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Everything posted by bountyhunter

  1. That's OK, I can live with it....
  2. Check the front of the striker for "impact damage" from hitting the firing pin safety plunger. Sounds like maybe it is not getting it far enough or something is amiss there. If the gun is stock, try a new trigger bar. They only cost maybe $14. Also, check the safety plunger as well.
  3. I was avoiding pointing that out..... so I will thank you for doing it. Way back in about 1966, ABC ran a goofy show called "Land of the Giants" where a space ship landed on a distant planet where everybody was really big..... so each week they ran around next to giant props while pretending some huge guy was about to step on them. I'll never forget the first time my dad walked in and sat down while we were watching the show. He looked at the "little" guys running around and said: "That looks like a Texan with all the hot air let out of him."
  4. Maybe, but I doubt it. The 49'ers dominated for a while and nobody really hated them the way people hate the Cowboys. Jerry Jones just had a knack for making people hate him...... kind of like the Steinbrenner of football. Some info on Jones:
  5. I believe that could happen if you don't use snap caps. The tang on the end of the striker is very thin and could eventually get a crack along it from the impact vibration of hitting the slide face. Every time I see that striker design I cringe..... I am betting they took the mechanical engineer out for beers while some fool from marketing drew that one up.
  6. The only spring dry firing might beat up is the "damper" soring on the front of the striker that gets collapsed when the striker flies forward. Still, I would doubt you could hurt it in your lifetime. Even if it failed, it would not jam the gun.
  7. Another Glock jammed from an abused slide stop spring? Wow.... thats the second one this week. Seriously, how can dry firing affect the slide stop spring? That really is ridiculous. If you cycle the slide with no mag, the slide stop stays where it is and never moves at all. The only time it moves is when the follower in the mag pushes it up about 1/16" after the last round is fired.
  8. Beauty fades, but dumb is forever. Judge Judy
  9. Did you hear how he violated? He had strict instructions not to contact the other defendants.... so they couldn't cook up a story..... so he calls one of them and says it's "Miguel" and proceeds to start talking t6o the guy about what the OTHER defendant has been saying to the cops... and is so forking stupid he doesn't realize they are tapping his phone and would know his voice anyway. The guy is setting new records for stupidity.
  10. I like it when the Cowboys lose.... even sweeter when they are monster favorites, playing at home, have a great record.... and they choked it big time. Maybe it's mean, but I just can't stand the franchise. Long tradition of arrogance from the top down.
  11. Yep, my Italian Greyhound has a black belt in napping too.
  12. Most of the newer recoil springs are "progressive" in that the spring constant is not uniform. If you snip a progressive spring from the end, you don't make it linearly softer, but you do change the way it works. If it's a linear spring, here is the "secret": To reduce the spring force by 10% you do NOT NOT NOT shorten the spring by 10% of it's total free length. You measure the LENGTH OF COMPRESSION and reduce the free length by about 10% of that. In other words, if you have a spring that is 6" long (free length) and is compressed down to 3" in use, that means it is being compressed 3". You will reduce the spring's compressed force by about 10% if you snip about (10% x 3) = 0.3" off of it.
  13. When I had located the end of the "bulge", I used the tip of an X-acto blade and sort of "spun and dug" to get down to the head of the steel pin so I knew where it was exactly. Then, I sort of worked the hole out until the head of the pin was exposed enough to use the small punch. Then, I laid the trigger over a wood fixture with a hole in it (to allow the pin to drop into) and tapped it out . Where did you move your trigger to? I bent that one tab forward, and I don't understand where I should put the trigger at? Do you mean where to relocate the trigger pin hole? That's covered in the thread here about the Glock trigger job. You move it a little up and back, and shorten the top of the trigger bar accordingly. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=52311
  14. Browning HI Power is the one gun that is tailored to small hands. It has a narrow grip and a short trigger reach. Some PD's allow their femals to carry it because it fits small hands better.Another possibility is a .22 revolver since most revos have narrow grips and short triggers, and if cocked first the trigger pull is easy.
  15. get a box of cheese crackers and dip them into peanut butter and tell me you are not in heaven....
  16. I wish I hated it.... it's loaded with fat and calories but I love it.
  17. When I had located the end of the "bulge", I used the tip of an X-acto blade and sort of "spun and dug" to get down to the head of the steel pin so I knew where it was exactly. Then, I sort of worked the hole out until the head of the pin was exposed enough to use the small punch. Then, I laid the trigger over a wood fixture with a hole in it (to allow the pin to drop into) and tapped it out .
  18. The central Sacramento valley is notorious for fog, and the stretch of !-5 coming down has a particular zone that has massive pile ups every year. People always get killed, one year a truck plowed into some cars and ignited them and burned so hot it melted the roadway for a pretty good chunk. I always see those interstate trucks flying along at 75 on some poor guys bumper and I just want to take a tire iron to them.
  19. Apparrently, the OSU defense got on the wrong bus because they sure as hell never showed up for the game. I've never seen so much wimpy tackling and so many blown coverages.
  20. If the barrel is shooting the ammo you need to feed it, then it's OK as is. If it's jamming from being too tight, open it up. I bought aftermarket 9mm barrels to drop into all my 40's so I could shoot cheap 9mm reload ammo..... and every one of the barrels routinely choked on the ammo because 9mm is a tapered case and the reloader (I won't metion Miwall because that would be mean) sizes the case using a single diameter tool. In other words, the "bulge" 1/3 of the way up the case is still smaller than the maximum allowable diameter at the end with the rim, but it's too wide for the barrel since it should be tapered in. I reamed all mine until they would chamber the ammo I was shooting. If you don't have a ream, a pretty good tool is a drill shank (the smooth end of a drill bit) with a strip of sandpaper taped around it. If you size it to be just snug and turn it by hand, you will get a nice, even radius. You'll also spend a couple of hours doing it.
  21. Sorry. The official rules of hydroplane racing are: If it can't go fast enough to get airborne, flip over and kill the driver... It isn't entertaining enough to allow in the race.
  22. No, I kill my birds one at a time. I don't have a torch, and my panavise has plastic jaws. So, I dial the trigger spring in by adjusting the spring and take up the pretravel by adding a small pad in front of the trigger bar. I always prefer changing one thing at a time.
  23. Yep, that's what I keep hearing... but, I am known as the Spring Whisperer. I haven't broken any yet and I clip and bend them shamelessly.
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