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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. The reality is, the whole world is filled with people like this. When I worked at Power ten, the president Joe Varozza was notorious for demanding "Net 30" from anybody who bought our products (which means full payment within 30 days) and he would go like a rottweiler on anybody who didn't. Of course, to the vendors we bought our materials from, they were lucky to get paid in 90 days. The world is full of deadbeats. If not, there would be no Judge Judy show....
  2. I would not cut on the factory barrel, I bought aftermarket (cheap) barrels to shoot cheap 9mm reload ammo through and I did have to ream them pretty good to get 9mm reloads to chamber and extract. It's Miwall ammo, but other brands are the same. The sizing die has "funneling" at the base to allow the brass to slide in and that is the area where the "sized" brass will have a bulge that will hang up in a factory barrel because it is not getting squezzed back down enough. I am told there is a "final sizing" die you can use after loading to size the whole thing and that will improve it, but commercial reloaders don't do that second step. On mine, I sort of "straight cut" the throat straight in for about the first 30% of the length of the brass, effectively taking out the taper in that region. I used drill shanks with sandpaper taped to them to get a very straight polishing tool. I also used a low speed hand drill to turn them. It takes a long time, go slow, and pick out some of the fatter culprits and use them as a gauge to see where you are as you go. If I was to guess, I maye opened up the diameter about .004" in tht first area where the brass all bulges but that's a guess and YMMV. Finish polish with 600# then a scotchbrite and it will feed reloads a lot better.
  3. Glockmeister Topglock.com both have a lot of parts. Wolff sells most all kinds of springs.
  4. yes...exactly. glock came up with this safety when they dropped the pistol from a helicopter and the gun landed on its ass....and fired. i have no intention of ever dropping my gun from a helicopter.... and im very careful when holstering my gun and drawing it. thank you. I second this. The trigger safety is there to counteract inertial forces imparted on the trigger during a severe G-force incident. Simple physics. I think kali does the drop test on guns so they might need it to get certified here.
  5. I have heard some people that claim that this is possible but I have yet to shoot a Glock with a 1911-like trigger. In my case what I would like to see is a Glock trigger that has a nice/clean ~2lbs break (not mushy). If you manage to achieve this I can assure you that you will have many Glock-owner's undivided attention (including mine). That's actually pretty easy to do. The Sotelo kit will do it and get very close to 2 lbs. I got a very sharp breaking 2.4# trigger using the stock trigger bar with the trigger pivot moved (drill the new hole, trim the end of the trigger bar) and the aftermarket disconnector in the Sotelo kit. I agree they won't ever feel like a 1911, but they can be made good enough to shoot straight. The firing pin safety is always going to have some effect on trigger pull, assuming you actually want it to work and not simply be completely raised at the trigger's "forward return" position. The shorter you make the "pre travel" distance, the more vertical you have to make the ramp edge on the trigger bar that lifts the plunger. Steeper face means a little more force to move the plunger against it's spring.
  6. Yeah, I used to have a girlfriend like that.....
  7. Lots of pictures here, I have no idea how to post them. http://www.edenpurestore.com/ Here is a site with customer reviews: http://www.infomercialratings.com/product/..._heater_reviews
  8. I have a quartz tower heater I used for a while that was good too, but be advised: The amount of heat you get for your dollar with ANY electric heater is much less than with gas. Space heater's only save money if you shut off the furnace, let your house freeze, and heat only the room you are in.
  9. That's why I put up this post: most people are not suspicious enough. The web search I did turned up literally thousands of angry posts about being ripped off. These guys have scammed a ton of people.
  10. Dude..... next time you fly, slip the air sick bags into your brief case. They are great for election years.
  11. Well, if it is true that psychics can see major events of the future with even low accuracy, it follows that we (for the most part) simply follow the path laid out before us while having some degree of freedom as to minor deviations in our general progress.So, getting nervous won't help..... just go with the flow.
  12. I thought he sounded great. I was kicking myself because I forgot to VCR tape the music so I could clean up the songs and make MP3 tracks for my IPOD. Not that I would ever record transmitted music and replay it in a form which is not identical to the original..... because that would be both illegal and wrong.
  13. You may have seen the full page ads in your newspapers about the "Paul Harvey Recommended" new magic heaters made by Edenpure.... they claim they are so much more efficient, they don't dry the air, they magically warm all parts of the room, save you 50% in energy costs, yadda, yadda, yadda...... and they charge about $500 for these suckers. They are 750W/1500W space heaters which use a quartz infra-red emitting bulb that shines on copper tubes with a little fan blowing air through the tubes. Well, I have a couple of engineering degrees and knew immediately it was bogus: watts are the same no matter how you generate them and 750W (even 1500W) will not quickly or even adequately heat the average room. And the fact that they shine the light on a tube and then blow air through it doesn't change the actual heat being put into the space. But, I was surprised when I did a web search...... surprised at how awful this company is. I expected to find some whining about how it didn't really heat very well and how overpriced it was. I found that and a ton of complaints about how the units went belly up after a few weeks and then took months to get fixed. Stay away from these clowns..... they are not your garden variety thieves, they are genuine scam artists. I expect the lawsuits from various state's attorney generals to be filed in short order.
  14. I never thought of that: I assumed that any player could play a full season barring injury.
  15. Rats, when I saw the thread title I thought it was going to be like one of those "letters to penthouse" things. Oh, well. Nice gun.
  16. I assume she would not need to win the lottery if she had a dollar for everytime somebody asked her that.... I don't know, but the psychics say it can't be controlled that way. The point is: she made these predictions publicly, so she sets herself up for ridicule if they are wrong. And, in both cases, she chose the eprson who was the clear underdog at the time. Time will tell if she is right again.
  17. For what it's worth, on a recent Montel Williams show the psychic Sylvia Browne made a prediction about this year's election: she said it was going to be Obama as our next president. She said that he and Hillary would be fighting it out for a while, but by next summer, Hillary would be history. She also said he would win the election. She didn't predict who would be the GOP nomination. Some interesting points: 1) She made the rpediction about a month ago when Hillary was still WAYYY out front and looked like a slam dunk. 2) Back in 2004, Sylvia predicted Kerry would get the nomination when Dean was WAYYY out front and appeared to be the one who would get nominated. 3) In 2004 she also accurately predicted Kerry would lose. It will be inetersting to see if she gets it right again this time.
  18. Most of my custom tools are fabricated from popsicle sticks..... not nearly as cool as yours.
  19. The argument I hear is that if dropped on the hammer spur, the hammer can break and still impact the round and the "safety block" is specifically intended to stop this. Chances of that happening are pretty remote.
  20. It doesn't change the trigger pull. I take them out of my comp revos because they rattle. I leave it in my defense pistol.
  21. Did everybody see that unbelievable catch of the "hail Mary" 50 yard pass that Eli threw on fourth down in the final scoring drive? He caught it in one hand and trapped the ball agianst his helmet then brought it down under control. I would have thought that image of him with the ball held against his head would gain new immortality as "the catch" did for the 49er's.
  22. No kidding. How can you be humble in that family? But what a shadow to have to try to live up to.... Eli showed no signs of the pressure which amazed me more than anything else. Brady and the Pats did, I think the pressure of going undefeated ate them alive.
  23. Let me stand in line next to Homie and say "congrats" to the NY Giants. They did a great job of punishing the Pats O line. They won that battle early in the game and never let Bardy have any peace. Brady looks to me like one of those supposedly "great" QB's who sparkle as long as they are not pressured, and fall apart when they are. Kind of reminds me of Jim Plunkett in that regard.
  24. The upside is, it was a very exciting game and the Pats didn't really choke the game: they just got beat. The NY defense controlled the line all night long. The Pats could not run consistently and Brady did not have enough time in the pocket to set up any long outside pass patterns. They did work the short routes, but at the end of the day that wasn't enough. And Manning was a very cool performer when the heat was on. Gotta give him credit. I said all along the Pats looked very beatable. Toward the end of the season they were almost losing to teams that were SUPPOSED to be nowhere near them.... and they did not look 100% in any of their playoff games. The Giants played the best ball BY FAR in the months leading up to the bowl and they played the best last night.
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