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Everything posted by hopalong

  1. Ok Cuz, To answer your rephrased question.... In my Opinion(see sig line) and somewhat little experiance. Hollow points have too sharp of an edge and catch too easy...really screwing up a reload. Flat nose if they have a good radius, and the flat is fairly small work pretty good, just have to make sure of alignment. Semi wadcutters were surprisingly as good as some of the Flat nosed I tried. My call: Flat nose, if you can get a good radius and not a square/trunicated cone type. Semi wadcutters, Might want to roll the nose edge. Trunicated cone, seem to work about the same as Semi's Hollow points. Good luck, Maybe Carmoney will add his .02 dollars. Hopalong
  2. Ron, I'll give you my numbers for Bang & Clang on all divisions with the run I had... 2.60 time 30 points for a hit factor of: 11.5385 So here is what the OHIO classifier says..... LTD and LTD-10: 94.5779% which is what it says on the USPSA results for me. OPEN: 79.5758%......YEP.......BIG BIG difference! Production: 99.5556%........Pretty Darn close to 5% Revolver: 105.0864% .......Pretty Darn close to 10% Now this classifier is part of the ones based on 5% and 10% for Production and Revolver respectively, as we can tell......AND YES OPEN is way off the scale if you ask me too! 3 weeks after I had the run with the wheel I had the priveledge of getting to shoot it again with my limted gun. ran it with 1 point down and 2.59 for a 92.???? % (If my memory serves me....I could be wrong....have been in the past) Now I'm NOT bragging, but I can do that run again....pretty consitantly.....should it be a 100+% in revolver? Maybe, I know I am not the best wheelgunner out there, but I also know that I can post some of the best scores out there too. So what does this info tell us? In my opinion, since there are so many more Open and Limited shooters their hitfactor base will be higher, just because of the numbers available. USPSA, IF they really want to make the classification system reflect the abilities of each division, it needs to use JUST the numbers from that divisions results.....then we can get some true "classifications" in all the divisions......But I wouldn't bet on that happening either. So although it is flawed, the system works (somewhat ) But look at my signature line about OPINIONS! Hopalong
  3. Cuz, I can't tell you about pins, I'll let Carmoney get that. But there in NO better a profile for speed reloading a 625/25 than the FMJ, TMJ or Plain ole "ROUND NOSE" bullet. I have tried them all....the semi waddcutter seemed to be pretty good and have used them for practice and local club matches in my 625. sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Hopalong
  4. Now you guys leave poor little bang & clang alone....... If I can get a 94% in L-10 shooting a wheelgun then it really isn't too high! And I'm not very good with one of them things! But then again, maybe I shot the run of a lifetime........ HOPALONG. Or was it 96%......hell I can't remember.
  5. Good and Bad..... Since he was already on the list, it is good he's solid in the book. Bad because now we have to get more names for the list. I have sent e-mails to several folks who know folks ect. to get as much interest and shooters as possible! CAN"T quit guys/gals keep up the work.....20 is good, 40 is better!!!! Too bad there is that little OTHER match up in Kansas or where ever it is at.......They could have came down here and got their asses handed back to them too!!!! Hopalong
  6. Psky2, revolvers are exempt from "the box".....but.....there is a weight limit in ssr(speed loader guns) and the 625 might not make it when chambered in 45 colt....something ele to check. COF, My take on getting 1 for both..... get a GP100 or a 686 and have it cut for moon clips then you can shoot both divisions...just have to use your speedloader for ssr. HOPALONG EX revolver shooter.
  7. Sooooo Kathy..... The ONLY credit I get in your shooting career is being the whippin post? YOU certainly did that enough times.....INSERT Shooter grrls footprints all over my back from where she just absolutely tromped me into the dirt. HA...... NOW youse guys up there are getting a dose of it!! Keep dishing it out Kathy. SAMALONG
  8. KD, I have used a GP to sucessfully irritate a good number of bottom feeders. I use a Bladetec but not the dropped offset....Ordered it for a GP 100, but my L frames fit it too. Good luck on your trip with the wheel. HOPALONG
  9. PHLEKS.... Youse chumps is luky Eye kan eben Youse dis tang. MR. KLEEN For those who really want to look........Self squadding on USPSA website. HOP
  10. Let the fun Begin...... Open: No famous GMs at this one. BUT, a double handfull of Ms.....some known and some not so known. I will go with just a squad, not nailing down a name for this division. He/she will be on Squad 8! Edit to change to 8.....because some one I know can't even keep track of numbers. Limited: A couple of well known iron sight race gunners here......I'll go with Manny! (The BIG race in LTD is in Master) Ltd-10: This is a hard one....... I'll go with Tony Phan! Production: Matt Who? Revolver: With the ONLY GM in Revo division and 2 Masters(out of 10) in the race, we'll do the obvious and go with Jerry.....but someone will be closer than 80%.....NOT a common thing in Revo. Single Stack: He's not listed as shooting single stack but a little birdie told me he likely will be shooting one..... SmittyFl. (Shannon Smith) There are mine.....Let's hear it, and have some fun. HOPALONG EDIT to add Link for PHLEKS! http://uspsa.org/squadding
  11. Kathy..... That is fantastic! But..... I thought you had won several when you were down here? Or maybe it was just that you kicked MY ass while you were down here. Any way, Congrats on the "first" of many more to come! HOP Edit to add: Oh, Nolan.....she CAN shoot STEEL too!!!!!
  12. I know Flex did not have anything to do with those course designs!!!! He couldn't design his way out of a wet paper bag. Anderson on the other hand....... Now that is one Genious.....even if he is from OHIO. Hopalong
  13. Youse guys are giving Jake way too much credit.............. He's just a THUG!!! In a green thingy!!! HOP But he can shoot!
  14. Matt...... What about my Limited - 10 Benny Blaster???? close enough? I have a list of Hotels on the Double Impact thread to be held at the same range in May!!! Thanks for looking, hope to see you there.....Benny blaster and all! Hopalong
  15. Dave, I have a 6 inch non lugged model 657 in 41 mag. I have often wished i could get me a gun exactly like it in .45acp. Even to the extent that If I found another like it I might consider changing it to a .45acp I like the way it feels and handles and seems to be slightly snappier in transitions than my 625s... Still have to try out the 25-2 I've been working on. getting it up to "USPSA" standards. It might be the answer. HOP
  16. DP, It did not have anything to do with you having given them EXPERT advice did it? Glad your Buds did good! HOP
  17. Yeah, Someone told me that someguy that knows how to shoot one of them Revolver things has been giving him advise. That same someone also told me he is pretty good with one and would be trouble if he ever changed over. I think once you understand the philosophy of shooting, it doesn't really matter what you are shooting......but what do I know, I'm just a dummy that shoots. Hopalong
  18. Sarge, See if you can't get D. Carden to SPONSOR you! You know all you California folk kind of stick together any way. He may even send you to the USPSA Nationals in September, You never know! HOP
  19. Happy Birthday to all!!!!! AND SHRED...... I KNOW you are NOT 95!!! HOPALONG
  20. Glenn, 42% of Bryant is pretty impressive!!! I think somebody has been practicing......Or hiding in the bushes.... HOP Edit because I STILL kant spell :-(
  21. Haras, Fill me in here..... who is Tommy? And is he on the list? HOP
  22. Happy Birthday !!!!!! 55 and just getting rolling! Hop
  23. We all have our own "pet" divisions, Mine is LTD and REVO. Having said that, I do shoot some Production with a box stock G-17. Since we are discussing triggers ect and rules of modifying production guns here is my Opinion (see my signature line about opinions). NO MODIFICATIONS!!! let production be just that! If it is not offered from the factory then it is illeagle. remember the KISS meathod! NOW how SIMPLE would that be? Hopalong
  24. singlestack, SmittyFl is just a chump! But he can shoot! HOP
  25. xuxupecheur, Man if anyone knows how you feel it is me! I shot my local IDPA matches as the only Wheelgunner for almost a year. Most Folks don't shoot USPSA with a wheel because they are intimidated by the unlimited number of shots. And that not many others are out there. For USPSA......I just bit the bullet and started with my 610 I was using for IDPA. My personal goal was to learn how to use the BRT effeciently not nessesarily competitively......Until I started climbing the match results and started hearing.... "Man I let a dude with a revolver beat me! " that was like pouring gas on a fire! Now days I'm still not very good with one of them things but still shot 61% of the match winner the other day(Open shooter) after not even touching one in 6 months. Now back on the Subject...... Back last year has some "spectators" show up to see what this "Action Pistol" stuff was all about. They saw my 625 and started asking all kinds of questions..... What is that? What caliber? Isn't it hard to compete with it? Ect. Ect..... I guess most of you have heard it, but is still makes me smile when they ask. Hopalong Edit because I sometimes Kant Spell!
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