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Everything posted by outerlimits

  1. Luv the part where the turk looks through the bullet hole in the wall only to become a chrono skyscreen.
  2. Superstition had an all buckshot stage two years ago. Think it was 16 rounds. Mostly paper but some poppers.
  3. Sure-how do you do the invite? That was for Whitefish. But if you open the PM and look for a box on the left that says add participants. Sorry, but I do not see that option at all.
  4. Wow-that is significantly shorter than the old blue ones. If they shoot like the blue ones, I'll go with a case.
  5. Am curious how they feel and shoot. Also curious about the length of the shell. I just measured one of the old blue ones at 2.398". By comparison, the fiocchi come in at 2.375". Doesn't seem like much but it can tie up an xrail or result in less capacity in yer tube. Ask me how I know.
  6. I, too, was made aware of a bogus friend request by a fellow board member. Mods, you might wanna try to look into this one. A bit scary...
  7. started life as a steel gun, weighs in at 28 oz. never shoot steel any longer so now it's for 3 gun. loads of fun...
  8. I have not seen that have you? Not sure if it hits harder. I would think that since a 00 buck is approx the same size as a 9mm, traveling approx the same fps, they would hit around the same no? Just a thought: Though each pellet is the same as one 9mm - there are many of them hitting at the time - mass and velocity - though I admit that it probably is no different at close range than the same weight of lead in birdshot form..... Though the same logic would dictate that the same weight in a slug would have the same effect, but we know that it does not... Mark K Shoot a plate close up with a flight control shell...almost like hitting it with a slug.
  9. 38 super IS basically a magnum when loaded to major. Mag primers are just fine.
  10. FWIW, Stars, or for that matter, any activated target means those targets are not presented equally for everyone. The word "presented" is the key here. They may start at the same position, but when and how a shooter engages them depends on a number of things, all that can be different.
  11. you have a .45 and a shovel, right?
  12. Pkt1106 will never, ever, get a reshoot. Never!
  13. I never said I was right and they were wrong, I am merely trying to apply the rule book from a different point of view. "Guidance" is not rules. Guidance is interpretation. It is subjective judgement. Please show me something in the rulebook that says a shooter initiated failure of a prop constitutes a reshoot. The way I read it is that if the presentation changes before the shooter reaches the target/steel (as in the wind knocks over the steel or staples fall out and drop a target), then the shooter gets a reshoot. 4.6.1 states .....the premature activation of metal or moving targets, the failure to reset moving targets or steel targets...... Which leads me to believe the rules are in regards to the stage being correct before the COF and before the shooter engages the targets/steel during the COF. First off, the other post syas he hit it twice in the same spot. The purpose of the sticks are to hold up the targets. A new stick performs it function endlessly until it either rots out or someone shoots it. The stick did not fail, the shooter broke it. The stick was doing its job before acted upon by the shooters bullet. In the absence of the bullet, it would still perform its function. I am not mad, I am just arguing the wording and interpretations of the rules. I know I need to go through the RO class, I am not arguing that point. What I am arguing is the interpretation that a shooter can destroy a target stick and get a reshoot because the equipment "failed". The point is not clear, the rulebook is not clear, at least not in 4.6. When the COF starts, the shooter must be PRESENTED with a challenge fairly and equitibly. It does not say that the targets have to be in the same spot or match the previous presentation at the end of the COF. If this were true, steel targets falling changes the presentation of the steel and any stage with steel would either have to be reshot until the steel never falls or thrown out because the presentation of the steel changes after it is shot and it goes down. Ok, I just puked.
  14. Me just thinks that PTK1106 is just bumping his post count. He's gotta be running out of arguments.
  15. "Shooter Ready" emanated from the steel challenge. I have the course books back to 1984,
  16. Bass? Well, try Pappalardi....there is no other bass sound like it. Period, end of story.
  17. Remember, the old b&p slugs were longer than a normal 2 3/4" slug. I found out the hard way when capacity was -1.
  18. Benny built me one of the first open 930's a couple years ago. Runs all the time, period. That being said, it would appear Benny is abandoning the 930 platform in favor of the versa max. Sad.
  19. I think his point is they're making limited into an open division without optics. In my opinion, they're ruining the division but oh well. Open = Formula 1 Limited = Lemans ... Lemans may not be as fast as Formula 1, but it is still a highly modified race division, period. As an aside, group c cars at lemans went over 260 mph, while formula 1 cars could never reach those speeds. Just sayin'...
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