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Everything posted by davidwiz

  1. There are a few people who have 6.8spc uppers on this forum (Zak Smith is one) and have posted about them - use the search engine. Regular AR mags will only hold about 5rnds. Modified mags from PRI will hold 15-20rnds depending on configuaration. MSTN modified mags come in 15 and 25rnd capacity. 6.8 SPC FAQ that Zak wrote.
  2. The poster is saying that it is happening with the 1st round of every magazine, regardless of how the round is loaded. He says he has tried various ammo, magazines, shooting positions, mounts, people shooting the gun, etc.
  3. If you are talking about the factory Para P14 Limited, the adjustable sight is prone to lunching on itself. I would replace it. If it is a regular Para P14, I would still replace the sight, but it is not as critical. I would also get a new hammer and sear and have a competent gunsmith intall it and do a trigger job. The are lots of good fiber optic sights. Brazo, while good, isn't the only game in town. In no specific order, the Dawson, EGW, Strayer-Voigt/Infinity, etc., etc. are all good. Have a look in Brownells. There is no "best". I think it is a disservice when people say that, "x part is the best" or "x is the hot setup". To say that "x part is the best" is to say that all the rest are not. "Best" is a purely subjective term. As in many things, it boils down to personal preference.
  4. My gf's agency issue gun is a Ruger P95DAO. What a hunk of junk. The trigger pull on it is so horrible and so awkward that my finger cramped up after firing it 5 times and I couldn't pull the trigger anymore. It's eronomics are for %^ too and I got numerous blood blisters while shooting it. Not to mention that the thing rattles more than a Diamondback that just got stepped on. Of course, she has to use it, as the agency she works for won't allow them to use anything else. I think this was an obvious case of the low bidder winning the contract. What's worse, her's is the only agency that I know of that issues a Ruger. Wonder why.
  5. geezer-lock - won't that only work if you have a shortcut to Explorer on the desktop, and not the actual icon?
  6. I found that just maximizing it doesn't always work. What I do is open a new explore window by clicking on a link in the orginal window, resize it to the size you want, close the window. Here is a discussion on it and another. And yet another suggestion from one of the ms.com support forums:
  7. As for the Para, I would 86 the hammer and sear at a minimum and replace it with quality parts and have a competent gunsmith do a trigger job. 3 mags might get you by, but what if one falls off your belt? What if you accidently drop one during a reload or one malfunctions? I think it is best to have 3 hi-cap mags on your belt and one in the gun. As for basepads, I wouldn't worry about them getting banged up. You might want to look into getting the way cool easy to remove, extended capacity basepads from either Dawson or Grams. I have the Dawson pads and the bottom of them are all scratched up, but they work 100%. Same with the Grams. As for where to get mags if the AW ban expires, I'm sure that you'd be able to get them direct from Para or one of their dealers. Pre-ban Para mags are relatively inexpensive right now, b/c Para made soooo many of them before the ban.
  8. Here is a primer on the different events. TV Schedule; time zone not specified - check local listings. Saturday, August 14 4am - CNBC Women’s Air Rifle Gold Medal Final Mon, Aug 16 11:00 AM - MSNBC Women’s Trap Gold Medal Final Tue, Aug 17 2:00 PM - MSNBC Men’s Double Trap Gold Medal Final Thu, Aug 19 10:00 AM - MSNBC Men’s Running Target Gold Medal Fri, Aug 20 9:00 AM - Bravo Men’s Rifle Prone Gold Medal Final Mon, Aug 23 12:00 AM - Bravo Men’s Skeet Gold Medal Final ==== And here is the list for all the Olympic shooting events (all times are Athens local +3 GMT). Saturday, August 14, 2004 2:45 p.m. Men's Air Pistol Final 11:00 a.m. Women's Air Rifle Final Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:30 p.m. Men's Trap Final 9:00 a.m. Men's Trap Qualification 11:30 a.m. Women's Air Pistol Final Monday, August 16, 2004 3:00 p.m. Men's Air Rifle Final 1:00 p.m. Women's Trap Final Tuesday, August 17, 2004 12:15 p.m. Men's Free Pistol Final 2:30 p.m. Men's Double Trap Final Wednesday, August 18, 2004 3:15 p.m. Women's Sport Pistol Final 1:00 p.m. Women's Double Trap Final Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:30 p.m. Men's Running Target Final 9:00 a.m. Men's Running Target Qualification 2:30 p.m. Women's Skeet Final Friday, August 20, 2004 2:30 p.m. Men's 50m Rifle Prone Final 12:30 p.m. Women's 50m Rifle 3 Pos. Final Saturday, August 21, 2004 2:30 p.m. Men's Rapid Fire Pistol Final 11:30 a.m. Men's Rapid Fire Pistol Qualification Sunday, August 22, 2004 1:30 p.m. Men's 50m Rifle 3 Pos. Final 3:30 p.m. Men's Skeet Final 11:00 a.m. Men's Skeet Qualification
  9. As my gf is fond of pointing out, I like my food "dry". Here's my basic rule of thumb when it comes to food: No Red, No Green*. *except for M&Ms
  10. OK Uncle Vinny, I'm game. $10 says the colour is YELLOW.
  11. Are you currently using your strong thumb to push the mag release? Some people that I know that have small hands use their weak hand thumb to push the mag release. A problem that I have seen with people that have the big, oversized mag release buttons or extended paddles is that occassionaly, they might get engaged at the wrong time, like when getting a grip on the gun after the draw, etc. and dropping the mag on the ground. One solution to this problem is to get a heavy spring in the mag release, so that it won't release accidently. As for extended mag releases, I would look in Brownells. Type in "mag catch" in the search field on the left. Speed Shooters International also carries some and EGW makes a mini-mag paddle that works well. JP makes an ambi mag catch (which you'll find in the Brownells list).
  12. There have been reports that the first shot on a clean rifle can go erratic with subsequent rounds going where they are supposed to. That is what I thought might be happening. But, if it is occuring w/ the first round in each mag, and it is occuring when other people shoot the gun from a rest, then I think that there are bigger factors at work. If you can, you might want to send it back to Bushmaster and have them look at it under warranty or take it to a local gunsmith who is very familar with the ARs and have them look at it. Benny Hill on this forum is a very good AR 'smith, you might want to ask him for his opinion.
  13. My weak hand comes up to about the point on my chest where there is the "V" in the rib cage and then waits there until the gun comes about to that point. If you can get your hands on Matt Burkett's Practical Shooting Vol. 1 DVD, there is very good visual instruction of how it is supposed to look.
  14. Does this happen only on the first round after cleaning it or the first round of every magazine? Does it happen when you shoot off a sandbag or rest? Does it happen when someone else shoots it?
  15. BDH - Its cool. Just something I've observed. You get some bad ROs every once in a while. Fortuantely, they usually don't RO for very long. From my experience, when the squad hands the RO the score sheets w/ everything already done (stickered/labeled/facing the right direction), they're usually pretty happy about it. Since I'm going to be RO'ing at the Nationals (first time), is there a set way how the order is done, or is it up to each individual squad?
  16. That is soooo funny. Reminds me of the saying about if cars followed the development path of a pc:
  17. I ordered JP's stainless steel carrier and am expecting it to arrive anyday. On JP's web site, it says that the alloy carrier is for people who are obssessed with cleaning their rifles:
  18. If the squad I'm in doesn't want a shooting order, fine w/ me. What I really hate is when the RO that is running the clipboard doesn't call out the on-deck and in-the-hole person after every shooter.
  19. Here is an AP article via Yahoo's cache on the subject from July 22, 1999. About mid-way down, there is a explanation on IPSC in the Olympics in the newsletter that the then IPSC President, Nick Alexakos used to distribute. The USPSA under Andy Hollar did a poor job of PR in this instance. I don't recall any press releases being put out and the media basically reprinted the VPC press release wholesale with a one-line quote from Hollar. Heck, when Yahoo was covering this in their Gun Control news section, they didn't even have a link to the USPSA until I clued them in on it. Yes, USPSA is non-profit and non-political, but that doesn't mean you have to roll up and play dead and not defend yourself and get your story out. Today, I think that the USPSA is doing a much better job of PR, but could still do more.
  20. Since I usually shoot with the same group of people in local and big matches, we (as a squad) agree ahead of time to get a shooting order and moving each one down. I've been to a few big matches where the RO at a particular stage basically said, "screw this, I'm mixing the order up", despite the fact that we handed the RO the score sheets in order and the RO usually they wouldn't call out the order until mid-way through the "look over the stage phase." The biggest problem with mixing them up and not calling out the order first thing, is that the person who is going first using the order knows that they are first, so they know that they need time to clean/load mags and get a chance to get a game plan for the stage. The person who is really first b/c of the shuffling now might have to make a terrible decision - clean/load mags or get a game plan for the stage. Most if not all of the time they choose the former and shoot the stage partially blind. I guess what I would like is this - if you are the RO, and the squad comes to you with a predetermined order, don't shuffle up the order, respect the squad's wishes and get off your power trip. If you are the RO and the squad doesn't care about shooting order, please please please call out the shooting order before the walk thru starts, not 1 minute before saying "clear the range."
  21. Sandbaggers aren't cool. I thought that there was a way to bring such behaviour to the attention of the section coordinator and/or area director so that the person could be moved up to the correct class, but I don't see anything in the rules.
  22. I think more often than not it is the way the chrono is setup than other factors (humidity, temp, elevation, etc.). I think that there really needs to be some sort of standard on how the chorono is setup at Tournament-level matches (I think that is the right term, I mean Nationals, Areas, Sectionals, etc.). Greg Lent, the chrono person at the Nationals, has a good setup and the one used at the last couple of Area 8 matches seems to work well too.
  23. There is a difference btwn cover and concealment that I think is often overlooked. Some people mistake concealment for cover. A sheet of plywood is not cover.
  24. bberkley - In NJ, you can have a magazine that holds no more than 15rnds.
  25. And there are some congresscritters calling for a special session of Congress during the recess to implement some of the changes recommened by the 9/11 Commission. It would not be too hard to slip in a gun banning amendment. If such a amendment does make it into the final bill, then they would be left with the choice of voting for a bill that (might) prevent terrorism, or voting against it b/c they didn't like an amendment to the bill. The voters don't see these amendments, just how the final bill was voted.
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