll see. You and Walt keep up the good work.......Keep it fun though HOP
  23. Tony(Caspian 45) Good to hear from you! I just got lucky on that stage! About shooting on the same squad........You up to it again? I'll put you down on my "squad me with" sheet. HOP
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