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Everything posted by MarkS_A18138

  1. Oh Lord, lock the doors to our great state! He has been mind melted by the Sooners!!!!!!
  2. I think that guy is awesome. Your luck Renee!
  3. Dave: I tried selling the racecar! But I just could not hit the submit button on racingjunk.com or ebay!!!!! Mike: Thanks for the offer!!! Don:She is in better shape at 40 than when she was in Highschool playing tennis everyday!!!! It's true that 40 is the new 20!
  4. fixed fixed fixed fixed Luck dog!!!!!!!
  5. Mark: This is my road to the L10 Nationals! I have made an effort to dry fire and shoot aleast 200 rounds out of my airsoft everyday for the past week. I am going to continue with this everyday until the Nationals. I shot a steel match Sunday and it felt good. Saw the sights but REALLY need to work on transitions. Tracy: We found a cool problem with her this weekend. Tracy switched to my Open gun at the steel match weekend and it started really coming together for her for the first time in 7 months. We changed dots in her open gun from an 8 min to 12 min about 9 months ago. She seemed to do a little better! Then she got on a health craze and lost 45lbs which changed her shooting and not for the better!!!!! Her timing became way off and she is moving a lot faster and that has caused a problem. Then we switched her to a 16min dot for our big steel match and that’s when things went really south. Well back to what we found, I have a 6min dot in my gun and it made her slow down take a real sight pic and she started to really come around. I believe that the big dots gave false hope and she was seeing red and pulling the trigger and with her quicker movement it just made it worse. We are going back to a 6 min dot!!!!! She felt awesome after the match. She needed that after the 10 stage gun failure at double tap. Gun and mags went way south and she was able to shoot only 2 stages that her gun was not a pump gun!!! I thought for awhile she was going to stick that gun in a place on my body that would cause a whole bunch of pain. But she really kept her cool! She was to busy laughing at our friends that had not seen her in 8 months, that though I had got a new girl friend!!!!! I had a couple of our friends come up and ask in private if that was Tracy!!!! We are making a goal of 50 rounds 2 days a week of just target shooting and atleast 1 day of basic drills 300 rounds until the nationals. Also a bunch of practice our airsoft guns!! Can't live fire much more than that don't have the cash!!!!!
  6. Get rid of OPEN those damn guns are loud! I am glade to see SS up. I know is has grown a little more in our area also.
  7. 50 feet away before they were shooting. SO had electronic ear muffs. I was talking to a shooter next to me both times. There was shooting in the bay right next to us! Our squad thought it was funny!!!!!
  8. Devils advocate, was the SO rude to him? I have shot plenty of matches were I have had a very rude SO or RO!!! I was told at a local match to be quite by an SO because I was talking while someone was shooting. He was not kidding! I was told by the same guy at a USPSA match to be quite. At this point I had enough of his crap and told him publicly. I won't use fowl language because of young kids being present (my Daughter) and it's not cool but, I was pretty vocal. I did keep a smile on face the whole time.
  9. Hey while posting all the links you forgot RV parks!!!!! LOL
  10. don't worry, if you do survive the crash the 400 or 500 gallons of jet A to wash through the cabin will get you! Motorhome is packed! checked out all my hamradio gear and we are ready to drive!
  11. Anybody want to make the calls?????????????????? SS predictions: Eric F (HOA) I don't know the guy but he kicked ass at the S&W winter match! I will be in the pack somewhere!!! If my count is right there are 13 SSD guys AWESOME!!!!!
  12. When I start reading negative post about THE NEW SSD my head starts to spin like the exorcist. It’s going to happen, just let it go! I guess people have nothing else to bitch about.
  13. I aways leave a name when I play in the poo! heheheheheheh!
  14. For the single guys looking for the perfect day. Feb 14th is not it! In 20 years we have not gone out on this day! That's what happens when your 19 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  15. Mine is the same way! You will also find that a father that spends more time hanging out with there Daughter will have less problems as they get older! She will also squad with me over her Mom at some of the local matches!
  16. You know you wanted to say "And she is a better shooter"
  17. I love the fact that Tracy and I have been married for 20 years today! In this time of easy devoices and just ok relationships we have made it 20 years! I love my wife more today than the day I married her. I could not imagine life without her and I don't! I have found over the past 20 years that you will have fights about everything and there is no way to avoid it if you plan on having a healthy relationship. I was told when I 20 years old Never go to bed mad at each other! You know what, it works! I am not saying that we have been able to do every time but we try. We have found that you can keep a long relationship fresh if you always tell each other that you LOVE them and mean it! Hell I still get excited like a teenager when we go out! I also truly believe that having God in are relationship has been the major factor. By the way the bet among all our friends when we got married was only 4 years MAX! Tracy and I fought like cats and dogs in High school!!!!!!
  18. I talked to Kim so I know my wife is in!!!!! But not me!!!!
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